RustyEquipment ago

Niffty, did not know that.

ilovepussy ago

Where do you even get this shit? Some dude posted it, so it must be true. Atko, the original dev, never confirmed nor denied the original accusation, and @puttitout has never indicated his preference.

Regardless, who fucking cares? They way the site is run is the important aspect. I know that Atko came from Bosnia, and moved to Sweden, then Switzerland. Not sure where @puttitout is now, but I believe he is Bosnian as well. As far as their religious beliefs, that's their business, and as long as they don't actively try and recruit me, then more power to them.

RustyEquipment ago

i literally screencapped it from reddit. I dont have an account there so i saw it... laughed and posted here... I dont know Voat history like i know the ins and outs... of my asshole, but still thought it was worth posting for a laugh.

ReverantRevenant ago

WTF is a subvoat?

I love when ignorant people talk about shit they have no experience with. I get a sense of schadenfreude out of it.

RustyEquipment ago

i just become more NAZI style... eventually full blown aids... i mean nazi... full blown nazi...