whatisbestinlife ago

didnt know it existed

Precipitate ago

Your search is miles ahead of Voat's and I really appreciate it. Keep up the good work!

Troll ago

k, have an upvoat for visibility.

baphometsrage ago

Haven't heard of it before but I'll check it out.

PSA for those that wanna search while it's down, adding "site: voat.co" will help search voat on a regular search engine if you need to

Donbuster ago

Or we can use the built in search bar because that always works marvelo....hahahahahahaha

Sorry, couldn't finish that with a straight face

Owlchemy ago

Thanks for the info. I've been using it ... great search engine, BTW ... and have been having difficulties the last day or so. Can't wait till it's back! I appreciate all the work you put into this thing for us goats.