SaneGoatiSwear ago

bro, you missed it. from the info i've gathered, it was put up for a test run yesterday for a bit, and was stopped.

after 10 downvoats in a 30 minute period on one user, wait 30 minutes to downvoat that one user again.

that was the test rule

atko's stated that and more restrictions (possibly on upvoating as well) are coming...

Cynabuns ago

Have I told you lately that I love you?!!

SaneGoatiSwear ago

thanks for correcting the record, derk /s

all your quote is bullshit.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

dude i'm for voating being speech, and thus unrestricted.

lol i don't think i've ever downvoated joe_mccarthy lol.

you claim other people, actual humans, are alts of mine

i never was a redditor lol

more of this shit bro.

oy vey derk.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

but what is voat2? le free speech place?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you have made this a feel now:

aw dude, sad burrn.... 8[

Slayfire122 ago

Cool. I'll try it when I get of work.

Chiefpacman ago

But you did make voat aware of the issue.

Why not post to v/protectvoat?

Chiefpacman ago

Man idk what I can do.

To be fair, you have downvoted more submissions, but as the watchman I don't think that is too shocking.

I wouldn't care what atko and put think too much, because you do distrust them right?

I'm not on their radar, I'm a good little goat

SaneGoatiSwear ago

lol watchgoat

the amount of fucking spam posts i see in a day....

and now all these bots - with no word on whether they're supposed to be here -

urgh... maybe i'll just stop spam janitoring. i mean voat's founder just called ME fucking spam.

Chiefpacman ago

He just seems all pissed off lately

You have to expect a vigilant community with pitchforks stowed not far with voat. We left reddit in a mass exodus, we could easily do it again.

Idk how much they care. Honestly, and I hope they don't read this, I wisk atko and put would leave us alone for another 3 months after these changes

SaneGoatiSwear ago

lol if they're gonna keep dragging voat down the slipper slope of censorship, yah i could do with a 3 month wait for the new voat to pop up.

don't worry, they'll only respond if y ou ask them questions about voat that threaten the conspiracy!

Chiefpacman ago

Oh you <3

Hey also try to play nice with kev. He's on our side/the admins talk to him/carries weight in community.

Why not post to v/protectvoat originally.

Chiefpacman ago

I laughing my ass off over my morning coffee.

You got their attention and you seemed to have pissed them right off.

Hope they don't put your co-conspirators on the don't fly list with you, Try to play nice sane, they did build the boat.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Can you prove any of these things?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i'm gonna try responding to this in a nother way, exactly what you said, back atcha!

ready? GO

your being nice to being mean ratio is at worst 50/50. if you are a douche more than you are nice, while at the same time making no real effort to talk to people meaningfully on voat anymore, atko - something is wrong

SaneGoatiSwear ago

no worries :) knowledge is power.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

that's silly

i've had more submission downvoats for a long time.

i'm a v/all/new rat. i'm always downvoating the spam posts

however, there's always been the "more COMMENT upvoats than downvoats" that's always been there.

maybe THAT got removed? i wouldn't have noticed, as i have a couple thousand more comment upvoats than downvoats.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i dunno. what do you mean in your original comment and what does that have to do with api?

SaneGoatiSwear ago


SaneGoatiSwear ago

and one more time,

for you know transparency,

you the owner of voat, inc, "have your say"

do NOT consider discussion, commenting - as content.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

also, clarify

you were caught

i'm sorry what?

so you missed it when derkatalog downvoated ME 1,700 times?

or how about all the half-day long brigades against me when i spoke up about you disappearing with putt, about you changing your behavior, about the bug you failed to notice for a year that could be used maliciously that had over 6 v/voatdev posts, and when i spoke up about the warrant canary being woefully underwritten?

you missed all those brigades against me

but when i don't voat for a few days and come back and voat all the voats i had wanted to, and stumble upon this new fucking tool

you claim i've been caught.

mfw seriously wtf.

you can't be atko or you have a split personality or you're being forced to act so differently.

again, mfw

SaneGoatiSwear ago

you gave your self the right to downvoat while not upvoating or submitting links

you gave your self the right to downvoat while not upvoating links

mother fuck i have about 17k upvoats and 17k downvoats total given...

mfw atko lies to assassinate my character..

SaneGoatiSwear ago

first of all this has nothing to do with downvoating submissions. the restriction recently put on (and taken off) was about comment downvoats.

and clearly your second sentence is off, because i have more submission downvoats than upvoats (because i browse v/all/new and downvoat spam, atko, janitoring all day every day, i guess you don't call that contributing either).

do you seriously not consider discussion content? are you seriously attacking me?

seriously, my upvoats and downvoats overall are around 17k up and down total for subs and comments combined.... sooooo you're lying about me? looked at the wrong profile?

you have spent the majority of the time you've "responded" to me insulting me. what's up with that?

why don't you go remove the dox that was posted a day ago instead of writing paragraphs of insults to me.

so since your post is full of disinformation tactics, here they are!

straw man

hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil

create rumor mongers

sidetrack opponent with name calling and ridicule

probably a hit and run

invoke authority

question motives

play dumb

change the subject

emotionalize, antagonize, and goad opponents.

frankenmine ago

These limitations were put in after the @she incident. They are undocumented, which is nonideal.

Crensch ago

What the fuck? So now trolls can just lay on any amount of comments with no repercussion at all.


/u/antiracist1-40 or more /u/jesusofnazareth1-66 or more

Same guy. Every one has multiple tens, hundreds, and even thousands of downvoats in ccp, and he still can post on them continually.

Rellik88 ago

@Crensch dammit you triggered @Antiracist to make a new alt.

Crensch ago

Through a combination of trolling and outright destroying his arguments, I caused something in his mind to break, and now when I don't give him attention, he follows me like a lost puppy. The only difference is that he puts in an insane amount of work and effort into getting me to respond to him, and it's honestly entertaining.

Antiracist10 ago

outright destroying his arguments

You mean running from them and denying logic. P1, P2, P3, or P4 you illiterate fucker.

At no point did destruction of the prime mover argument occur. You are delusional.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

no you meant p0ssum

SaneGoatiSwear ago

seriously though do the math.

10 accts, 10 votes / 30 minutes

in 6 hours= 1,200 downvoats


all this does is divide like a war on drugs, but a war on downvoats

the innocent users who may downvoat a conversation won't be able to go past ten

the slightly pissy pants users will give up after a few hours of dvs

but the trolls and shills...

will be dug hard into a cacophany of accounts.

this slippery slope gets worse every day man

-ccp restrictions


-downvoat restrictions 7 days and 10/30mins.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

aaaaahem amalek aahem cough cough

PuttItOut ago

We finally developed some basic anti-brigading logic and decided to test the rule system out on Voat. As an admin of this site I get PMs all the time from users that have their histories traversed and downvoted by a single user.

We made this rule extra lenient (imo) so as to only slow down brigaders going through a users comments pages and downvoting their entire history. So either this user is a downvote brigader or this rule is affecting normal Voat users and for this reason I've disabled it.

The rule was written as follows:

If user1 downvoted more than 10 comments of user2's in a 30 minute period, the rule would kick in. This rule didn't limit total downvotes from user1, but just downvotes from user1 to user2. So, by extension, user1 could downvote user2 10 times, and user3, and user4, etc. By our logic a spam account with negative CCP can only post 10 comments in a 24 hours period, so this would give a user more than enough power to tackle spam while still targeting brigaders.

We will not enable any additional rules until we get community input.

Attn: @KevDude

Crensch ago

Pretty disappointing that plenty of things are wrong with this site, but the ability of users to downvoat spammers was curtailed because of some few whining about being censored, when they could have done their due diligence and built up their CCP like a proper forum-with-karma/votes user would do.

Literally one of the least-wanted things on the site and it's implemented without a word to anyone until it's noticed. But hey, let's let cancers like amalek and antiracist post their bullshit all over the site with upwards of a hundred accounts with multiple thousands of downvoats collectively.

The worst part though? You don't limit upvotes the same as you do downvotes. Without both being equal, you WILL have brigades just as bad as downvote brigades, only for the antiracists, amaleks, and CTR SHILLS that are being paid to fuck up forums.

You're inviting them here.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

"this user"

i am a person and you are replying directly to me and speaking as if i'm not here.

are you puttitout? are you under duress? is this real life?

SaneGoatiSwear ago




SaneGoatiSwear ago

you turned it off? what? clarify

right now afaik it doesn't matter if you're in a persons' history or in a comment chain. all counts to the 10.

in any case

it's behavior restriction at best. it's censorship (if voating is self-expression, it's speech) at worst.

remove the shadowboxing | remove the goat muzzle

SaneGoatiSwear ago

when you code, do you think about the sociopolitical ramifications of your actions at the user level?

SaneGoatiSwear ago

lenient? disagree. this is behavioral control/restriction. a form of overt censorship. if voting is considered a form of expression, then it is speech, and protected.

if your aim really is to end brigades, we as a community with the devs should have a conversation about this before just implementing stuff.

i thought that's what voat was about anyway, not just doing stuff and then seeing our reaction, like we're a thing to poke with a stick...

edit: also note you have a standing 7 day dam on that. no one can downvoat past seven days.

SaneGoatiSwear ago


kevdude, i have tested. upvoats everywhere, and downvoats on posts are open season.

edit: and YES, open season.

just imagine a voat where every comment is replied to by sanegoat

remove the behavioral downvoat control

SaneGoatiSwear ago

slippery slope, alduin

  • -ccp restrictions (censorship)

  • shadowboxing (self-censorship)

  • downvoat restriction (behavioral control/censorship (only censorship if voting is speech) ((legal precedence???))

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i'mm gonna make this super clear on the time line

  • -ccp restrictions (censorship)

  • shadowboxing (self-censorship)

  • downvoat restrictions (behavioral control/censorship) (only censorship if voating is expression, thus speech, thus protected)

voat is pro-censorship.

oh lol, the admins have left a dox on voat up for a whole day now. cyna refuses to contact admins about it citing 'not muh job'

and yes. no fucking communcation afaik on this new behavioral control.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

funny you said that at the exact time that he got upvoated into positive.

middle_path ago

So no more brigading? This is a good thing.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

lol. if amalek has taught us anything, it's that persistence overcomes barriers like water gets through stone.


i had one single user wake up every day and downvoat everything of mine ffor a month!

1,700 downvoats.

many laughs and good times!

doesn't bother me.

seems like their little shill p0ssum got brigaded and so they just switched it on.

no discussion about it with the community, as far as i can tell.

and p.s., brigades will find a way around it.

daskapitalist ago

The great thing about being here for over a year is I'm basically immune to brigading at this point. Even if some butthurt person dumped thousands of downvoats on me it wouldn't matter.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

The great thing about being here for over a year having thousands of ccp is I'm basically immune to brigading at this point.

there are plenty of 1 year + accounts with near 0 ccp. see: front page today lol.

Slayfire122 ago

What the hell is up with this? ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็ก็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็

SaneGoatiSwear ago

considered by some to be the dragon of power,


a trump army.

anyway, it goes up.

Slayfire122 ago

What am I missing though? All I see is three stacks of ก's. Is it just because?

gaiben ago

You following someone around and downvoating them? A feature like that would seem to discourage that kind of behavior.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

no actually i didn't voat at all for a few days. then i ended the break, and started voating. i had some catching up to do, and some adspam and shills to downvoat,

you know with all the shilling going on lol...

and that's how i happened across it

and quite frankly, it may discourage it but it won't stop it, just like making something illegal doesn't stop people from doing it if they want to. or are you suggesting the war on drugs is a resounding success?

see how that works?