ChristopherMarlowe ago

Don't go to Zerohedge because there are ads running on the site? Give me a break. ZH is probably THE best source of news on the internet, and the comments are uncensored. Anyone looking for TRUTH is going to be sadly disappointed in MSM sites, and it is rare to find a comments section that is not (((censored))). And ZH is being criticized for being "right wing" and "alt right"? Give me a break. People better wake up to the false dichotomy their heads are stuck in. Either something is TRUE or it is FALSE. Pigeon holing something into "right" or "left" does not affect its truth.

shmuklidooha ago

It's not about there being ads, that's fine. It's about there being 90+ trackers installed on it.

Narow_Foe_Minsk ago


Shit plugin, developer caved in to the kikes and allows "white-listed" ad providers to bypass it. Same thing with AdBlock Plus. Use NoScript, Ublock Origin (easy) or Ublock Matrix (experienced), RequestPolicy, and Better Privacy. Those combined will block all scripts, ads, third-party requests and cookies that you don't want running.

shmuklidooha ago

Yeah I notced that and removed the whitelist setting. For adblock I used AdNauseam.

Pessimist ago

I have never noticed any problems with it.

fakebabitz ago

With the advent of distributed bitmining through browsers, all people should run no-script, grease monkey or something similar.

PrettyBigDouche ago

Thanks, ZeroHedge is off the table now.

walterhartman ago

If Ivoat added one javascript monero miner that didn't take up much processor speed. I would allow let it run.

NeoGoat ago

Thank you!

Spaceballs-1 ago

What? Of all the people who are out there, I was sure that I could trust "Tyler Durden".

shmuklidooha ago

Yeah, I know. It's just got some fairly outlandish headlines so it gets upvoted quite a bit here on Voat.

TheSeer ago

It has been common knowledge for some time that you have to use prodigious amounts of Ad and Flash blockers to use ZH. But it is also fairly common knowledge that the web site changed ownership in the last 12 months (the previous owners probably owned it for about 3-5 years, so that is two new owners in the last 7 years, since ZH became popular as a source of truth and home of uncensored comments).

shmuklidooha ago

ZH is good in the sense that it covers a lot of topics that the MSM won't and leave the comments available. However it is very exaggerated and misleading in its headlines.

tholinz ago

Zerohedge is nothing but a bunch of histrionic bullshit.

tendiesonfloor ago

It's a CIA disinformation site used to catalog members of the 'alt-right', actually.

Shilly_Mc_Shillface ago

Yes and that is why I pull up their site when borrowing conservative friends phones or computers.