Zenocide ago

Thanks Atko!

Would it be possible, or is it being worked on so that sub owners can pass over ownership to other level 2 mods in the future?

I ask because I had created some subs initially that I haven't had as much time to contribute to as I would like and as such would rather hand them over to someone else or release them if possible.

identifier1 ago

Loves you lots.

identifier1 ago

The porn on voat suffers every time there isn't a thumbnail. Won't you think of the porn?

identifier1 ago

Hurry up.

Slug ago

Thanks Atko!

Peglius ago

thanks Atko! and thanks for your help over at /v/funny!

V-sync ago

Keep being a legend :)

HomerSimpson ago

Gotcha. Thanks for the reply.

HomerSimpson ago

Do we have a timeframe for the new API?

identifier1 ago

Okay, love you.

chronos ago

For example right now in /v/nsfw there are 4 links where thumbnails aren't working.

identifier1 ago

https://voat.co/v/voatdev/comments/389252 also see my submissions for recent posts within the last 3 days.

identifier1 ago

They don't always show up.

venuspcs ago

Exactly, Atko....I was referring to the ability to promote Level2 mods to Level 1 Mods and then demote them back to LEvel 2 if they screw up!

12_Years_A_Toucan ago

What's the reason to have multiple level 1 moderators?

venuspcs ago

Reason #1: To ease the transfer of subs from MOD who no longer wants it to MOD who does want it. Reason #2: Because there are still somethings that only a MOD 1 can do but not all MOD 1's area available 24/7 to do them.

Arotaes_Forgehammer ago

Atko's the best. Dis gon be gud.

venuspcs ago

You guys been working overtime lately and we all appreciate it....but when will we be able to promote/demote moderators?

chronos ago

They have been randomly not working for several weeks. I wrote it up previously

Smiler ago

Prefect, thanks Atko!

Smiler :)

identifier1 ago

Can you fix thumbnails now too?

SwiftCase ago


majink ago

Great news, thanks Atko :)