ThatsSoJewish ago

I received no such honor.

digitalentity1497 ago

I was banned and feel terribly awful here. Give me a moment...ok.

totes_magotes ago

Grab em right in the feefees.

Disappointed ago

I was banned from v/cheers for no reason at all as well. Never posted or commented there and never got a reason back.

antiliberalsociety ago

Don't give it any attention. Its just advertising a shit sub.

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

You ain't the only one (Check the modlogs)...I've come to the suspicion that it's a way to get others to spam the subverse without actually spamming it everywhere.

  1. Find a bunch of opinionated goats.
  2. Ban a bunch of them from /v/insertsubversenamehere under "Shill" reasons.
  3. Banned goats hit the bigger subverses talking about "Why was I banned from /v/insertsubversenamehere?!? I'm not a shill..." (Thus also directing traffic to the subverse as people go to see what all the drama is about)
  4. ?????
  5. Free Marketing!

Then you just rinse/repeat. And the best part is, they can't be banned for spamming the sub, when they do it this way.

Ina_Pickle ago

Was it that sub dedicated to banning every Jew?

betadynamique ago

It's the dawn of a new era.

Codewow ago

Okay... :(

Mr_Wolf ago

what sub?

ilikeskittles ago

Yeah I'd be real upset about that. That verse has four posts in it. LOL

Mr_Wolf ago

wouldnt even worry about it, they're barely on voat