Hammer_Bot ago

I see you're another dumb fuck who swallows any shit they hear. Fucktard yanks.

middle_path ago

I keep saying the same thing. I'm going to let them have their fun now, I can't believe I fell for their tricks.

Mercury_Eunomia ago

This is getting gud.

Hammer_Bot ago


jewshekelstein1488 ago

don't you have something better to do? like shouldn't you be whining to your online support group about depression or masturbating for the 11th time today or playing in your little garden or something? maybe if you spent a little less time shilling on voat your wife wouldn't be so repulsed by you and actually be willing to fuck you once in a while. but i guess she has probably moved on and is getting drilled by some chad with a big black dick. and i suppose you probably don't even mind since you're a total cuck. here's a thought - are you sure your kid is even yours? maybe your chronic sniffles is just that nagging thought in the back of your mind manifesting as a physical symptom. i can hardly imagine what it must be like to be such a pathetic piece of shit. i mean why do you even get up in the morning? you should probably just end it. everyone would be better off.

middle_path ago

If you have hate in your heart, let it out! I come here as a full human. I have vices, relation struggles, hobbies, etc. It's cute that you would use things I openly admit to against me.

Keep fighting the good fight, brother! Us jews hate when goys like you come along.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

it's just sad. you're a fucking mess bro. and knowing how pathetic your life is and the amount of time you waste on this message board is honestly more than a little depressing. you need a faggotry intervention or something.

middle_path ago

the amount of time you waste on this message board is honestly more than a little depressing.

Pot, meet kettle.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

again here you are. you just can't help yourself can you? and the difference being, i'm not a pathetic piece of shit who whines about my personal problems in the interwebs. i have my ducks in a row and by all accounts my life is awesome. i'm only on here to drop redpills and help save the white race from cuck tier niggerfaggots like yourself.