Crensch ago

You don't understand communism.

I don't care. That's not what's up for discussion here. This alone shows that you aren't arguing honestly. You're a Jew, aren't you?

UglyTruth ago

To elaborate on my previous comment, the "Jews" comprise a set of people who hold beliefs which are, at a group level, fundamentally conflicted. While you could say the same about the religious beliefs of most groups, the Jews are set apart by their association with religion and their level of influence within the domains of media and politics. Of particluar note are the Sabbateans.

UglyTruth ago

Sure. My point is that you can look at the whole Jewish situation purely in terms of religion. What I've found is that if you do that then their behaviour starts to make sense.

UglyTruth ago

Atheism is a religion. It's a set of beliefs about deity, typically that deity doesn't exist. Atheists don't like to admit this, but it's true.

UglyTruth ago

I don't need anything from you. Why don't you accept that it's more reasonable to believe that Jewish behaviour is driven primarily by their religious beliefs? It's pretty obvious that's the case from looking at their history.

UglyTruth ago

You're avoiding the issue of testing your hypothesis about genetics.

UglyTruth ago

What are you talking about?

A basis for testing the hypotheses that Jewish behaviour is determined by genetics, specifically by comparing groups who separated from identifiable Jewish heritage as you previously described. If you want to separate these groups on the basis of atheism that's fine, but you should be clear about what you methodology is.

UglyTruth ago

"we have no way of knowing what the proclivities were of Jews who became alienated from their heritage"

If they are alienated from their heritage then their not identifiable as Jews. Do you have another basis for testing genetics?

UglyTruth ago

The diaspora was fundamentally driven by the religious/political events of the kingdom of Judah. Arguing for genetics as the basis of Jewish behaviour ignores the nature of the original social driver, and isn't testable because we have no way of knowing what the proclivities were of Jews who became alienated from their heritage. The behaviours that your describe can also be modeled on the the theological crisis of the Babylonian exile in which exclusionary monotheism developed in opposition to the original henotheism of Hebrew religion.

UglyTruth ago

Why, what does he have to say that's relevant to the argument?

UglyTruth ago

No, the religion and genetics associations both have a common origin. There's way more basis for religion being a behavioural driver than there is for genetics.

Jew (n.) late 12c., Giw, Jeu, "a Jew (ancient or modern), one of the Jewish race or religion," from Anglo-French iuw, Old French giu (Modern French Juif), from Latin Iudaeum (nominative Iudaeus), from Greek Ioudaios, from Aramaic (Semitic) jehudhai (Hebrew y'hudi) "a Jew," from Y'hudah "Judah," literally "celebrated," name of Jacob's fourth son and of the tribe descended from him.

UglyTruth ago

Even your basic-bitch libertarian "nuh uh, it was statists, man" is extremely Jewish. Because it places the blame on systems and ideologies and not people.

At the end of the day people are responsible for their choices and actions. But those choices and actions are most readily understood in terms of values and ideologies, and the ideological conflict at the core of this is most easily described as theism vs atheism. Criticism of Jews aligns with atheism, just as statism does, because statism seeks to misrepresent deity and assume that role. Saying that it's only veneer and propaganda leaves you with no way of applying reason to the issue.

toobaditworks ago

Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim and Offender. I know this because, I searched it for you and me.

10076359? ago

Don't be defeatist.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Ah yes, the holodomor. They even stole the fucking name.

littul_kitton ago

One Jew was a psychopath implies that all Jews helped him plan it? I'm not following the logic here.

Crensch ago

One Jew was a psychopath implies that all Jews helped him plan it? I'm not following the logic here.

You're also asking a dishonest question. Nobody said the Jews helped plan what Yagoda did.

captainstrange ago

Today I am educated. Regards.

thatguyiam ago

...we can't give up on them. The spark has already been ignited. The civilised world is 100%behind them, regardless of what fake lies and fake polls (remember 2016 election?) the MSM spews!

obvious-throwaway- ago

Look how the Jew has twisted and manipulated the truth about US slavery by trying to imply that the slave trade was completely accomplished by whites with no mention of Jews, the niggers in Africa who sold their slaves to the slave traders, or the fact that barely 3% of white men at any one time ever even owned nigger slaves and it's more than likely a good majority of those were Jews.

The thing we must remember is that the Internet is the greatest gift we have ever had, as it's allowed us to shift away from a controlled narrative. Now we must defend it, as they will fight to the bitter end to destroy it.

MadCatTimberWolf ago

Nearly half of each group (insert names here) is currently insane. This is the state of the world. There is currently one exception, Poland.

Crensch ago

Not buying it.

MadCatTimberWolf ago

A Jewish Communist is like a Christian Atheist. While heritage is history the later is also a state of being and each pair element set is mutually exclusive. Or is that to hard to comprehend?

projection ago

You just sound like a wanker.

Crensch ago

A Jewish Communist is like a Christian Atheist.

This is so fantastically stupid I don't even know how to address it directly.

While heritage is history the later is also a state of being and each pair element set is mutually exclusive.

Do you have problems with words?

Or is that to hard to comprehend?

What I'm understanding is that you don't really understand what you're saying. Try again.

aria_taint ago

The more you read the more you understand that the Jews are the real problem.

anon9948 ago

Just like US capitalists murder millions every year, but what commies supposedly did 100 years ago somehow excuses them?.

Crensch ago

That's a kike-run government, if you haven't been paying attention, Jew. The people haven't been represented for 70 years, and Trump is doing what he can to clean up a 70 year mess.

anon9948 ago

Any info on that genocide in the Danzig Corridor?. Crying "weee weee stupid poles won't give Danzig do us!" is not a genocide.

mudbear ago

No it wasnt, it wasnt a cover up, the complete white washing of jewish roles in soviet war crimes was the cover up, the holocaust lie was decided upon years before even WW1 started, they have been harping on about the mythical 6 million for decades even before the war began! They didnt need to cover up war crimes when they hatched the holocaust plot.

Never forget that the entire purpose of the 2 world wars was to force europeans to kill eachother so that jews could get israel, the border changes for each war in europe were marginal, meanwhile in the middle east empires fell, thats where the true war was, and it was so the jews could get israel, just like all of the crusades before, the 2 world wars were just crusades to take back the holy land for the jews.

The holocausts main purpose was to scare european jews away from european countries and convince them, and the rest of the world, that they needed their own homeland, the scheming kikes also saw other opportunities in reparations, psychological warfare and whatever else they could get from it, but that is more of milking it for what it was.

TheGoodJew ago

You all are a reprehensible lot, not to mention, uneducated, unintelligent, unpleasant, unhinged, and personify the very reasons for surging Anglophobia. You are the reason the world dislikes white people and why "SOME" Jews seek to finish you off with Globalism.

Audrion ago

"SOME" Jews are good* Most of them suck.

Plague1 ago

There ought to be a much more final solution for all kikes

Crensch ago


MyNameIsMud ago

Fuck off kike you know how the world is and if you were a goy like us you would be on our side.

Crensch ago

You all are a reprehensible lot, not to mention, uneducated, unintelligent, unpleasant, unhinged, and personify the very reasons for surging Anglophobia.

"Your talking about us Jews excuses us for genociding you while lying about you genociding us." Yep, sounds right.

You are the reason the world dislikes white people and why "SOME" Jews seek to finish you off with Globalism.

Does Jewish skin rise like bread in an oven? We'll find out soon!

ke4ke ago

There is a lot of cognitive dissonance in today's common beliefs. Try this. If you only check out one thing do the one called Contemporary Jewish History, second to last item. Enjoy.

GoodGodKirk ago

Was this the holomodor?

RumpRangerRick ago

Holomodor != Jewish Holocaust

Holomodor == A lot of Ukrainians starved to death under Stalin

Jewish Holocaust == A lot of Jews died/killed/gassed/incinerated under Hitler

"Holodney" means "Hungry" in Ukrainian

"Holomodor" roughly translates to "Murder by Starvation"

obvious-throwaway- ago

Jewish Holocaust == A lot of Jews died/killed/gassed/incinerated under Hitler

Let's be perfectly clear, the Jewish Holocaust is a FUCKING LIE and NEVER HAPPENED.

Prisoners of war did die, some starved. No different than American prisoners of war under the Japanese or the other millions and millions prisoners of war during WWII. The idea of the Holocaust is just another Jewish Hollywood fantasy.

10076120? ago

Anyone have the Red Cross source for Holohoax victims? I remember it being around 100k.

It was a screencap of some document, if that helps.

RumpRangerRick ago


GoodGodKirk ago

Maybe google and read further into the event before you reply next time instead of reading the first paragraph provided by a result?

You forgot to mention the Jewish controlled Bolsheviks, who planned and carried out first the disarming of the population, and then redirection of food with fighting which was easily squashed.

Remind you of what's being attempted today?

RumpRangerRick ago

Remind you of what's being attempted today?

Nope. I'm afraid you are going to need to spell it out for me.


GoodGodKirk ago

The dems with their unskilled refugee imports, wanting to remove guns from the general population, and funding groups like BLM and antifa to do the dirty work they can't be seen doing.

That athiest George Soros had to pay a few million in taxes from a tax deferment a decade ago which became due. I'm sure he spent it all on tax deductions, giving money to "charities" such as the ones listed above and claiming them as write offs.

Crensch ago

@GoodGodKirk wasn't talking about the Jewish holocaust.

The Jewish holocaust didn't happen.

The picture in OP is talking about the Ukranians being starved by Jews

GoodGodKirk ago

It was performed by the Bolsheviks, which i believe were Jewish controlled.

Crensch ago

They were indeed!

RumpRangerRick ago


Crensch ago

I believe it's one and the same.

thatguyiam ago

Are the germans vindicated yet?

OricaTonithos ago

From the Holodomir. Stalin's biggest communist accomplishment. Learn from communism.

Crensch ago

but a racial jew who abandons the religion owes no loyalty to other jews.

Not a chance I'll believe this.

Tsuishika ago

The playbook probably means Saul Alinsky's rulebook.

blame ago

I thought the nazis were tougher than that! Then, thanks our soviet brothers for getting rid of these christians trash

Crensch ago

Negative SCP and CCP

blame ago

Blame the nazism denialists

Crensch ago

What a stupid response. The holocaust didn't happen. Germans were on the right side of history.

blame ago

Idiot, Isn't the right side of history getting rid of jews or what?

Crensch ago

They didn't go far enough, but they fought to keep Bolshevism out of their own country, and by extension, Europe.

blame ago

you shouldn't hate on bolsheviks that much, they did what the nazi couldn't do: they went far enough

Crensch ago

Except Jews are subhuman parasites, and their actions were unprovoked.

ke4ke ago

I'd upvote more if I could. For others there are three kinds of Jews. The one that hates Christianity the most are the ones descended from Esau, Edom. The Jews are not Israelites. White Europeans are the descendants of Jacob. Thus the age long conflict.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Thank you gabara, always a pleasure to help.

Now about those shekels i was promised...

captainstrange ago

yep, you're spot on. And germany was baited into poland because (((the polish))) were attacking germans in poland. And unless we should forget, hitler got a boost in the elections thanks to the catholic church who ordered their bishops and priests to support him. The church was losing to jewish banks and businesses, and they had already lost control of russia to socialists the church itself sponsored in russia in order to attack and destroy the orthodoxy. The socialists went off plan and of course the church wanted russia back so they put germany up to the job, among other reasons for the push into russia.

Real conflagration that one was.

UglyTruth ago

Calling them jews conflates the betrayers with the betrayed. IMO the defining characteristic of the betrayers was that they were statists. The word "jew" associates mostly with the religion of Judaism, but this religion was not the driving force of their ideology.

boxofcrackers ago

I do agree with u/worldofmadness about how you are wrong, but I upvoated you nontheless, because you raised an important point.

worldofmadness ago

You are wrong my friend, you can see immense amount of similarities between what the bolsheviks did to the russians and the jewish religion. Which is why even some jews admit that communism is basically judaism. The talmud basically justifies every single crime the bolshevik did against the gentile russians, not only does it justify it but it commands the jews to do all those horrific crimes against the gentiles.

To kill the best of the gentile stems from the talmud which is exactly what the communist did towards the russians, the millions that they killed were Russias smartest and most productive people who lived at that time. The talmud also commands the jews to steal all that is valuable from the gentile and keep it for themselves, which is what the communists also did. Speaking out against the jews was considered an offense punishable by death which is also one of the things that the talmud teaches. There are many similarities between judaism and communism but these are just a few examples i can come up with right now.

It explains why communism was created by jews and spread by jews and why almost all communist were jews during the early 20th century. Because this is the type of teaching that jews are exposed to their whole life, it fits with their religion and their jewish supremacist mentality which is why so many jews were always drown to communism.

UglyTruth ago

Which is why even some jews admit that communism is basically judaism.

They're lying. None of the ten planks of the communist manifesto are present within original Judaism in any form. Communism focuses on the state, but Judaism focuses on deity.

The talmud basically justifies every single crime the bolshevik did against the gentile russians

The Talmud is specific to Rabbinical Judaism, not to original Judaism. Rabbinical Judaism is a development of Pharasaism, a corrupted school of thought.

worldofmadness ago

But what is the Talmud but further elaborate commentation on the Torah?

UglyTruth ago

The Talmud is a written record of opinions and traditions of the Rabbis. In some cases these opinions are contrary to the principles of the Torah, for example doing justice and not harming the innocent.

worldofmadness ago

Because the torah is full of contradictions. For example Torah in one hand says thou shall not kill while at the same time the jew god has commanded his choosen ones to kill multiple times and even commit genocide(and don't jews just loove to commit genocide);

''Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.''- 1 Samuel 15:3

There are more examples where God commands his followers to kill for him. Torah is a disgustingly vile book and is the original source of jewish supremacism and is no better then the Talmud.

UglyTruth ago

Because the torah is full of contradictions. For example Torah in one hand says thou shall not kill...

That's a mistranslation. A more correct translation is "thou shalt not commit murder".

Torah is a disgustingly vile book

Heh. I guess you're not a big of English common law either, then?

worldofmadness ago

Kill, murder, either way the lovely god commanded innocents to be killed, just that passage i gave you says that even INFANTS should be slayed. This is just one passage, there are many other vile things in it.

UglyTruth ago

either way the lovely god commanded innocents to be killed

These six things doth YHWH hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood ... (Proverbs 6:16-17)

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago


TasAirgicOk ago

Born Yenokh Gershevich Iyeguda. A Jew.

Edit: A hipster of the day. A Liberal.

DasReich ago

Go away kike.

TemujinsGhost ago

Interesting how genociders all go for the same facial hair.

Crensch ago

Interesting how genociders all go for the same facial hair.

Member for 2 minutes SCP: 0 CCP: 0

Except Hitler didn't genocide anyone. Nice try though.

TemujinsGhost ago

I was thinking Charlie Chaplin.

Crensch ago

I thought he might be meaning that, but honestly could not for the life of me figure out why he wasn't talking about Hitler, but Chaplain when he said what he said.

Crensch ago

Well, you've managed to break me out of any pre-programmed response flowcharts. So you have my attention.

What? How? What?

Whitemail ago

Accuse your opponent of what you are doing wrong. ~(((Saul Alinsky)))

RoundWheel ago

"Accuse others of what you do." -Karl Marx

Whitemail ago

I saw a video about the Soviet Union and the Ukrainian lady said they told people in gulags "work will make you free." That sounds familiar.

Hall_of_Cost ago

Wow, I had never heard of this. Thanks @Crensh for the info. Found this page, too, for folks that want to read a little more.

Info on Ukrainian genocide

ScreaminMime ago

Great read but didn't someone just do the math a few days ago showing how impossible it was to kill 6 million in 5 years even with the gas chambers ready day one and trains running non-stop yet here we have 7 million being killed in 2 years?

unclejimbo ago

That's because there weren't even 6 million jews to kill. There were easily enough Ukrainians to starve a quarter of them by taking the whole harvest with guns. This is because they didn't produce enough grain since quotas were determined by land area, not usable land area, and even then the quota was ridiculous. Imagine a bunch of incompetent SJW who've never farmed a day in their life setting wheat quotas on an area they've never been to, from the comfort of Moscow. Now you have the Holodomor, and that's assuming they were just bad at their jobs and not trying to genocide on purpose.

Crensch ago

Happy to help!

Crensch ago


You have an impostor user now, FYI

Owlchemy ago

What's the user name?

elcob32 ago

Owlchemy ago

Thanks. I locked up all the ones that look close to legit. This one is a lame ass attempt - LOL

Muh-Shugana ago

This is what was referred to when the nazis were talking about 'The Big Lie'.

The Jews took the greatest crime possible to commit, and pulled a "no u"

Username_1000 ago

Stop being anti semitic.

Runaway-White-Slave ago

Only if you stop being a filthy fucking Jew rat....?

FireSauce ago

I'm just going to put a /s here

Gorillion ago

DARVO in action. That's why modern social media blame-dodging techniques have such an easy-to-follow breadcrumb trail leading all the way back to the conditions behind the original rise of fascism in Europe. It's the same shit, different century. They literally have one playbook.

Crensch ago

User @Owlcheny for 1m 0scp 0ccp

username made to respond and lie about Jews