sweatingbullets ago

Fuck off. the left will always use race and political affiliations against the right. If a shooting happens and the shooter had, in the past, said one positive thing about Trump, the headline will be "Trump supporter goes on a racist rampage". Oh he was republican? "alt-right wing neo-nazi Trump supporter slaughters innocent victims". White guy shoots someone? "This is what's wrong with white people", Hispanic you say? nope. "white guy, jesus meguel rivera navara padilla gonzales, goes on killing spree". so what happens if it's a middle eastern sand nigger goat fucker who kills 50 people? "asian man did something", black dude you ask? "disenfranchised person, no description available, did something". A cop killed a criminal nigger? "racist, Trump loving cop executes an innocent young man who was on his way to church to give out puppies to poor disabled kids". nigger kills a nigger? crickets, fucking crickets. niggers kill niggers every fucking day and i don't see people protesting that shit. I don't see MSM hyping the shit out of that, hell, they don't even talk about it. so get the fuck out of here with this keep left vs right out of it until we have facts. the left have no use for facts. the facts we do know, he was a taco nigger, antifa activist. scream that shit loud and proud cause by the time MSM is done with this he'll be a white, christian, 2nd amendment activist, Trump supporter targeting dreamers and blacks because Trump secretly asked him to.

VeryOffended ago

I wrote that we all know what the left will do. You are the reason the radical left exits and are no better.

wgtt911 ago

Fake is everyone knew he was capable of this and was no surprised it happened... mental health issues...

DeathtoPosers ago

I view it as as betting on the outcome of an event.

VeryOffended ago

Same. What's your view on the outcome?

DeathtoPosers ago

Honestly I missed the new shooting, but I never just assume a white guy did it. Sure, sometimes it happens, but if it's not a Muslim, it's probably a Mexican doing the shooting. After that I assume it's some nutjob on antidepressants.

VeryOffended ago

I assume a false flag or nutjob. I hope the nutjob isn't white if it isn't a false flag bc I know how it can be spun to masses even if it will be spun within small communities otherwise.

Schreiber ago

Wtf are you smoking?

Right vs left is a battle between good vs evil.

It doesn't matter how, victory must be achieved at all cost. If tribalism and shit can be used, it will be used. If millions of lefties has got to die, then they have to die.

Only the authoritarian right can right what is wrong.

VeryOffended ago

I agree to a certain extent. However, we have no information. The spelling of the shooter's name has been changed. Photos that have not been verified and clearly differ from other photos have been upvoated into oblivion (at least in voat terms) Is it a false flag? Idk. Is it a DACA recipient? Idk. Is it just a mentally unstable person? Probably, or most definitely, but still, idk. Add the potentially fake account showing a MAGA hat. Idk.

If it's truly a right vs left/or right vs wrong matter we should have arguments and not assumptions. I seeing assumptions being upvoated, and those assumptions make any valid arguments we have as whole communities seem like jokes. We make fun of/invalidate the other side for the same thing.

Schreiber ago

It's something you can't avoid.

Fake news get so much upvoats all the time as long as it follows the voat narrative. It's the same like in every other sites.

Can't even solve the vote bots problem. Any reddit clone will also have the reddit bot clone.

VeryOffended ago

Thanks. Disconcerting with a smaller community, but reminders are still needed.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Reminders are good, but in smaller communities like this the "differently-cognitive" and leftist "shills" are going to stand out more. Even I kind of took that "this is why we need to take guns away from white people" headline as valid until someone linked to the actual site. That IS how many of them think, but its not helpful to make up fake evidence.

Schreiber ago

Agreed. I always upvoat these kind of reminders every time I see one.