1madmanamongmany ago

The same repost of sources. Me gusta.

22jam22 ago

I started the red pill against jews with this.. I jokingly said jews suck the blood out of babies penis and said just kidding.. Then said no that sounds like a joke but Google it yourself.. Some people looked and were fucking shocked that it's actualy true.

Buzzzard ago

Pedophilia is rampant in jewish yeshivas. It is rampant in orthodox jewish communities. Jews are taught not to report any of this to the goyim, or else they will become a moser (which is a very bad thing).

A drop of the baby's blood is put in a cup of wine and the wine is passed around among all the men, so all of them can participate in the blood ritual. True dat.

1madmanamongmany ago

Yeshivas, I have never heard of those. Is there anything else you know about them?

massiveprivilege ago

Kikes are so crafty they literally convinced entire nation not only to mutilate their babies dicks but to passionately defend their right to do it. Its fucking insane.


dooob ago


3TrillionPotatoes ago

Don't forget they're also giving babies herpes through this "traditional" practice.


FuggBenis ago

Daily reminder that they most likely need this because of their failing genetics. They are a dead race.