I keep on getting the "User is Globally Banned" error when I try to delete my account. Why? (voat.co)
submitted 6.9 years ago by coopzy
DunGaveUp 6.7 years ago
Try public wifi. Upvote plx!
valk2 6.9 years ago
I am experiencing this bug as well.
Thisismyvoatusername 6.9 years ago
It’s because you are globally banned. Duh.
coopzy 6.9 years ago
Fugg but how did this happen? How can I make it stop
CrustyBeaver52 6.9 years ago
You are here forever:)
No you. You are the one who is here forever.
I'm able to post/comment and up/downvoat normally. No other types of bans that I know of other than subverse bans.
DunGaveUp ago
Try public wifi. Upvote plx!
valk2 ago
I am experiencing this bug as well.
Thisismyvoatusername ago
It’s because you are globally banned. Duh.
coopzy ago
Fugg but how did this happen? How can I make it stop
CrustyBeaver52 ago
You are here forever:)
coopzy ago
No you. You are the one who is here forever.
coopzy ago
I'm able to post/comment and up/downvoat normally. No other types of bans that I know of other than subverse bans.