obvious-throwaway- ago

Just what the Jews needed, more money.

TH3_1D10T ago

You are the last person I anticipate doing this.

I would ask for proof, but I am satisfied with none.

Thank you for helping voat.

notyouraveragellama ago

Admit it, you're just jealous you didn't think of trolling via donations first.

mqrmqr ago


jstrotha0975 ago

Where the hell is the donate button at?

MrHighBrow ago

[citation needed]

burns29 ago

Virtue Signaling that I can actually get behind.

Dantalian ago

You're gonna delete this post, lol.

TAThatBoomerang ago

Yeah, hecho has never donated anything before (according to his profile) but he surely donated a huge sum now. It's very believable!

Rotteuxx ago

His amazon account got hacked and yes they sent him bike locks that he had to pay for himself

Texan_Pride ago

hahaha pedophilia is humorous and not bad at all! Thank God a pedophila is funding voat!

antiliberalsociety ago

Pix or it didn't happen, pedo

Mick ago

You and the other pedos are the only reason I don't give Voat money. The very thought of me effectively paying you to post that stuff does my head in.

This means you owe Voat what I would have donated had you not been here. That's about $480 - $500. Pay up, pls.

revfelix ago

That's some Hollywood level math right there.

Mick ago

About $20/month over about 2 years give or take.

Rotteuxx ago

Solid argument... plus @Hecho didn't donate shit because he would have posted a screen shot to brag.

Astronautilus ago

Thanks. Now fuck off back to your pedophile safe space, you disgusting waste of human DNA.

revofire ago

Thanks Hecho, we still love you. Or at least some of us do. Yeah a lot of people don't like you but this does help. lol

h0m ago

You and that little greycloud alt of yours should look forward to the day you hear the bars click closed for the first time.

If it were me, I'd just as happily turn that donation right back around where it came from. Voat, and the world, do not require your presence anymore.

peacegnome ago

thank you

armday2day ago


digitalentity1497 ago

My what?

armday2day ago


leaffur ago

Thanks :D

Grifter42 ago

Fuck you, Putt. You know what you're doing by letting Hecho stay here.

I wouldn't take his money if I was starving to death.

SparkS ago

probably 300$ is nothing compared to how much u threw out on 10 years old hookers.

Kal ago

Would a real pedo be so blatant about it? I can't help but think he is a troll of the highest order.

TAThatBoomerang ago

I don't think a troll would risk so much just to troll. This is presumably a real pedo who trolls, maybe a paid shill.

uisge ago

I've thought he was playing the 'paedo' game for a while. Even so its a pathetic/perverted game to play

Gorillion ago

Pedos are incapable of not talking about it when they think they're safe. Even in normal public forums they still can't help dropping hints, or hiding the truth in jest.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

All murderers confess to their crimes. I know because of the murderers I've seen confess. If they didn't confess they're not a murderer.

Kleyno ago

Oh I so do not know how to feel about this...

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Sometimes good people do bad things... and sometimes bad people do good things. At the end of the day we do what we think is right, and we hope for the best.

Chiefpacman ago

Its fucking beautiful. The only thing better I can imagine is amalek himself somehow proving his identity and giving us money. @Hecho is many things, but I'll be damned if he isn't a true goat. A perverted one, albeit.

TheRealAmalek ago

Niggers, I donate all the time.

Chiefpacman ago

Except not once actually


AmaleksHairyAss ago

I "donate" a lot too.

scrimmmy ago

I cant stand the dude. As a father, I hate what he is. I find his very essence repugnant. But I would kill everyone in this thread to protect his right to say the filth he does. In the words of Oscar zeta Acosta: Even a goddamned werewolf is entitled to legal representation.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

And there it is. He has the right to make immoral choices since such actions cause consequences. Just as I have the right to voice my opinion and tell him and others how disgusting it is.

Chiefpacman ago

Yeah no one is silencing you. 99.99% of the people here agree with you

I assure you, he is only flattered by his gang of followers, that make sure to let him know how disgusting he is on every post he makes.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

And so the earth turns.

Redditsdead ago

Fuck that and fuck you. Anyone who preys on the weak does not need to be afforded protection.

scrimmmy ago

Fuck you too, nigger. Speech we find repugnant is the shit that needs to be protected the most. If you stifle that shit then those who speak it can't be identified for what they are. The 1st amendment is the cornerstone of our society and it protects ALL americans, for good or for ill. Nigger. Fuck off back to reddit if you want censorship, snownigger.

Redditsdead ago

Well, a couple of points. Not all voaters are American. Hecho says he does not live in the States either. Also, the first amendment protects speech from government interference. It does not protect from random dudes on the internet, nor from the owners of the sites that they peddle their wares.

scrimmmy ago

Fuck you snownigger.

Grifter42 ago

Pedophiles aren't true goats. Fuck Hecho, and fuck Putt for letting that piece of shit stay here.

So what? He donated 300 dollars from his child porn fund.

Chiefpacman ago

Get this man a safe space, stat!

Reddit.com is calling.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Did you just say you want to fuck hecho? What are you a little kid?

Tipman79 ago

He's just piggybacking on a popular thread to get attention. Ignore him.

armday2day ago


C4H9N3O2 ago

I guess you're all right for a diddler.

Redditsdead ago

I'll donate 600 if you kill yourself.

Grifter42 ago

Fuck, I'll sell my car and donate the whole check if he kills himself.

DabbaDan ago

I'll chip in. Gotta take his alts with him though.

Gorillion ago

Holy shit, that's a massacre!

Goathole ago

You bastard. It's a rare occasion when I snort because it hurts my nasal cavity from that sinus infection 5 years ago.

0011011000111001 ago

Holy shit! LOL! I am busting up at work. So fucked up, but so funny..

Enjoy @hecho, you sick fuck!