whisky_cat ago

I gotta imagine there's only so many subs to consider for sponsoring, and most have already been sponsored. It would be cool to see analytics on what the biggest subs are, and evaluate what's been sponsored or not.

mamwad ago

Well, the more attractive females post in gw, the more voat will grow.

Chiefpacman ago

Out of the usual, NSFW, under posted, mods all but absent.


Chiefpacman ago

It'd be funny if it was a mistype. Like he meant to sponsor a nature sub or something.

Chiefpacman ago

I honestly don't see Atko sponsoring a sub like that. Judge it from other subs he's sponsored. He wouldn't flash a somewhat obscure NSFW sub on front page?

FaggotNigga ago

Atko is actually an SRS tranny and you all fell for the exodus.

I can tell you exactly what this site would be like if the true users like myself dipped out. Exactly like they have reddit except this site is satanic themed and they can get away with more raunchy shit.

They don't give a fuck about the people they wanted to bring here (coontown etc) they give a fuck about what the trannies want.

This site is 100% opposite of what it was when I first got here 8 months ago.

FishWithAMustache ago

You mean when you first got here 9 days ago?

FaggotNigga ago

you wish lol

NeedleStack ago

I only find it an odd choice because the last legitimate (non-spam) post was from 2 weeks ago. There've been only two posts since then and from spammers.

Maybe @atko just wants to check our bits. :-p

Chiefpacman ago

That certainly added to the confusion.

It took me a minute to realize the sub's purpose. Honestly if the sub took off whole heartedly, there's gonna be a lot of dick picks.

It just seems like a sausage fest, ready to fawn over any attention-seeking fatties. Harsh but kinda true.

Chiefpacman ago

Yeah I think I was being overly suspicious.

CatInTheHat ago

I would like to think that atko was either drunk or just trying to fuck with us

Chiefpacman ago

A bit early, even on his side of the planet.

I'm thinking now that yeah, it was him messing with us. Plus him being promoting free speech, a sub that honestly needs it.

RJKH ago

What other "fishy" things have you seen?

Chiefpacman ago

I don't wanna be seen a nut so I left it at that good sir.

I'm callin this one though. Could be wrong. Don't want less evident claims to muddy the waters!

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Why not bring it to light.

Chiefpacman ago

Because I'm already pretty sure my initial claim was submitted under false superstition. Still notably odd.

How about this unrelated theory with no substantial evidence as of yet. All those users with 'omniscient' (omnicientgiraffe, omnipresence) in their names are one guy. Working on the evidence part ;).

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Omniscient... You mean here on voat? I'll keep an eye out. Clever name to use if it's true.

Chiefpacman ago

Glad someone will share in my nuttiness.

Like 6 months ago I noticed he would comment on his own subs with like-named accounts. He'd submit similar stuff within small timeframes.

I called him out too early, he's been more careful. Or I'm crazy, idk. I told him as much on his giraffe account.

Nurdoidz ago

I don’t see any suspicion of his character. I just think that most subs, including NSFW, are sponsorable and it just so happens that GoneWild is the sub this time.

FaggotNigga ago

I don’t see any suspicion of his character.

You obviously haven't even glanced in his/her direction.

I just think that most subs, including NSFW, are sponsorable and it just so happens that GoneWild is the sub this time.

Start sponsoring NSFW shit and keep nailing that coffin shut. By the way, if there are any hoes stupid enough and narcissistic enough to post to that sub, just remember who runs the show. They want you to post nudes, it isn't sexy to them; it's hilarious how easy it is to get bitches naked. Gay people love trolling with straight people.

Chiefpacman ago

You know what, on a second thought, a this sub is for users to post nudes of themselves.

I could see why that would need more user attention.

Chiefpacman ago

I don't think he spins a roulette when choosing. Obviously popular subs, controversial subs; they're leafed over.

He's chosen nature subs, historical subs, subs that have loving moderators and need more attention. This, is an odd move.

You wouldn't even say this slightly 'unorthodox'?

I'm not even complaining if it is indeed purposeful. I just doubt it was.

luckyguy ago

What if because he is in school and doesn't have a lot of time, the degree to which he applies these rules depends on his day. Rushing out the door in the morning he can't exactly sit down and hit the random button over and over to find one that meets every point of his criteria.

Chiefpacman ago


Watch it be a mistype, he wanted to sponsor some nature sub haha

Nurdoidz ago

Yeah, he has a list of criteria a sub needs to be featured, but I forgot most of what it included since it was so long ago. It’s possible that he makes a list of feature-able subs then closes his eyes and pulls the trigger, but to what degree that is is unknown to me.

But yeah, I found it hilarious when I saw it at the top of the page. Bravo, @Atko.

ChillyHellion ago

I can tell you what the process was for featuring /v/CoOpGaming way back when.

"Hey Atko, can /v/CoOpGaming be the next featured sub?"

"Yeah, alright"

I'm paraphrasing, but that was basically all there was to it.

Chiefpacman ago

Yeah once I saw that it wasn't just a 'dump your pron files' sub, it was less suspicious.

It has a lot of shittu porn submissions since being sponsored though, thru me off