chuckletrousers ago

My CCP can't get any lower.

Hmmm, pretty sure it can, BRB...

BloatedVoatGoat ago

Thats the one

whatisbestinlife ago

doo it doo it

cuckinaruck ago

Punish it, and punish it hard for how superfluous that notion is,. If you are gender fluid, yet there is no such thing as gender, fucking abuse it. Walk into a bathroom and take pictures, Walk into any bathroom and shave Just abuse the fuck out of it. Shortest line = my line. At a (insert female popstar here) line, the male line is my line because I can piss in the shortest amount of time. At an International chess competition, I will piss in the female line.

BeefyArm ago

Instead of being cool and edgy with your downvoat account, you're just boring.

birds_sing ago

I forgot this existed.

I am Indian!!

birds_sing ago

Pwning4Ever ago

If the guberment can force you say specific pronouns then they can force you to say anything they want.

The Canadian experiment has failed

remola ago

As a white Christian South African can I identify as a Canadian Citizen and take my family with me to Canada legally, because HEY WE IDENTIFY AS CANADIANS................HEY

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago

I know who Lauren Southern is. I'm saying is a male having sex with Lauren Southern (who identifies as male) considered homosexual? Hence "Faggot?" and not "Faggot."

Was_This_Name_Taken ago

Oh, I see it now, the misspelled words at the start made my search not work

Ywis ago

Non presenting because that's a current liberal buzz term. It also makes it easier if you want tobapply for some student aid as a black woman.

Pwning4Ever ago

So despite all of these huge advantages, are native americans still far behind in life?

In the US, it is a bit difference, Native Americans were granted a bunch of counties in the US which the native Americans govern 100%, I think only the constitutions applies there. But that's why we have Casinos in Indian reservations, because they are self governed.

It's a really weird situation, but they don't give gibs anymore than normal citizens.

Pwning4Ever ago

Amazing how you Canadians are fighting tooth and nail over legislation that only applies to .05% of the population.

analfaveto ago

It's the principle they're fighting for, and it's well worth doing so. Canadians are fighting for free speech. Do you want the government to control not only what you're not allowed to say but also which words you must use? Because if they can force you to use certain pronouns, they can, in principle, force you to say anything they want to. Jordan Peterson has already stated he'll go on hunger strike if sent to jail. Not sure I would go that far myself, but I would definitely ignore that law if I were Canadian. The people who are fighting C-16 have all my respect and support.

ironically_nth ago

It's a good idea and if anything will serve to point out the flaws in the logic of bill c-16.

Here's the truth though: natives are exempt from SALES tax, not income tax. They get money from their reservation council for post-secondary education. Most of the time the demand for such money exceeds the supply.

We should have never capitulated to their demands and treaties. The only true solution to the native problem would have been assimilation through interbreeding... No one wanted that so the british should have genocide them like they all complain we did anyways. Now they're the niggers of the north (next to french people, french are the worst).

BloatedVoatGoat ago

Hey would totally bang that dude.

InyourfaceNancyGrace ago


Blacksunshine ago

Somebody - PLEASE DO THIS.

freedumbz ago

I sexually identify as an attack helicopter. They must provide me a means of getting rotary wings, 30mm cannons, and hellfire missiles installed on custom wing pylons, or I will sue to get it done.

TheDude2 ago The Indian Register - is it me, or is this shit racist as hell? How does a certain group get more rights based solely on heritage? I'm not even sure it's a "race".

The Indian Registrar

Under the Indian Act, the Indian Registrar—an employee of AANDC—is responsible for maintaining the Indian Register. The Registrar is the sole authority for determining which names will be added, deleted or omitted from the Register. In order to determine who is entitled to be registered as a Status Indian, the Registrar must be able to confirm that the person is descended from people who were recognized as members of an Indian band. The Indian Act defines the categories of people who are eligible for registration as Indians.

The Indian Act:

tl;dr You need to suck an Indian's dick to get on the list. If you aren't good, they can just kick you off.

TheDude2 ago

Please try it and push it hard. Start with a lawyer.

lude ago

What's the websites to apply I am going to say I identify as Canadian native

cynicaloldfart ago

Too bad yours didn't before you were born, instead of after.

Grifter42 ago

Charlie Sheen is a pathetic person to idolize.

A degenerate faggot with AIDS who smokes crack and meth, and does heroin. He looks like he's got the body of the crypt-keeper.

It's no wonder that his much more talented father, Martin Sheen, has disowned him.

Also, Platoon sucked. Apocalypse Now was a much better movie.

fuckyouIaintgotjokes ago

I don't see why not, do it and get your gibs snowmexican

birds_sing ago

You have me thinking about doing the same. But I can't decide between Injun, or Prairie Nigger.

Since you've been Native longer than me I need to ask - What pairs best with pemmican? I can't decide between lemon breeze Lysol and original. Traditionally it was original Lysol, but come on it's 2017. What do you recommend?

Was_This_Name_Taken ago

Well yes, it is the first section, and proves my point. I'm not going to quote the whole bill - especially when the summery will do. I left the source for you to look through. Finding the negative of my point is hard when it doesn't exist, but good luck.

Was_This_Name_Taken ago

First thing first, that isn't a quote from the bill. I tried to find it, it isn't there. Why are you trying to pass it up as such?

This is a quote


This enactment amends the Canadian Human Rights Act to add gender identity and gender expression to the list of prohibited grounds of discrimination.

The enactment also amends the Criminal Code to extend the protection against hate propaganda set out in that Act to any section of the public that is distinguished by gender identity or expression and to clearly set out that evidence that an offence was motivated by bias, prejudice or hate based on gender identi- ty or expression constitutes an aggravating circumstance that a court must take into consideration when it imposes a sentence.

Clearly it applies only gender identity and gender expression.

ashekchum ago

Well it is a from the bill, on page 4 modifying Subsection 318(4) of the Criminal Code.

However it doesn't really establish fluidity, but you may be able to claim the first nation tax breaks and if they deny them to you that would be discrimination based on race which is already prohibited. As for why that hasn't happened yet make sure you get media attention of your attempt.

Grifter42 ago

Nope, you're not God. You're just a delusional, egotistical drug addled troll.

Was_This_Name_Taken ago

Looks to me like it only goes to gender identity or expression. Source

eongoat ago

just say the gender identity is Native American then.

Ywis ago

Yes you can. Tell them you're a non presenting trans racial.

lude ago

Can I as a US citizen identify as a Canadian Native American and get tax benefits?

birds_sing ago

Ok, that was pretty good.

But the sad thing is that parts of the country are experiencing horrible unemployment rates. Our largest trading partner is threatening to tax the shit out of our exports. And what is our government doing right now? What has our government decided are the most important issues to deal with? - This. This is what our government is doing right now.

Oh, and I think this government has passed a law that requires me to do this. - "You racist bigot!! Stop using your racist bigoted terms! You will identify as a First Nations person. Native American is an outdated racist term.

bruinsdude ago

What tax benefits are there for native Americans?

ElectroGypsy ago

I was a GI Joe in kindergarten. Shouldn't I be getting checks in the mail or something?

Whitemail ago

The biggest checks go to Cobra and Muslims.

8BigMacNMuhDietCoke ago

That's exactly what I've been saying. I hunt and fish too so I guess I won't be needing licenses for that anymore and no limits need apply to me, the Aboriginal. I think I'll go with Iroquois, I planted corn this year and I'm pretty sure they did too. Or is that cultural appropriation? Whatever.. heyhowareya heyhowareya heyhowareya!

Eualos ago

Can't culturally appropriate your own culture.

Mr_YUP ago

Did bill c-16 go through?

Grifter42 ago

Kill yourself, drug addict.

VicariousJambi ago

Thanks, you too.

ScottRockview ago

Why stop there? We can also say that our entire cities or provinces identify as a reserve.

SpectralForces ago

Do it. When they don't give you the benefits sue them. They will either have to strike down the law, which is a win, or give you and anyone else that does this the benefits. Which is a win because they hate losing tax revenue which means they will have to change either the law that gives them benefits, incuring the wrath of the SJWs by removing a minority protection status, or the one that says identity is fluid....which has the same result. It will be a no win situation for the government.