Petrus_ ago

Next: It's okay to be a patriot

Treefart ago

As far as I can tell this is his goal.

NiggadermCQ ago



thing to take off.

magnora ago

I agree with a lot of that. But you realize it's not the SJWs doing this, but their handlers, right? SJWs aren't writing the laws, generally. The SJWs wouldn't exist if it weren't first for the groups of media that is promoting that perspective. Just like happened in Ukraine before their civil war started, they were stirring up 2 sides as much as they possibly could, making one half hate the other.

To truly destroy them, you don't destroy their minions... that's where they want you to waste their energy. Imagine instead if we found common ground with those types of people, and used that to unify to throw off the shackles of the assholes at the top trying to control everything? The actual root of the divide and conquer. That's why most of these hate subs are so frivolous, imo. People don't keep their eye on the ball, and instead get tricked by the chaff because it stirs their emotions

VoatIsForTimmy ago

White is right. Done.

magnora ago

So... like the Chinese? Or the dozens of other examples of nonwhites working together to accomplish large goals?

magnora ago

Agreed. And maybe even group together with some non-whites to help overthrow these assholes who are turning us all against each other for their own profit. More numbers can't hurt.

magnora ago

Yes, whites are one class of people who are being divided and conquered, but they're far from the only one.

Runaway-White-Slave ago

It's definitely been put on a few bills out of my wallet, if you see it in pink highlighter you know who did it.

Drenki ago

only voat knows about it for me

magnora ago

If by "worked" you mean "made a lot of white people think they're being attacked in order to stir up racial divides and distract from real issues" then yes, it "worked."

Divide and conquer, 120 upvotes, 0 downvotes. Hook line and sinker. Wake up, people.

Crensch ago

Hello low-effort 2.5 year old "user". You've made barely over 1ccp per day since you've been here.

Maybe if you hadn't said something so fantastically stupid, nobody would have noticed; unfortunately, what you said was about as stupid as it gets.

Whites do not need other races and will prosper without those races. We don't need help, we don't need allies, we need to redpill the normies.

A race war will happen as it always, always has. This will be the last for Jews, and likely the second to last for niggers, sandniggers, and spics.

magnora ago

So you call me stupid, and then start spouting white-supremecist rhetoric and calling for war. You've just proven the point of the OP. Thanks.

Crensch ago

So you call me stupid, and then start spouting white-supremecist rhetoric and calling for war.

You are either a very shitty shill, or an idiot. Whites ARE the supreme race (technically grouping of races). Everyone is a white supremacist, because they know we're the supreme race.

And I'm not calling for anything, it WILL happen.

You've just proven the point of the OP exactly. Thanks.

Niggers will hang if they haven't voluntarily removed themselves back to their shithole continent. Not that doing so will help them for long, since they'll be exterminated when we decide we want their land and resources.

magnora ago

So you call me names again (proving my point, again) and then you double down on the war-talk. Kinda sad. Must suck to be so fearful and hateful all the time...

Crensch ago

So you call me names again (proving my point, again) and then you double down on the war-talk.

Invective has no bearing on the veracity of my claims, and saying it does is a fallacy, and proves no point whatsoever. The "war talk" is reality. Every race has warred with every other race, and more-so when forced to live together for too long. Not understanding that shows you to be at the very least an idiot, but likely simply retarded.

Kinda sad.

Your arguments are sad.

Must suck to be so fearful and hateful all the time...

Must suck to have to project such things onto others to feel better about yourself.

magnora ago

It's only "reality" because you have decided it is so. There is no guarantee of a race war, but you're sure going through the motions to ensure you're proven correct.

And again, you can't help but call me names because your emotions run your argument.

Crensch ago

It's only "reality" because you have decided it is so.

It's a repeating pattern of history, and I am capable of extrapolating from incomplete data. Try again, faggot.

There is no guarantee of a race war, but you're sure going through the motions to ensure you're proven correct.

Oh, but there is. Whether it's while whites are in the majority, or when niggers wind up with more numbers like they're doing to the Boers in Africa. Literally no reason to kill the whites, and every reason not to, but what happens?

And again, you can't help but call me names because your emotions run your argument.

It's called tone fallacy, but keep going. Tell me my words are less correct because I tell you that you're a nigger.

magnora ago

It's also a repeating pattern to have periods of peace, in certain areas.

Also not all wars are race-based.

You've just shoehorned your understanding of history in to a narrative that suits your emotions and racial agenda.

Lol with the name calling, you just can't resist, huh? Then you wonder why people don't take you seriously. Your emotions obviously override your sense of logic.

Crensch ago

It's also a repeating pattern to have periods of peace, in certain areas.


Also not all wars are race-based.


You've just shoehorned your understanding of history in to a narrative that suits your emotions and racial agenda.

More projection.

Lol with the name calling, you just can't resist, huh?

Niggers need to know they're niggers - they tend to forget, nigger.

Then you wonder why people don't take you seriously.

I've never wondered that, because I'm always taken seriously.

Your emotions obviously override your sense of logic.

You're projecting your own emotions and weaknesses onto me. Nice try, though.

magnora ago

What do you mean "So?"

You're ignoring evidence. You are ignorant, and you don't want to learn. Bye

Crensch ago

What do you mean "So?"

Your assertions have no bearing on the subject-matter. Stating the equivalent of "not all X are like that" is not a valid refutation.

You're ignoring evidence.

You've provided none.

You are ignorant, and you don't want to learn. Bye

You don't belong here.

magnora ago

I said things, you just dismiss them out of hand. Why should I continue to talk to you?

Crensch ago

I said things, you just dismiss them out of hand.

You claimed evidence where there was none. That presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Why should I continue to talk to you?

Because Jews can't help but slip up when they're cornered.

magnora ago

So eras of peace don't exist? Great argument. /s

Crensch ago

First off, not evidence. Second, I never said they didn't exist. Third, their existence has fuck-all to do with refuting my words.

You're either Jewish, or you don't know yet that you're Jewish, because you argue as poorly as they do.

magnora ago

Yes, you denied periods of peace exist, and you denied it's relevant. You don't want to hear anything that contradicts your worldview. Well, don't let me get in your way. Enjoy your war.

Crensch ago

Yes, you denied periods of peace exist,

Link me to this, liar. Show me that I denied periods of peace exist somewhere.

and you denied it's relevant.

Because it's not fucking relevant.

You don't want to hear anything that contradicts your worldview.

You don't present anything but Red Herrings and Tone-Fallacy-bitching.

Well, don't let me get in your way. Enjoy your war.

You won't be in my way. You've managed to get on my radar. Enjoy having everything you do placed under a microscope for the foreseeable future.

magnora ago

So peace isn't relevant to there not being war? Do you have any fucking logic in your head?

Crensch ago

Yes, you denied periods of peace exist,

Link me to this, liar. Show me that I denied periods of peace exist somewhere.

Are you a liar? Yes. Yes you are. You're a dishonest JEW liar.

magnora ago

The point of the conversation is:

Is war inevitable or not? You say it's inevitable because of history. I say it's not, because of history. You say my history doesn't matter. You're in denial.

I will admit war is possible, but will you admit peace is possible?

Crensch ago

Link me. To where. This happened:

Yes, you denied periods of peace exist,

You JEWISH liar.

magnora ago

I will admit war is possible, but will you admit peace is possible?

MadWorld ago

I will admit war is possible, but will you admit peace is possible?

Not possible with (((parasites)))!

magnora ago

Sure thing. Your comments are straight out of the zionist playbook. I'm not falling for your crap, trickster.

MadWorld ago

Sure thing. Your comments are straight out of the zionist playbook. I'm not falling for your crap, trickster.

Says the (((parasite)))

magnora ago

Haha so obvious. Thanks for the conversation, you zionist. Trying to racially divide people is exactly what they want, and you're doing it perfectly

MadWorld ago

Haha so obvious. Thanks for the conversation, you zionist. Trying to racially divide people is exactly what they want, and you're doing it perfectly

Keep playing on both sides kike! Why not also promote racial mixing as usual?

magnora ago

Keep feeding us in to ww3, goy. You're doing great

MadWorld ago

Keep feeding us in to ww3, goy. You're doing great

And I hope there will be a real holocaust this time.

magnora ago

Wishing for ww3 is fucked up man, you realize other people die too, right? I think you just want death and destruction because you're angry with how much the world sucks

MadWorld ago

Wishing for ww3 is fucked up man, you realize other people die too, right? I think you just want death and destruction because you're angry with how much the world sucks

Sure the world sucks and the world also has some wonder aspects. But I am more angry with how our society is so fucked up because what jews have done to us!

magnora ago

WW3 isn't the appropriate response though, removing those in power is...

MadWorld ago

WW3 isn't the appropriate response though, removing those in power is...

Remove those in power and there will be more (((poppets))) to take the place...

magnora ago

So let's trigger WW3? how about no

MadWorld ago

So let's trigger WW3? how about no

That would be the last resort. But when all the (((parasites))) are exposed into the light, when all this becomes common knowledge among our society, when history is passed on, there will be no need for war!

Crensch ago

"Final Solution" will finally mean what the Jews wanted it to mean, though they won't be around to enjoy the aftermath of a world without Jews.

MadWorld ago

And when that day comes, we can finally have some peace...

Crensch ago


Crensch ago

Link me to where this happened:

Yes, you denied periods of peace exist,

magnora ago

You denied that it matters. Why doesn't it matter? Because you're emotionally biased, perhaps?

Crensch ago

Jews have a very difficult time admitting they're wrong, and apologizing for being dishonest liars.

Yes, you denied periods of peace exist,

Show me where that happened.

magnora ago

I'm done talking with you, you're a zionist propaganda mouthpiece

Crensch ago

I'm done talking with you, you're a zionist propaganda mouthpiece

You are being outclassed by a goyim. I bet that hurts your Jewish pride, faggot.

Well, it'd hurt a human's pride, but Jews are inbred psychopaths, so it's unlikely you'll lose sleep over anything at all, and think you can just start tomorrow with a fresh slate. There will be no fresh slate for you; I will destroy everything you try to accomplish here.

Voopin__Voopin ago

whats the scoop on his anti hate site?

saw it mentioned by another goat, but havent seen the details.

MegaBrain ago

It is not OK to be white?.

BlackDadsScatter ago

Praise kek

Tor1 ago

I’ve posted 50 news articles on it net wide.

It’s still happening.

Go forth and preach IOTBW.

magnora7 ago

Definitely intensifying the racial divide, on both sides. Not a good thing, imo.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Are you Jewish?

magnora7 ago


BloatedVoatGoat ago

The best is no now its so hard for these dumbfucks to handle that the the term "Its OK" will make them shit their pants. Its OK to be OK, its OK USA!, its OK you are Gay! so much fun to be had!

Crensch ago

"In other news, the ADL has deemed the phrase "It's OK" to be racist, hateful, anti-semitic, and dangerous to innocent lives."

Mylon ago

Saying someone is OK is ablelism and is a microaggression against those with disabilities or any kind of minority status.

RoBatten ago

"It's OK if you aren't Gay!" How about that, BVG?

Uncle_Tractor ago

"It's OK to be straight" is better, IMO. When you use the word "gay", you give them something to point at.

magnora ago

Like 0.0001% of people will be triggered, but voat will certainly focus on those people like they represent half the country or something.

Divide and conquer... we're falling for it

UsedToCuck ago

Im torn with this one as i know the rich- poor gap is the real enemy but i can’t send my kids to school without some white guilt tranny global warming shit being fed down their throats and it pisses me off more than the fact that the middle class is disappearing.

Im open to ideas......

magnora ago

You can separate those two things. You can homeschool.

Pwning4Ever ago

Sargon of Akkad who is a lefty said that this 4chan campaign is one of the most genius things ever to help their agenda. The Media is absolutely eating it like retarded babies.

magnora ago

So is voat.

Treefart ago

The people on Voat have connections with those who started the campaign, therefor it is not a surprise Voat members follow the story.

In addition the media were being tested with this, and they failed so its funny why are you shitting all over everyone's fun?

WitnesstheSalt ago

Are you willing to offer details on the respective reactions?

Reverse-Flash ago

HorseIsDead: I imagine that right now, you're feeling a bit like Alice. Hmm? Tumbling down the rabbit hole?

Dad: You could say that.

HorseIsDead: I see it in your eyes. You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up. Ironically, that's not far from the truth. Do you believe in fate, Dad?

Dad: No.

HorseIsDead: Why not?

Dad: Because I don't like the idea that I'm not in control of my life.

HorseIsDead: I know exactly what you mean. Let me tell you why you're here. You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I'm talking about?

Dad: (((The Matrix))).

HorseIsDead: Do you want to know what it is?

Dad: Yes.

HorseIsDead: (((The Matrix))) is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

Dad: What truth?

HorseIsDead: That you are a slave, Dad. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.

GirlGoat ago

Good stuff, even if it was written by tranny fags.

magnora ago

It's almost like people of different walks of life can have valid insights, or something

library_of_stupid ago

They still need to go in the gas chamber.

UsedToCuck ago

Dont make it gay. Upvoated. For now.

stillinit ago

Daamn.. those words apply today like butter.

Gowdy ago

I hope they didn't break up over something like politics. Usually it's some underlying problem and they begin to use politics to torture each other.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Now we need: It's okay to love America.

Tallest_Skil ago

No, that’s retarded. You completely fail to comprehend the point of this message. “It’s okay for America to be white” would be what you want. Even still, DO. NOT. CHANGE. THE. MESSAGE. Only when we have normalized THIS message will it be okay to change.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

I hear you.


It's ok, not to be gay.

BackAsswards ago

It's okay to be a White American!


Make American white again!

ginx2666 ago

No, too localized, it would alienate potential supporters, and would only trigger traitorous Americans.

"It's okay to be straight", or "It's great to be straight" are much better - encompasses all humans, and triggers the whole of subhuman lgbt freakshow.

RimeTheBard ago

Good idea, but no. America is nothing without Whites, whom are the demographic currently being genocided globally. We need to focus on this first. The rest will sort itself out after.

RedditisPropaganda31 ago

It's OK to love the USA

Cheesebooger ago

It's okay, America is OUR way(That should trigger them)

RedditisPropaganda31 ago

It's OK to Love the USA.

Cobr4Comm4nder ago

It's OK to love your country.

RedditisPropaganda31 ago

"Their" country might not be the USA

Crensch ago

It's OK to make America great again

DryerBox ago

That ones too political, directly relating to Trump.

Hlatbern ago

Much better flow

PeachyKeen8989 ago

It's okay for white people to love the USA?

dbvapor ago

It’s okay to love USA!

theysayso ago

Yes we absolutely fucking do.

1_61803399 ago

That's actually a fine idea there ol' crusty.

Chiefpacman ago

And it’s not over yet.

Keep it up boys. Expose their white hatred

leweb ago

How much more can it be exposed?

Cheap_Knockoff ago

I remember a chan thread talking about plans for Christmas.

It's Okay To Say Merry Christmas.

voatusernamevoat ago

It needs more air time because there are still quite a lot of sheep who haven't seen it and the anti-White reactions. It should go on for months if not year(s).

RimeTheBard ago

Oh, we're still quite a whiles away before peak Weimar.

Chiefpacman ago

Most of the people I talk to about it, haven’t heard about it.

I plan to keep it in the back of mind for a while. No vandalized bathroom stall is safe. Currency, ‘report’ buttons on social media.

WD_Pelley ago

No vandalized bathroom stall is safe.

Kek, the Midwest is ground zero for bathroom stall mini race wars. I see swastikas and black power shit littering stalls, going back and forth, people crossing out or adding new phrases to denigrate the opposition. It's funny.

Fambida ago

I really love the idea of writing it on money. Spend it at vending machines to remain semi anonymous if you have to, but get it out there in a form people are loath to destroy.

Pissant ago

It's only beginning.

1moar ago

Yeah, don't piss off white people. Get us going and you get shit like the crusades and end of ww2.

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

Did this red pill your dad?

TheTheTheTheThe ago

Lol OP I'm sorry to derail but how has your parent's separation affected you? Do you have daddy or mommy issues? Not trolling, I'm just curious.

MyWaifuIsNotASlut ago

being this gay

you must have been sexual abused as a kiddo. my condolences.

HorseIsDead ago

I'm an adult and I don't give a fuck what they did or do I make my own decisions now.