Mickgoestojail ago

You might be right but my argument is that even if the system no longer works people are attracted to it over a place that has no user curation. Much like the communist ideal versus the reality when people try to implement that, it could be a lost cause but people still gravitate towards the ideal of the idea.

thewebofslime ago

I've seen you before...

thewebofslime ago

This has happened to me, as well, by sanegoatiswear.

I propose a permanent ban.

He has also used alts to upvote his own posts, as discussed in /v/mod.

He has also used additional exploits, as is being discussed, right now.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

lol. sense of humor. check!


go ask amalek. he's the one with 6 gorillion alts and intent on 'controling and manipulating the narrative on voat'

fuck man, i just want a place for all to speak freely. 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉

kcamstar ago

i just want a place for all to speak freely.

Except you look more like an attention whore with nothing of substance to say.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

AAJAJAJAJAJAJA puuta madre, necesitas encontrar un nuevo pasatiempo; saltando sobre mi polla todo el día debe ser muy agotador!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

ayyyy this is beautiful comment. i may paint this. the neu-detroit. privately owned, 78% mudslime, 22% black.

Runaway-White-Slave ago

At least you didn't piss off @Atko or @Puttitout they can really fuck with your shit.

But hey, give a Faggot and a Muzzie a website........... Wtf did expect? Other than the confusion over just how the Muzzie manages not to kill the faggot?

CrazyInAnInsaneWorld ago

If you don't like it here, you're always free to go elsewhere.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

ayyyyy lmao there it is



yeah i've had every shill/disinfo tactic thrown at me, and i'm still here :)

the truth will set us free.

i have faith we will grow as a specie and evolve from these dark ages currently engulfing earth.

think of it as specie growing pains.

so no, no defeatist narrative here.

just gotta be all aware of the problem first, which requires talking openly about it - - which is something the cabal on voat, and the oligarchs on earth all do NOT want us doing.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


SaneGoatiSwear ago

i have a massive aversion to confrontation.

BECAUSE i live a life of permanent confrontation.

GoatWorrier ago

How the fuck do you have a "main alt"? Are you drunk?

gauss_markov ago

You're telling us you asked him why he thought you were retarded, and he responded by downvoting you with 6 alts? Something tells me we're missing some context here.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i didn't dv him. it's a character assassination attempt by a shill with a dozen alts downvoated himself and then upvoated himself

gauss_markov ago

Seeing as I got downvoted for asking a question, I am inclined to believe you.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Well done. You have demonstrated your intelligence and wisdom for all to see.

edit look at the faggot pussy deleting his comment.

Damn I can't wait for school to start back up so you can fuck off sanegoat.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

can't wait for school

you have demonstrated your intelligence

SaneGoatiSwear ago

hyst, the goatworrier is an alt of op. you probably already could tell ;)

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i have a tendency to attract this shit, don't i?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

to be fair breh, i yelled at this little bitch nigger yesterday and he didn't have all those voats. clearly it was a brigade.

however, jury's out on whether it was an external or internal one. op could have brigaded his own alt to create the drama / normalize upvoat brigades.

i dunno. it's fishy.

now the user is doing a smear campaign of my name with at least 3 obvious alts

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@atko @puttitout @kevdude calls to violence on voat? is that cool?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

no, you're just a butthurt faggot begging for upvoats upvoat brigading yourself.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

furthermore, you stupid nigger,

i am the loudest goat calling for the -ccp restrictions to be LIFTED, which would include being lifted off of p0ssum.

OP has most probably used his other alts to create the drama, and then proceeded to upvoat brigade himself with more alts.

it's a psych tactic. they're normalizing upvoat brigades on voat. you may not know, but begging for voats is a faux paus on voat.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

what?! listen here nigger, i did nothing to p0ssum.

he made a thread that half of voat downvoated.

more stupid than a sack of bricks, eh?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

he's gone up 400 since he posted.

it's some long time user with a dozen alts.

i'm sure he downvoated himself just to make this whole drama.

hysterics, you and i don't agree on much, but the last couple things i've seen you say, i'm like "fuck this hysterics guy is a goddamn quality goat. i was wrong."

GoatWorrier ago

You can only keep so many accounts up at the same time... and there are a couple of billion people in the world.

Dantalian ago

That's actually not a bad thing. Pissing someone off like that means that your words have impact on others. Better to piss people off and get some downvoats for it than fade into a field of grazing goats. When a troll chooses you, you are one of the elite, a "chosen one". You can either be a lolcow and disgrace this noble title, or carry yourself with dignity and grace in the face of adversity. You may not be a "power user", but Jesus was a mere carpenter. The words of Jesus have impact others to this very day, and yeah, he pissed some people off in his time. Did Jesus hop down from the cross because he was irl trolled by God? Nope. Stay on your cross to bleed and be the strong and confident goat that we all know that you can be. God heard Jesus' pleas, but allowed him the honor of becoming an example of strength to the rest of us mortals. Atko and Putt are doing the same when they ignore voat brigades and manipulation. You are the Savior of Voat! Users in the future will look back on what happened to you and remember.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

yeah, but he got a couple hundred. i got 1000 dvs just the last two days.

you should see my dvs.

if he's the savior,

i'm every savior combined. ffs.

i mean you're not wrong, i'm not disagree with your statement, just that you're saying it about OP, who is clearly a faggot reddit cancer.

Lemongarb ago


dontforgetaboutevil ago

Sanegoat's a faggot.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

looks like WINNING!

dontforgetaboutevil ago

You wouldn't know winning if it was raping your asshole.

tippyc ago

@SaneGoatiSwear is anything but sane lol

bikergang_accountant ago

He doesn't vote but he's maxed out the counter for votes on his profile.


So now SaneGoatiSwear is a fuckhead and a liar.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

maxed out the counter for votes on his profile

@kevdude i need a witness to how stupid this user is. kthanks bye

bikergang_accountant ago

You just happen to have 9999 downvotes?

GoatWorrier ago

I do know how to work a <caps lock> though. And this IS my only account.

Mickgoestojail ago

No there are plenty of sites that allow conversations without voting. The main attraction of reddit and voat was allowing users to curate the comments.

GoatWorrier ago

Sadly you are wrong, you paranoid little freak. A lot of people think you are an idiot and a sphincter boy. Get used to it.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

@kevdude it looks like not only did someone or group brigade this little nigger, but then this little nigger called his buddies to have an upvoat brigade.

there's a war of the voats going on,

and i want both sides to have more ammo :)

please remove -ccp restrictions and voating restrctions, @atko and @puttitout it's censorship, plain and simple.

GoatWorrier ago

the only one who has a bunch of account is you... other people have friends.

GoatWorrier ago

That might be true, but it does not change the fact that you have nothing better to do on new years eve than getting triggered on the Internet! (oh, and that your mom get more chicks than you!)

(Fuck, I'm here too aren't I?)

Mickgoestojail ago

The main attraction of sites like this is the voting. In the pure sense it's user curated content and commenting ordering. Then you have arseholes who abuse that by going to downvote users actual accounts instead of voting in the thread itself on the issues. so you have to have restrictions on that but in my opinion and downvoting restrictions have to be balanced by equal upvote restrictions.

GoatWorrier ago

What makes you think you have the right to speak to me, peasant?

GoatWorrier ago

Ignore him, @SaneGoatiSwear is a massive 45 yr old pedo who lives in his mother basement and eats only Oreos. Did I say? @SaneGoatiSwear? Yes I did, @SaneGoatiSwear. What a pederast! (sure hope that does not gets his panties in a bundle!)

SaneGoatiSwear ago

lol this is literally OP talking to himself, and upvoat brigading himself.

thewebofslime ago

Are you surprised when you go out of your way to piss people off, that they talk about what an asshole you are being? I will always support a permanent ban, for you.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i will always support a permanent ban, for you

@thewebofslime alt of @webofslime the known anti-pizzagate division tactic bot/shill.

also the mod and creator of v/webofslime the shitty pizzagate news sub that thinks it's an investigation sub that only one user (with many alts) posts to!

i will always defend your right to freely speak,

and mine.

even if your speech is calling for me to be silenced, like the butthurt faggot sjw cuck you are.

thewebofslime ago

So easily triggered.

I do support a ban for you because you are actively running downvoting campaigns against people who are minding their own business and generating content, while you just busy yourself with being an asshole.

Nevermind the controversy with TIL that you chose to embroil yourself in.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


@atko and @puttitout this user and it's alts is committing an extended targeted libel/slander campaign against me, breaking u.s. law on voat.

what say you?

GoatWorrier ago

Why are you deleting your old comments and starting again? By deleting the old ones you have already admitted defeat. You sad pathetic wanker!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

people delete accounts all the time

suggesting deleting one's own comments is somehow a bad or wrong thing

sticking to the script, eh, shill?

now brigade me, faggot

we all know you are op

GoatWorrier ago

Not suggesting; stating. And "we"? Is your mom there with you?

Big_Amish ago

@SaneGoatiSwear is a massive faggot who doesn't know what to do with it's life and so can only get it's jollies by messing with people on the internet and being a complete moron.

antiracist ago

@Atko and @puttitout aren't interested in improving voat. They're only interested in jerking off to your private pics they have access to at the intelligence agency they work for.

Slayfire122 ago

It's sitting at 57 ccp right now. The account will be fine.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

now over 300.


it's more like this was a ploy to continue pushing for a new norm on voat. it used to be these threads were downvoated into oblivion.

now shills are making public their upvoat brigades.

tanukihat ago

hecho how do I get a cute girlfriend?

FreeAgain ago

First you'll need functioning feet.

tanukihat ago

That went meta real quick.

GoatWorrier ago

How do I get a tanukihat?!?!?

tanukihat ago

Play Super Mario Bros. 3

GoatWorrier ago

I was looking for an RL one. :-( But SMB3 will have to do!

tanukihat ago

GoatWorrier ago

Right! I'm getting one of these!

Mickgoestojail ago

Dont be so sure it looks like the ccp on it has gone back up again

BottomLine ago

A true free speech site shouldn't even have (functioning) downvote buttons.

...and point proven! Too many people can't deal with opposing opinions here. 11 faggots silencing me for objecting to their silencing. But nah, they're not just as bad as SRS, right? Fucking hypocrites. Ten minutes from now they're probably shouting at someone how this is such a free speech site.

Mickgoestojail ago

Then you get people abusing the upvote button the same way by sliding others down and their posts up.

BottomLine ago

They can already do that now too.

Mickgoestojail ago

Ok thats a fair answer but whats your answer to unmoderated subs where people downvote spam? What is keeping spammers from upvoting their posts to flood v/all?

BottomLine ago

I have comments in mind most of all, but as far as posts go: I've been doing good so far with just hide (/v/ave). Haven't even had to block anyone yet, but that would be step 2, because the plus side about upvote cheating is that perpetrators reveal themselves, so they can be taken care of sooner or later. People secretly downvoting others remain invisible.

An alternative could be only allowing downvoting to 0, not lower. I just hate seeing vengeful people taking away other people's ability to freely comment, or vote by taking away their ccp.

Mickgoestojail ago

The trouble is ave is a 3rd party product and not implemented in voat. It also looks like the dev is missing. A true block feature might solve a lot.

BottomLine ago

Agree. I would love to have more control over my own content without interfering with what others can see.

auto_turret ago

If you really want to get DV brigaded, go kick the FPH hornet's nest.

Wahaha ago

What did you do?