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kneo24 ago

I wonder what pisses them off more. The constant use of words like nigger and kike? Or is it the actual red pilling content?

weezkitty ago

Definitely red pills. Truth is the enemy of how they operate

PaulBSmith ago

Red pill is a term commonly used among the alt-right to describe their spread of misinformation across social media. It always tickles me to hear how the alt-right appropriated a term used by a black man in a movie written by two trans women. Trust me, we're concerned about the falsehoods spread on social media. Justin Chastain, we're watching you.

CrudOMatic ago

Hey guise, niggers invented the concept of revealing hidden truths, the rabbit hole, black leather, guns, pills, and the color red. Everyone - they worship niggers and trannies like I do.

Or it could be that the Matrix is still a pop-culture phenomenon, and using analogies from it come in handy? Nah, we secretly worship niggers and mental case degenerates.

KEKjudo ago

You’re such a poor lost soul.

RumpRangerRick ago

I bet you let other men fuck your wife.

Dismal_Swamp ago

We use the term red-pill because the veil has been lifted and we seek not the material death grip of the Demiurge. The Archons will continue to use us as a reincarnating energy source until we find gnosis and return to the Pleroma. Voat users are the modern day Cathars. A small group of people who understand the true nature of man and are chastised for it by the ignorant masses of slaves to the Demiurge. We understand that we are in hell, the material world, ((someone’s)) imperfect exegesis of heaven. Those who go against us are doomed to repeat this for eternity.

Warnos44 ago

Never heard any of this before, resources for further enlightenment?

WilliamCutting ago

Not sure of everything but its mostly Gnosticism he is referencing.

Grifter42 ago

@ExpertShitposter, you're not fooling anyone.

ExpertShitposter ago

Fuk off freshmeat.

Grifter42 ago

Shut the fuck up.

If the truth came out about your group of toadies and sellouts, you and yours would be the most hated group of people on Voat, until you'd go under cover again.

You're nothing but a Reddit ShareBlue member masquerading as one of us.

So, how much did it cost to buy Putt?

ExpertShitposter ago

Not much. We are like an octopus, we have other means of applying pressure to select individuals. Especially isolated ones like putt.

Grifter42 ago

And now that you've killed this fucking site, your group is moving onto Phuks, I see. You've got Beatle on there, overtly. You probably have others there covertly.

ExpertShitposter ago

moving onto Phuks

LoL. Listen here pal. Who is the owner of Phuks? Yeah, ask him. Phuks is already a done deal. No need to go there.

Grifter42 ago

You people have no fuckin' shame, do you?

You really do intend to drive off the original users of this site, that's become clear.

submitted ago

We aren't alt-right

it's alt-reich here

JohnDStephenson ago

Shut the fuck up, faggot.

1moar ago

Sounds like a threat to me. Pussy.

weezkitty ago

movie written by two trans women.

I actually didn't realize that they were trans fags. Hmph...I actually learned something from a shill. What a day

SexMachine ago

Yeah, they both came out a couple of years ago. They made one good movie, The Matrix, but even then, the movie is so full of plot holes and shit that doesn't make sense. The concept of the movie isn't even that original, that the world we see is just a show being put on for whatever reason, while the real world is layers below.

TimberWolfAlpha ago

One good cyberpunk movie followed by two lame sci-fi sequels.

uvulectomy ago

Between this and your rather angry comments in other threads.... have you finally snapped and started frothing in rage at your inability to control Voat? I certainly hope so. It would be a wonderful Christmas gift to everyone.

For us, because we win (again). For you, because it's the first step in throwing off the shackles of the hive-mind you cling to. Your first step toward true freedom, as it were.

Merry Christmas, John!

lexsird ago

Copy paste bots are fun aren't they? This is a hell of a place to test them out, free speech and all of that. ?

NeoGoat ago

Yes, looks like it could be a bot from the posts.

PM_nudes_pls ago

surely hes being sarcastic, no one retarded enough to believe this could work a computer

lexsird ago

Really? Do you write code? You can't imagine a 'bot' that searches for terms, finds a thread and dumps a canned text file?

Look at this guy's posts and tell me they aren't that? Look for how each of these responses of his are vague, when do you see him retort back to all the burns? He drops a text bomb and drives on.

It's not that hard to imagine.

PM_nudes_pls ago

oh lol ya a bot totally could :P I was mostly making a joke :P

HillBoulder ago

Little boys tickle you too don't they you insufferable weirdo.

Mr_Toon ago

why are you still here? crawl back into your little cave and dont come out again.

toobaditworks ago

Jews were kicked out of their caves trillions of years ago. Fake news.

grillmaster ago


Alpha_Voat_Protecter ago

He obviously just picked that account name because he is ashamed of his (((real last name))).

chuckletrousers ago

It's just JohnCStevenson all over again