Dylan_Klebold ago

Niggers and spics? I thought they couldn't tolerate living in the same neighborhood, let alone an apartment complex. I call bullshit. One side would've gotten rid of the other.

Crensch ago

Shut up, Jew-pig fucker.

Dylan_Klebold ago

Yep, I had sex with her a few hours ago.

Crensch ago

That's disgusting; I don't even want to know what the two of you did with your kids.

Dylan_Klebold ago

They weren't involved.

Crensch ago

If a Jew is involved in a sex act, children are involved. Nasty creatures.

Dylan_Klebold ago

That's not true.

Crensch ago

Their holy men suck penis. 10% of Jew holy men suck penis.

The rest have rules saying they can fuck babies and shit. Disgusting.

Dylan_Klebold ago

Well, my wife left orthodox judaism 2 decades ago. So she isn't sucking baby dick.

Crensch ago

She probably left because they're supposed to stop after a certain age. Disgusting pig.

Dylan_Klebold ago

She doesn't suck baby dick. I never saw her suck our sons dick, nor any other kids.

Crensch ago

Oh, did she hide it from you, or do you call it something else in your house?

Dylan_Klebold ago

She already sucks my dick, why would she need to suck another dick?

Crensch ago

Jews are disgusting animals. Why would I know their motivations?

Dylan_Klebold ago

You just don't like that I get oral. You're just jealous.

Crensch ago

From a pig. Literally nobody is jealous of you. No normal human wants to fuck a pig.

Dylan_Klebold ago

So my kids are half pig.

Crensch ago

No, they're full pig. Far too much fecal genetics to be considered anything but.

Dylan_Klebold ago

Pigs can't communicate or walk on two legs. My kids can.

Crensch ago

Pigs aren't human. Your kids aren't human.

Dylan_Klebold ago

They can use human language. Also, they look nothing like pigs.

Crensch ago

Niggers can use human language. Does that make them human?

In fact, so can birds. Koko the gorilla used sign language.

Try again, pigfucker.

Dylan_Klebold ago

Well, my kids don't speak like niggers.

Crensch ago

That's because they're Jews.

Dylan_Klebold ago

They are only jews in that their mother is one. Otherwise, they are not jewish in any other way.

Crensch ago

That's how Jews determine lineage, moron.

Dylan_Klebold ago

I know.

Crensch ago

Then you're an even bigger idiot than I previously thought. That, or you actually ARE Jewish, since only an idiot or a Jew would say this:

They are only jews in that their mother is one. Otherwise, they are not jewish in any other way.

Dylan_Klebold ago

I'm not a jew. Hell, my ancestors were involved with instigating pogroms.

Crensch ago

Sounds like good ancestors. Too bad their descendant is a Jewfucking faggot.

Dylan_Klebold ago

Faggot=homosexual. The sex I have= heterosexual.

Crensch ago

No, the sex you have = bestiality. It's along the same lines as a dude fucking a dude, only yours is more disgusting.

Dylan_Klebold ago

How is what I do anything like bestiality?

Crensch ago

You fuck a subhuman animal.

Dylan_Klebold ago

She's not a subhuman.

Crensch ago

She's Jewish. Jews aren't human, just like niggers aren't human.

Dylan_Klebold ago

My wife has never done nigger things.

Crensch ago

That's because she's a Jew. She does Jew things.

Dylan_Klebold ago

What do you think she does?

Crensch ago

Jew things.

Dylan_Klebold ago

Name the things.

Crensch ago

Lie, cheat, steal, subvert, strawman, project, diddle kids, scat stuff, being nepotistic...

Dylan_Klebold ago

She doesn't do shit like that.

Crensch ago

She's genetically predisposed to doing shit like that. There's a reason kikes wind up back in countries they were previously kicked out of - they're good at pretending and hiding what they're really up to.

Dylan_Klebold ago

Well, my wife hasn't been kicked out of anywhere, so she seems to not be doing bad things.

Crensch ago

Her people were. Hundreds of times. And what part of "good at pretending and hiding what they're really up to" did you not understand?

Dylan_Klebold ago

Well, I've been around her for 15 years, surely I would've noticed if she was doing anything bad.

Crensch ago

Jews have been in the US for 80 years and whites are just now really waking up.

Dylan_Klebold ago

Lol, jews have been in the U.S far longer than 80 years.

Crensch ago

Not in any significant numbers. After ww2 the floodgates opened to the "poor victims" of the lie they called the holocaust.

Dylan_Klebold ago

Lol, you lie about my wife being a pedo. You are a huge liar.

Crensch ago

It's a pretty safe bet. If one thinks a Jew is human, then it's undoubtedly mentally ill, in the sickest of ways.

Dylan_Klebold ago

Well, she's not mentally ill.

Crensch ago

Still don't under stand the "good at hiding it" part, do you?

Dylan_Klebold ago

I've been married to her for 15 years, shouldn't I have noticed something by now?

Crensch ago

Not if you're an autistic idiot.

Dylan_Klebold ago

I have high functioning autism. I'm not a idiot.

Crensch ago

Yeah, not convinced with the "high functioning" part. More like nigger-tier functioning, since you can't even figure out that the holocaust was a hoax when the evidence is handed to you on a silver platter.

Dylan_Klebold ago

I am high functioning.

Crensch ago

... for a nigger, maybe.

Dylan_Klebold ago

I am far more intelligent than a nigger.

Crensch ago

Not convincing.

Dylan_Klebold ago

I don't live off welfare. Niggers do. I graduated college. Nigs hardly even make it without gibs.

Crensch ago

Wait, did you really just pull the college card?

NIGGERS GRADUATE COLLEGE because of lowered standards all the goddamn time. They also become lawyers and doctors with nigger-tier grades. And THEY GET GIBS because they are NIGGERS.

Do you know why this is?

Dylan_Klebold ago

I didn't graduate under lower standards. So my intelligence is clearly greater than a niggers.

Crensch ago

I didn't graduate under lower standards.

I bet all niggers tell themselves that.

So my intelligence is clearly greater than a niggers.

The insane tend to not think they're insane, too.

Dylan_Klebold ago

I'm a white male. I am far from a nigger.

Crensch ago

You argue like one, and you fuck a Jewish pig.

Niggers also fuck livestock.

Dylan_Klebold ago

My wife is not livestock.

Crensch ago

No, livestock is useful, and in no way detrimental to humans. So I guess we've figured out that your wife is worth less to humanity than livestock.

Dylan_Klebold ago

My wife is not detrimental to humans.

Crensch ago

It is.

Dylan_Klebold ago


Crensch ago

Having, and spreading, Jewish DNA

Dylan_Klebold ago

She is evil for reproducing?

Crensch ago


Dylan_Klebold ago

How? The kids we created aren't evil.

Crensch ago

Yes, they are.

Dylan_Klebold ago

Them having a jew mother doesn't make my kids evil.

Crensch ago

Niglets having a nigger mother makes them evil. Same thing with your situation.

Dylan_Klebold ago

My kids are not retarded, like niglets, nor are they ugly like niglets.

Crensch ago

They're evil, like niglets.

Dylan_Klebold ago

They aren't committing crimes or doing nig shit.

Crensch ago


Dylan_Klebold ago

They are not like niggers.

Crensch ago

They are. They are predisposed to doing evil, and subverting their host country, and pushing communism which is the most deadly ideology ever invented.

Dylan_Klebold ago

My kids ain't doing any of that shit.

Crensch ago

Their genetics suggest they will, and it's not worth risking finding out whether or not they can go against their biological programming.

Dylan_Klebold ago

Lol, when my kids grow up and they are not being evil, I will look back on this comment and laugh.

Crensch ago

When they don't grow up, I'll look back on this comment and laugh.

Dylan_Klebold ago

When the race war doesn't happen, i'll look back on this comment and laugh.

Crensch ago

I'll laugh either way, because without whites, Jews will just get overrun by sandniggers and niggers.

Dylan_Klebold ago

I showed my wife your comments. She thinks you are retarded.

Crensch ago

She gassed a username for you already once. Or was it twice?

Bitch needs to know her place.

Dylan_Klebold ago

She said "I won't get on your account anymore. Nothing good happens when I do". She doesn't know the password to my account.

Crensch ago

Doesn't matter. Kike gassed herself, and made a mockery of you.

Dylan_Klebold ago

She has apologized.

Crensch ago

As if that makes anything better.

Dylan_Klebold ago

She said she won't be using my account anymore

Crensch ago

I bet she won't. Jews don't like it when goyim know their weaknesses.

Dylan_Klebold ago

What is the weakness you noticed in her?

Crensch ago

You'll have to guess that one. How, indeed, did I get her to gas two of your usernames?

Dylan_Klebold ago

She kind of got emotional.

Crensch ago

Ding ding ding!

Now if you were just a little smarter, you could extrapolate from there, and figure out how I forced that response out of her.

Dylan_Klebold ago

You wee being a anti semite, so she got mad.

Crensch ago

That's part of it. I wonder why someone hating your race makes you so emotional that you can't control yourself?

Then again, it's pretty obvious she hates whites, too. I have that archived, where she said the holodomor was a good thing.

Dylan_Klebold ago

I asked her about that. Here is what she said: "I was just trying to offend him. If I hated slavs, why would I be married to one?"

Crensch ago

Plausible deniability on DotR. Won't work, of course.

That, or she was attracted to your shekels.

Dylan_Klebold ago

She also has given birth to 4 half white kids. Would someone that hates whites do that?

Crensch ago

Jewish DNA is the parasitic disease. Of course she would. Four white-looking parasites for the tribe.

Dylan_Klebold ago

My kids are not parasites.

Crensch ago

Yes, they are. They're Jewish. Jews are parasites.

Dylan_Klebold ago

My kids are far from parasites.

Crensch ago

Repeatedly saying that doesn't make them not Jewish.

Dylan_Klebold ago

I know. Them being half jews does not make them parasites.

Crensch ago

Yes, it does. Jews are parasites. They can't even have their own country without someone else stealing the land, and paying for it.

Dylan_Klebold ago

My kids are not doing anything evil.

Crensch ago

Maybe. And if that's true, yet.

Dylan_Klebold ago

They don't have evil personalities.

Crensch ago

What part of genetics do you not understand?

Dylan_Klebold ago

Just because my kids are half jew, doesn't mean they will do evil shit. I might be descended from Genghis Khan, does that make me a great conqueror?

Crensch ago

Just because my kids are half jew, doesn't mean they will do evil shit. I might be descended from Genghis Khan, does that make me a great conqueror?

What part of parasitic dominant genes do you not understand?

Dylan_Klebold ago

You sound like a theist with your unscientific belief that genetics can make you evil.

Crensch ago

You sound like a theist with your unscientific belief that genetics can make you evil.

Genetics makes niggers stupid and violent.

Genetics makes Jews subversive, hateful, pedophilic, and degenerate.

Dylan_Klebold ago

How is it disgusting?