Gorillion ago

That's his smartest move. Playing the cartoonish blowhard silver-spoon douche bro. Every fucking anti-Trumper can't get past the hair and the fake tan. It completely limits their rhetoric to outward appearances and judging books by their cover, which is the foundational ethos they're supposed to be opposed to as "champions of equality".

If a guy in a clown suit is talking sense, only the dribbling retards keep complaining about the clown suit and ignore the words. And everyone around them starts getting annoyed.

BlueDrache ago

It's written like a spastic without medication. WTF are you smoking?


Do you know what sic means without looking it up?

BlueDrache ago

  1. Your medication time is overdue

  2. Your tinfoil hat is slipping.

  3. Go back to your anti-Monsanto/anti-Vaxxer haven of Reddit you shitlib troll.


Your mom is like a light switch.

p0ssum ago

Is this like a fan fiction sub?

10202110? ago

Right or wrong. President Trump is the chief executive commander of the US.

10203149? ago

I just got goosebumps

Hmmm ago

I always found people who think politicians are stupid to be pretty dense themselves.

For one, you are underestimating your enemy, a grave mistake to make. For another, people don't get that much power and wealth by being imbeciles.

Anyone who believes these people are dumb, are either dumb themselves, or lying to themselves.

frankenmine ago

To be fair, Trump is happy to feed that illusion with his simple English, typos, etc. Having his enemies underestimate him is a strength. Bonus: Seeming imperfect makes him more human and relatable to his constituency.

10202665? ago

Yes, Trump is so clever.

My government says everybody who does not agree with them or has a different opinion has low iq or has no education. My country is The Netherlands.

I believe that with over 60 million votes for president Trump the people of the USA have shown they have much higher iq then the people of my country who consider themselves as the ones with the highest iq in the world and with the best education. My country is very arrogant. And the people in my country are very stupid. They believe everything my government says to them.

10204937? ago

IQ is a really good measure of how well you can solve a problem you've never seen before. Wisdom is recognizing that this problem has happened over and over and over, and it's called human history.

1473916381 ago

We should have everyone take an IQ test in school, because I'm pretty sure BLM, feminists and everyone else stupid enough to vote for Hillary actually has a really low IQ. The left is nothing but liars, virtue signallers and thieves.

10206228? ago

Could you imagine a system in which people were given schooling geared toward their personal strengths and weaknesses?

1473916381 ago

America is going to bounce back because of Trump and that will help show the world that being politically correct is not the answer!

unclejimbo ago

We have a saying where I live about the Dutch.

"Wooden head, wooden shoes, wouldn't listen"

p0ssum ago

Bonus: Seeming imperfect makes him more human and relatable to his constituency nazis.


CrudOMatic ago

Setting a world record for being wrong, I see.

weredawg ago

Trying too hard, tom8o.

Rellik88 ago

Yep all white people are Nazis.

You got us.

Was our white secret but someone had to tell the Jews. Figures...

Maybe being called, so many labels as a cis white male. I'm numb to it.

So be it.

gosso920 ago

"That's my secret.

I'm always White."

p0ssumsAlt ago

Yep all white people are Nazis.

Coming from Relik88, I think it's pretty fucking clear a number of you follow Nazi dogma, present company included. Are you denying that's the case? Really?

CrudOMatic ago

Yes, wanting to protect your nation and people is Nazi dogma. So Nazi that the Jews do it but forbid whites to do so.

I wonder why that is?

Rellik88 ago

The 88 in my name, refers to the Crazy 88 in Kill Bill... Thanks for playing. Also I'm not a socialist so no not a Nazi.

library_of_stupid ago

If we were all Nazis you'd be in a mass grave, where you belong.

p0ssumsAlt ago

Didn't say you were all Nazis. I was simply pointing out the irony of HIS argument.

CrudOMatic ago

Which is funny because you automatically thought the 88 in his name referred to the 88 precepts. Dat judgmental nature... mmmmm boi, sheeeit.

Othmar_Regin ago

Your average earthworm has more brains than your average Antifa


Better outcome for earthworm too when they get themselves bisected.

10201805? ago

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Some had to say it. +++

golgotham ago

From one cloud-dweller to another, this is one god damned beautiful post.