SearchVoat ago

Sorry for the inconvenience. I foresaw this kind of issue when I announced the bot:

If you don't want to be pinged by these cross-link notifications tell me. I can suppress the ping on a user-by-user basis.

Just let me know.

Dortex ago

This is the spam he's complaining about:

u/theoldones begged for child porn,repeatedly, and again for good measure, then had a mental breakdown for over a day when he got called out for it. Also u/TruthDefender is his alt. He likes to use it to sniff his own farts. Does he get banned? No.

There's no need for you to go out of your way to do anything about it. He can just block the bot. He's been told this before.

theoldones ago

229 then

@Cynabuns he is clearly unrepentent

theoldones ago

might be an idea to add that bit to the small text that goes at the bottom of each bot post, rather then only in the help thread

@Dortex's spam is an insane problem and he's exploiting your bot. can you please cut off his pings for me? thank you for responding on this

SearchVoat ago

Ok that should be working now. You shouldn't receive any more notifications when your posts/comments are cross linked. Please let me know if you see another notification.

theoldones ago

thank you. this seems like a loophole others might exploit in the future against new targets

Dortex ago

Do I get notified still?

SearchVoat ago

For the last 10 hours or so none of your posts have generated crosslink notifications, while I've been sorting out @theoldones' request (in my database you were marked "nocrosslinker"). Now that's fixed up, your posts do generate crosslink notifications (including a user ping notification to you) unless they crosslink a post by a user who has requested not to receive those notifications (in my database, @theoldones is now marked "nocrosslinkee").

I'm going to write up a new reference post for the crosslink bot to clarify the algorithm.

Dortex ago

So now the user can talk about me without my knowing unless I stalk him. I mean, I can do that. But this seems like a lot of work we're both doing just so he doesn't have to block the bot. Thanks for clarifying.

SearchVoat ago

Anyone can suppress those notifications, anyway, by appending a slash to the crosslink, or by asking me to suppress them all by marking that user nocrosslinker.

If you'd like me to suppress notifications of his posts crosslinking to yours, let me know.

Dortex ago

Quite the opposite. I like your bot and appreciate what it does. Saves me the effort of stalking people. Thanks for making it.

theoldones ago

you just spent months abusing his bot to harass me with dishonest, snake-hearted lies and spam.

he now has to rebuild his bot to fix a loophole you've been caught exploiting.

you, can fuck right off to a goddamn lava pit and burn your legs off.

Dortex ago

Did you block the bot?

theoldones ago

drink fucking cyanide then jump off a cliff.

Dortex ago

You didn't block it. You just bothered some guy to spend who knows how long to solve a problem you could have solved in three clicks.

SearchVoat ago

Oh, sorry, I just realised I misunderstood the mechanism. It's not a "comment mention" ping to the linker, it's a "reply to your post" ping to the linkee. I can only suppress those by not posting the notification at all. Will take me a while to set that up. On it.

theoldones ago

excessive unwanted pings being intercepted before posting, can probably be tracked to help you catch problem cases right away on your end

theoldones ago

i don't want to hear what you have to say

you just tried to gaslight people and lie about my words regarding the folkishasatru malware

i am now blocking you though