julian_assanger ago

It'll take me a bit to absorb it all with my attention span, but I appreciate it nonetheless. Thanks, dude!

julian_assanger ago

Is there a link to a summary of all the @she "drama"... I'm extremely curious because it sounds like the same shit I saw - and still see - happening on Reddit before subs implode.

middle_path ago

I'm not an ends justify the means kind of guy.

middle_path ago

It's not that we shouldn't have fought back, it was the method we used. We could have bugged the shit out of Atko and Puttitout to de-mod her. Or we could have all moved over to v/askgoat, like a lot of people did. A lot of us came from reddit to escape the bullshit brigading there, then turned around and did it here. It was a hypocritical move and we should have taken the high ground. Moving to a different subverse would have totally fixed the problem.

Chiefpacman ago

Fair enough, at least a logical argument

Gorillion ago

You've been a member for two weeks.

Who the fuck are you? Who's been banned? Actual SRS shitstains or someone who butthurt you because you're a faggot with a sensitive pooper?

middle_path ago

But @she rage quit because she was being brigaded. It was a shit move on Voat's part. She was clearly abusing her power, but brigading is never OK.

p0ssum ago

There aint nothing swift about this, it's been a problem at voat since .... forever.

who-am-i ago

6 Es

Found the shill.

jobes ago

Can't argue with that

jobes ago

Hey, I run that swamp

derram ago

Tell me something.

If you and soapboxbanhammer hate each other and stand opposed to one another, why is it you both keep banning and unbanning my bot at roughly the same time?

heygeorge ago

I don't know how it goes with sdbh, but from what I gather at sbbh, the 'inmates run the asylum' so to speak. ExpertShitposter decided to go on his insane crusade and just banned you himself. It is probable he rabbleroused over at the other, deeper cesspool while he was doing it.

redlegmike ago

what is SRS cabal?

monkeytennis ago

Its kind of fascinating. Its a cult like group of SJW minded types that congregated on reddit years ago in protest to the slightly 'misogynistic' male orientated style it had back then, where people talked about video games instead of talking about the representation of women in video games.

So they banded together in their own subreddit to crosspost and mock things various people said in order to generate outrage and victim status. They have their own obscure memes and lingua franca.

They then evolved and took things further by creating a large legion of mindless followers who branch out and infiltrate any groups that regularly create material they deem offensive. They gradually acquire power and status within those groups and sow dissension and confusion, with the end goal of stealing power (getting mod status, shutting the subreddit down) or just creating such turmoil and internal conflict the community dissolves itself and people move on.

They brigade and dox anyone they feel like, and have done for years. But because they go after people reddit deems advertiser unfriendly, its tolerated. Violentacrez is probably the most prominent example.

julian_assanger ago

I'm pretty sure they're a huge reason I cannot find work anywhere. I discovered burned bridges had accounts subscribed to /r/SRS, and every now and then see newer accounts that act and type just like other burned bridges...
Then again, they all do act and type alike after a while.

Alois_sticklgruber ago

Hang the niggers, drown the spics, toss the fags off buildings.

Now thats Shitpostin son......

oiseaulibre ago

If no one can disprove it, it must be true. Ck m8 atheists.

julian_assanger ago

Dude, I shitpost worse than SRS, but I completely disagree with them. I don't want to be lumped into their group just because of shitposting habits lol

julian_assanger ago

LMAO! The moment I opened that link, my Cuckoo Clock sounded the hour.

ginganinja ago

Bardposters will spin this song for many generations to come as a cautionary tale to all.

Chiefpacman ago

We should ban them all!


Fucking scary seeing this shit on voat. I even recognize your name in a positive light.

The admins should delete the sub in your opinion? Or?

oiseaulibre ago

Aye Aye Captain!

julian_assanger ago

Heil! oiseaulibreler!

oiseaulibre ago


julian_assanger ago

That's pretty sweet. I got nothing nearly as cool.

oiseaulibre ago

Heil nadrewodler!

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Good! I'm glad you fuckers can't brigade the soapdox users anymore!

oiseaulibre ago

WTF is with all the suck up posts?

derram ago

Glorification of the people with power. It's the reason the admins on reddit can do whatever they want and get away with calling dissent a form of hate.

I've been noticing a lot of this kinda reddit shit going around recently.

Speaking of, take the current ad, for instance. All that shit happening with Sane.

A bunch of people fucking with him who spread their bullshit across the site while justifying it as just shitposting, but those same people will turn around and point at anything Sane does as a serious offense in need of immediate admin intervention.

Watched this shit happen on reddit for damn near a decade, even had it used against me on several occasions.

RectalLeakage ago

It's called praise, you may be unused to it, if you came from that other place.

Chiefpacman ago

Are you joking?

They have the ceo's cock in their mouth.

I'm pretty turned off by all the sucking up too. I talk shit about Put more often than praise him. I appreciate his work and will continue to donate as I see fit. Something a lot of 'praisers' haven't done..

oiseaulibre ago

Heil Puttler!

totes_magotes ago

Swift??? Are you fucking kidding me? It's been years now that this has been a problem. Ask anyone about She.

julian_assanger ago

I just wish peeps would post more pics of Tay-Tay...

gregorypeckerwood ago

The face I can't forget? A trace of pleasure or regret? Maybe my treasure or the price I have to pay?

Redditsdead ago

And it was dealt with. Shit goes bad for 2 months, tops, and they stop it.

p0ssum ago

Shit was even worse BEFORE the election ... and they did nothing.