DishingShitLikeA ago

"Fuck it, I lied! It's toats my goats. Watcha gonna do!"

CrustyBeaver52 ago

It's good - I like it:)

Karys ago

Having 'now' twice is redundant

mineMineMINE ago

It is, but it's also a quote from an unknown source.

digitalentity1497 ago

I like this. I think it could be great to have variety on that bit checker.

mineMineMINE ago

Think of the chaos if anybody could enter the text for these and they cycled through them randomly. At least 60% would be NiggerFaggot NiggerFaggot NiggerFaggot. But, I still think it would be fun.

NotHereForPizza ago

I'd hate to let anyone calling themselves a goat (fucking lol, btw, mockingbirds) think this place isn't a containment zone and only really used as a DMZ between here and deeper webs like the chans.

Don't get me wrong, a lot of you guys are alright. In fact, I'd go as far as to say most of you are well-intentioned. Just be aware that there are certain personalities (pizzagate mods, for instance) who sleep among you as wolves. Jews really always love to fly under the radar and do a lot of infiltration. I hate to break it to you, voat, but you're not immune.

You get most things right, but if you're genuinely willing to believe that you're on the frontline here, you're sadly mistaken. These kike fucks have put us all in boxes. I'm not saying don't come here, I'm not saying stop anything you're doing, really. Just remember, though, that the functionality of the website gives a sort of tell about its intentions. The upvoating system, just plain having an account, and the personalities that started out with it, are all tells. Yes, I'm suggesting some of the old goats were sleepers, even if they simply gave control of their account to someone else, there are some of the old ones that would betray you. Yes, I'm saying the system was rigged from the beginning. No, I'm not saying everyone here has poor intentions or just doesn't know any better.

With that being said though, keep up the good work. Keep spreading word of kikery, as the eternal kike never slept, nor shall it. Vigilance is the only answer.

Avise la fin

DeusExSapientia ago

Cantilever ago

I'm grateful!

Muh-Shugana ago

>we are now capable of doing anything with nothing

This worldwide jewish pogrom against whites has been an extremely challenging environment for survival, it has prepared us well for the dangers that lie ahead for our people. (those that weren't destroyed)

I dare say few things will be harder to overcome than this past few hundred years.

Germ22 ago

Your title is pretty accurate.