PuttItOut ago

If parent is deleted, this is fixed.

PuttItOut ago

Test (this may or may not be deleted)

MadWorld ago

XD Is this why you said "Soon, comments won't be deleted" (can't remember the exact quote)?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Permanent? I'm gonna hate having to edit a comment just to 'delete' it.

PuttItOut ago

No no, it's a bug. Don't freak out. Looks like bad javascript that needs some love.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I probably should have put a /s at the end. ;)

MadWorld ago

Test comment2 w/o ping...


Edit2: cannot delete on comment w/o ping.

MadWorld ago

Test comment3

MadWorld ago

test immediate delete

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I like breaking stuff.

MadWorld ago

Thanks!! Without you mentioning it, I didn't even know it to be true on the main site as well.

MadWorld ago


MadWorld ago


MadWorld ago


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Noticed it on preview last night, checked it here today.

MadWorld ago

Testing magic ping on live.

Edit: ping works

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Unable to delete any comment with secret ping on preview AND on main site.

Even after editing the ping out of the comment.

MadWorld ago

You are right! Just tested within this submission, I couldn't delete the comment.