eagleshigh ago

Fucking kikes man. I didn't even start v niggers. Jewish Neocon did.

freshmeat ago

You saying oyu had nothing to do with nuling it and turning the CCS into jewish scat porn?

I'm pretty sure it was you I was tlaking to during that incident, and you complained about it "not working out on Voat" with the implication you were having a difficult time subverting us. My memory serves me well, I'd say.

eagleshigh ago

Your memory is wrong.

Antiracist10 ago

How's Nagel, goy?

@bojangles @sarmegahhikkitha

ExpertShitposter ago

Larping as..


Grifter42 ago

Fuck you, Putt IS a sell out. ExpertShitposter fuckin' gloated about it.


You people are a bunch of lying snakes.

ExpertShitposter ago

All i know is that @freshmeat is a crypto-jihadi and his contributions to voat is nigger rap he posts all the time.

Also @9-11 is a crypto-pagan.

Grifter42 ago

And all I know is that you fuckin' admitted to buying out Putt.


"[–] ExpertShitposter 0 points (+0|-0) 15 hours ago (edited 15 hours ago) Not much. We are like an octopus, we have other means of applying pressure to select individuals. Especially isolated ones like putt with no political power IRL. permalink parent"

ExpertShitposter ago

Putt has the right to make money. What are you a communist?

Grifter42 ago

You disingenious fuck, you know what you said.

You're wrong though. You're not like an octopus. You're more like a cancer.

ExpertShitposter ago

Right... Well, you are being watched. Thread carefully.

Fd-up ago

rofl, fuck off sbbh protectvoat faggots

Rotteuxx ago

Thx for intelligently distributing m8 !

Fd-up ago

its just easier to watch you dig yourself deeper, I dont argue with you anymore. No need.

Rotteuxx ago

You've never tried to argue with me, all you do is throw insults around like a juvenile edgelord.

Fd-up ago

you have no idea fuck face

Rotteuxx ago

Exactly, see how futile & useless your edgineds is ?

antiracist ago

nigga wut

incellivision ago

@freshmeat is a fucking loser!

Rotteuxx ago

See how fast the downvoats come back to back ?

freshmeat ago

nice SRS profile you got there

clamhurt_legbeard ago

You're already SRS and you're not actually a Christian or conservative, so that answers the question already.

Rotteuxx ago

I replied & you redirected dumbass. Wrong thread

Rotteuxx ago

Laaaaaaaarp !

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I asked Sar why he got removed as a mod

His freshmeat alt shut imy post down

freshmeat ago

Because you were already proven to be wrong and I told you no spamming the same thing over and over. And sar was never removed, he left on his own.

And after you were proven to be wrong, we found out your friend Gabara is named after a holy city in Israel where jews martyred themselves.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

we found out your friend Gabara is named after a holy city in Israel

Gee you better tell literally the entire internet they're wrong.

gabara ago

What happened to your claims that it's cowardly to talk about people without pinging them?

freshmeat ago

i knew you would see it anyways

gabara ago

They why do you complain when people talk about you? You are kind of being a hypocrite.

freshmeat ago

I don't think ive ever said that

gabara ago

Oh, okay. Then I've never done any of the crazy things you accuse me of. I just have fun spinning you in circles.

freshmeat ago

you're high on paint fumes if you think you phase me, talmud boy.

gabara ago

I own you. You only get to do what I allow.

freshmeat ago

You are just a third-string fuck boy for satanist jews and will be cannon fodder when real shit goes down.

gabara ago

That may be true, but unlike you I'm not locked up in an insane asylum.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Of course you use Wikipedia, known SJW stronghold.

Personally I prefer Infogalactic.

And yet even your own precious Wikipedia links to Godzilla, Minilla, and Gabara: All Monsters Attack.

Keep stretching.

freshmeat ago

I'm sure it's just a Cohencidence

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Well considering there are 10,000 images of a Godzilla character named Gabara, it sounds pretty open and shut.

But what else might SarMegahhikkitha mean? That's a pretty interesting word....

So I searched the internet. I see you guys shilling on AboveTopSecret.com. Two year old account, but only posting now? Where have I seen this before?

This same guy uses his 5 minutes of acquired Hebrew knowledge to repost the same lies over and over again. How about spending that time learning more Hebrew, or some works of mussar?

I bet he is fluent in Hebrew.

freshmeat ago

Well considering there are 10,000 images of a Godzilla character named Gabara, it sounds pretty open and shut.

There is also a holy city in Israel named Gabara, just sayin

But what else might SarMegahhikkitha mean? That's a pretty interesting word....

It's a bible verse, written in hebrew.

So I searched the internet. I see you guys shilling on AboveTopSecret.com. Two year old account, but only posting now? Where have I seen this before?

Never seen that site, I dunno if you are aware of this but Sar and I aren't the same individual.

I bet he is fluent in Hebrew.

There are a lot of Christian pastors who have learned Hebrew. A lot of these Christians are very avidly antisemitic.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Hahaha, how was I proven wrong when I never posted it before?

You gonna add that to your massive flop of a "MEGATHREAD"?

Still waiting on the last three things you said you were going to prove.... but not holding my breath!

freshmeat ago

Hahaha, how was I proven wrong when I never posted it before?

I'm sure non of the anon spam was you

You gonna add that to your massive flop of a "MEGATHREAD"?

You are irrelevant to any megathread

Still waiting on the last three things you said you were going to prove.... but not holding my breath!

Don't worry, when it goes up you will be asleep, so it can actually get visibility instead of downvote brigades like the top post in my sub currently.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Is your friend صار مجاهيكثا aka SarMegahhikkitha gonna help out?

I encourage all users to independently go to translate.google.com and verify our claims about Sar and freshmeat being mujahideen!

freshmeat ago

I encourage all users to independently go to translate.google.com and verify our claims about Sar and freshmeat being mujahideen!

I do too because you are hoping people are too lazy to do it and find out you are wrong. In order to get that meaning you have to change Megahhikkitha to Majahakita which is a different language entirely.

But by all means keep hoping Voaters are as stupid as you are

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Just copy paste Sar Megahhikkitha and it autodetects Arabic language and translates it to he became a mujahideen

Try it yourself, guys!

freshmeat ago

It changes it to a different word. You are banking on people being lazy

clamhurt_legbeard ago

It changes it to a different word.

Yeah! That's what translation is!

freshmeat ago

a translation of a different word

freshmeat ago

I didn't want to bring up old beef but let's do it. @EaglesHigh sup you Scat loving heeb

freshmeat ago

You literally just described yourself and /v/SoapBoxBanHammer

They have a number of SJW infiltrator users in their group, including @antiracist who took over v/Niggers.

A jew started that subverse aka EaglesHigh

beece ago

Does anyone outside of these 3 know what's going on here? Please explain. Slowly, I'm dense.

Grifter42 ago

SBBH is attacking people who realized what a bunch of fuckin' scumbags they are.

They're a bunch of projecting faggots who admitting to buying out Putt.


freshmeat ago

We made a sub to document witch-hunts, manipulation, and harassment on Voat, coincidentallyan example is this post we are in right now.

The OP of this post is a divide and conquer shill (whom we havent even posted about in our sub) and wants to control Voat and what users should think and is literally accusing us of what he is guilty of. He is an obnoxious reddit troll and wants to discredit our sub, but if you go look at it we are doing the exact opposite of what they claim. So I guess any publicity is good publicity.

Rotteuxx ago

RPV leads character attacks against long time contributing Voaters, calling us SRS & larpers because we love & care about this place.

New form of @Sanegoatiswear attacks lead by @Freshmeat, admitedly @Mightyyetgentle.

So fags with alts & disposable accounts attacking old accounts pretty much.

Grifter42 ago

Fuck you.

People are waking up to your fuckin' bullshit.

Or am I a fuckin' disposable account? No.

You just use rules for radicals to manipulate people, and your leader admitted to buying out Putt.


Rotteuxx ago

@Expertshitposter is our leader ?

Then why the fuck have I been white knighting for @Trigglypuff all this time ?

Shit, @Kevdude is gonna be pissed at Expie for this silent mutiny ! Why am I always the last to know these things, ffs !

Funny how you're familiar with a Jewish communist writer, is that who you look up to when you try to figure out how to best shill on Voat ?

Grifter42 ago

Way to deflect.

You didn't address what Expert said at all.

And I'm familiar with rules for radicals because that's what you fucking shills have been using for the last couple years.

8chan calls you faggots out for the scum you are. But you stay here, because you can't make it on 8chan. You can't take over the website by making a scapegoat, because everyone's anonymous.

Rotteuxx ago

Who the fuck cares about "making it" on 8chan, lol

What a fucking beta loser you must be irl

Grifter42 ago

Whatever, you fuckin' JIDF cancer cell.


"[–] ExpertShitposter 0 points (+0|-0) 15 hours ago (edited 15 hours ago) Not much. We are like an octopus, we have other means of applying pressure to select individuals. Especially isolated ones like putt with no political power IRL. permalink parent"

freshmeat ago

RPV leads character attacks against long time contributing Voaters

Shitposting and reposting at high frequency being a contributing Voater is debatable.

calling us SRS & larpers because we love & care about this place.

You care about this place for different reasons than the honest and genuine users and lurkers.

So fags with alts & disposable accounts attacking old accounts pretty much.

Not only is that something we specifically do not do, there is not even a single post that would shed light on that conspiracy. There are a lot of old accounts that have stop having to contain their true SJW nature and only recently have dropped the veil and have gone full on shill. We point out manipulation because not only do we actually care about this place, we care about the innocent users in the cross-hairs of folks like you and your SRS group.

Rotteuxx ago

Shitposting and reposting at high frequency being a contributing Voater is debatable.

So how much OC have you contributed compared to me ?

How about offering your time & a product to sell as merchandise, at cost, to Puttsy ?

Nope, nothing of the sort, just shilling and character attacks. Is that a link you're asking for ? Tell you what, when you reply to all my previous requests for proof of your bullshit claims, i'll gladly answer in kind.

freshmeat ago

So how much OC have you contributed compared to me ?

Quite a lot spread out throughout a dozen accounts that now has CCP restrictions due to open and admitted brigading by a few subs you frequent often. During the elections i was uploading OC from Trump rallies I was at and a lot of fire arm OC. I would and still could contribute a lot of OC i think would go right up Voa's alley but after seeing SRS operate so freely here, we have to solve that problem before we can worry about good content. Other wise we ignore a elephant in the room.

How about offering your time & a product to sell as merchandise, at cost, to Puttsy ?

If he offered to help me a single time with many of the times that showed the weakness of Voat as a platform, then I would love to. I'd even use my sub to drive bitcoin donations for him. But there is way way too much history to ignore and no positive changes have been made. All the "upgrades" to the site are behind the scenes and don't affect the actual interactions on voat among users any better, it's actually made it worse.

Nope, nothing of the sort, just shilling and character attacks. Is that a link you're asking for ? Tell you what, when you reply to all my previous requests for proof of your bullshit claims, i'll gladly answer in kind.

Hmm what was your request? It's been lost in all your other spam pings you keep making to me.

Rotteuxx ago

Quite a lot spread out throughout a dozen accounts that now has CCP restrictions due to open and admitted brigading by a few subs you frequent often.

Which accounts are those so you can for prove they are yours and 2, so we can see all that OC you claim to have posted ?

So you're saying that right now you unwilling to contribute to Voat with OC because you have an issue with the userbase ?

If he offered to help me a single time with many of the times that showed the weakness of Voat as a platform, then I would love to.

Check your syntax... something is missing for this to make sense. Because right now what i'm getting is "Puttsy butthurt me by ignoring my offers and now i'm pissed"... fuck, you are @Sanegoatiswear aren't you ?

All the "upgrades" to the site are behind the scenes and don't affect the actual interactions on voat among users any better, it's actually made it worse.

So you're saying cutting down the operating costs should not have been a priority & you would rather see superficial changes ?

Inb4 you cry CCP restrictions, you know full well it's the next thing to be addressed & Puttsy has openly said it's an imperfect spam control measure from "the old days" that's overdue for a revamp.

When i have time, i'll make a list of everytime you ignored a request for proof or omitted to present corroborating fact, but only if you take an engagement to respond to everything that will be presented. What say you ?

BTW, comment mentions don't go in the same inbox as comment replies, you can't use that as an excuse. You still haven't asked me never to ping you again but still cry about it.

freshmeat ago

Which accounts are those so you can for prove they are yours and 2, so we can see all that OC you claim to have posted ?

I'm sure you can figure it out on your own.

So you're saying that right now you unwilling to contribute to Voat with OC because you have an issue with the userbase ?

The userbase always seem to like my posts before SBBH figures out it's me. I wouldn't be here if i didn't know there were some awesome users out there.

Check your syntax... something is missing for this to make sense. Because right now what i'm getting is "Puttsy butthurt me by ignoring my offers and now i'm pissed"... fuck, you are @Sanegoatiswear aren't you ?

I simply stated I have had issues that should incite some professional concern coming from the dev team about how their platform enables a lot of manipulation, and now we are at the point where I believe they tweak their platform specifically for it to be exploited by SRS. So I'm not going to help them in any ways when it's obvious they don't give a shit other than pretending everything is okay and having a small loyal base of bitcoin donaters i.e. Hecho. Not to mention he publicly called me sanegoat when he knows damn well I'm not.

So you're saying cutting down the operating costs should not have been a priority & you would rather see superficial changes ?

This is a whole can of worms im not even opening right now.

Inb4 you cry CCP restrictions, you know full well it's the next thing to be addressed & Puttsy has openly said it's an imperfect spam control measure from "the old days" that's overdue for a revamp.

Yeah ill believe that bullshit when I see it.

When i have time, i'll make a list of everytime you ignored a request for proof or omitted to present corroborating fact, but only if you take an engagement to respond to everything that will be presented. What say you ?

I'd prefer it if you fucked up but yes you may.

BTW, comment mentions don't go in the same inbox as comment replies, you can't use that as an excuse. You still haven't asked me never to ping you again but still cry about it.

Go suck on an exhaust pipe you stupid fuck

Rotteuxx ago

I'm sure you can figure it out on your own.

No, list your alts that supposedly contributed OC or it's clearly another bullshit claim.

The userbase always seem to like my posts before SBBH figures out it's me. I wouldn't be here if i didn't know there were some awesome users out there.

What are you saying here, that SBBH users are more plentiful that "regular" users OR that regular users follow SBBH trends ?

So I'm not going to help them in any ways when it's obvious they don't give a shit other than pretending everything is okay and having a small loyal base of bitcoin donaters

So you don't care about helping Voat because Puttsy is pro SRS but yet you claim to be fighting SRS on Voat... hmm... you don't choose your battles too well don't you then ?

But don't you find it funny that @Sanegoatiswear made the exact same claims as you & was also butthurt like you about the admins not needing what you offered. Life & coincidences, huh ;)

This is a whole can of worms im not even opening right now.

What makes it a can of worms to stay away from ?

I'd prefer it if you fucked up but yes you may.

You haven't taken an engagement to duly reply to all as asked. Won't you ?

Go suck on an exhaust pipe you stupid fuck

I thought only kike trannies like you did that for practice before burning coal :p

Rotteuxx ago

Again a reply that has nothing to do with the subject at hand, you're a pro at this !

Rudolf_Hoss ago

More SRS brigading. You can't do anything on this site without some ProtectVoat cunt making a post about you.

freshmeat ago

There is no brigading, we made it very clear we are against that. It's literally the reason it was created to oppose PV. ProtectVoat is commonly known to brigade any user they are witch hunting, including many of my now inactive accounts.

What is interesting is a neutral post pointing out Voat manipulation is hit with that many downvotes with only the same shills like you and clambear in there commenting opposed to it.

That's and awful low of downvotes on a post dedicated to awareness of malicious Voat behavior. Almost like someone is desperate it doesn't get much attention :^)

Rotteuxx ago

Bull fucking shit.

You openly admitted to choosing to leave a brigade post from @SarMegahhikkitha because it had git the front page.

Stop stumbling in your lies.

freshmeat ago

Which spectacularly backfired but was also very useful. That post was showing a user BTFO a shill and after that post went up, the shill got brigaded with upvotes while the poor guy we linked to got hit with downvotes. We changed sub policies over that single post because rPV will not be used for brigading, especially by SRS.

Rotteuxx ago

Only a high school faggot would seriously claim that this is getting btfo :


How come your RPV buddies were so fast to jump on that post ? Almost like clockwork there was a reply & then a post about it... hmmm, makes one wonder. How do false flags work again ?

We changed sub policies over that single post

It's not up to mods to decide if brigading is o.k. you dumb fuck, it's against Voats most basic rules.

freshmeat ago

Only a high school faggot would seriously claim that this is getting btfo :

That's an archive after SBBH brigaded it.

How come your RPV buddies were so fast to jump on that post ? Almost like clockwork there was a reply & then a post about it... hmmm, makes one wonder. How do false flags work again ?

We browse voat too.

It's not up to mods to decide if brigading is o.k. you dumb fuck, it's against Voats most basic rules.

Ask PeaceSeeker what constitutes brigading. If a community organically votes on a post, even if it's against a particular user or shill, it is not considered brigading. If you call that brigading then you would have to say the exact same thing about Kevdude's subs and your ROTR sub. Like I said, all post will be archived from now on since you SRS freaks are waiting to use one of our posts to harm the site.

Rotteuxx ago

since you SRS freaks are waiting to use one of our posts to harm the site.

You mean like you OG reddit SRS Discord fags have been trying to do to users on RPV ?

freshmeat ago

We are strictly Pro-Voaters, Anti-SRS.

Rotteuxx ago

Then why do you organize off-site if you're strictly pro-voaters ?

freshmeat ago

because https://voat.co/chat/whatever was shut down after too many users began focusing on issues with Voat and commnicating in real time. They had to spam it and shut it down to prevent genuine criticism of Voat.

Anyone is welcome to join the Voat discord

Rotteuxx ago

Anyone is welcome to join the Voat discord

And get your IP logged by the mods

freshmeat ago

this old myth again?

Actually you should keep saying that because it makes you look absolutely clueless and makes it clear you are lying and fear-mongering.

Rotteuxx ago

So you're saying a Discord channel operator doesn't see IPs ?

Crensch ago

It's not even about that - Discord DEVS have shown they will interfere and SJW-style remove shit, which means *there is also the possibility that they will divulge your IP and any other info they get to the punch-nazis crowd.

freshmeat ago

They shut down a single server (the server that charolettesville WN rally coordinated in) because it caused media backlash. There was 22k users in that chatroom. Discord has over 50 million users.

freshmeat ago

Are you a fucking retard who never has used discord? JK rhetorical question

Rotteuxx ago

You didn't answer the question...

again !