Cc1914 ago

How is it a smear campaign when people are pointing out what you typed with your own keyboard?? You never even denied that you call yourself a magic blood drinking dragon ! In fact you said you were factually a blood drinking magic dragon ! So how is this a smear campaign ?! We don't want your blood drinking fetish to have anything to do with what real caring humans are trying to do to expose pizzagate ! If you drink blood like you say you do then you are PIZZAGATE!

Vindicator ago

Cc1914: I get that you find argosciv's spiritual practices repellent...but can you point me to a place where he has said or done anything that was designed to bring down the Pizzagate investigation or stop a researcher from pursuing a good lead? Because I haven't seen that side of him at all.

We've got flat-earthers, folks who are allergic to Freemasons, plenty of Jew-haters, a bunch of Christians who think their fellow Catholic goats are deluded idiots, a whole slew of atheists who think ALL of them are idiots, and most of them make far less effort to investigate Pizzagate than argosciv. He's made a truly solid and valuable suggestion here to Voat At Large, and you're trying to blacklist him. WTF?

Cc1914 ago

Am I really hearing you correctly ? In other words .. everyone is welcome here as long as they call their blood drinking rituals " spiritual " do you even realize what you just said ?? I had to read it myself over and over to believe you actually said that !? It's like saying since John Podesta has some good points once in a while , we should welcome HIM! ?

Cc1914 ago

Just having him here is bringing down the PG investigations ! He's a fraud who mixed in with the rest of us IMO . And guess what ? I'm aloud to think that based on evidence that I have read!

Vindicator ago

Just having him here is bringing down the PG investigations!

Welcome to Voat. This attitude^ belongs on Reddit.

Cc1914 ago

Here's the link to where I asked him nicely to help me understand him and also asking him why he attacks my spiritual convictions ( funny how I'm being accused for attacking his)

Vindicator ago

That link really doesn't support your case at all Cc1914. You made a bunch of claims he was mean to you, to him, with no evidence provided. He responded respectfully. Thanks for proving my point.

Cc1914 ago

Wow really ? It's ok to drink blood and research alongside pizzagaters who are repulsed by this ? I'm not trying to blacklist anyone . There are plenty of other people calling his sick practices out so don't jump on me because @argosciv went whining to you about this!

dragonkiller ago

It is called a shit sandwich. Just because there is some ham and tomatoes on the sandwich does not negate the fact that it also has shit tucked into it. Everything I wrote above is validated with endless examples and verifiable information. argosciv is a rude little shit starter and he gets what he asks for. Shit....

Cc1914 ago

Oh no I'm being accused by vindicater for blacklisting the blood drinking dragon ?! Pretty soon this whole sub will be filled with imposters . But As long as they kiss MOD butt they will be aloud to infiltrate this place with no problems .

Vindicator ago

Can you point me to a place where he has said or done anything that was designed to bring down the Pizzagate investigation or stop a researcher from pursuing a good lead?

No response to my question, huh?

What is the point of bringing up argosciv's views as a comment in this thread of his, other than to try to silence him? If you think he is a shill or an "infiltrator", please provide evidence. Otherwise, you're the guy spamming a thread with irrelevant shit.

Cc1914 ago

I didn't start ANY blacklist campaign. I was actually having a conversation with argosciv a few months back then came along dragonkiller and sent me screen shots of argosciv claiming he's a dragon and that he drinks blood . I researched for myself and saw it was true . Regardless of what he has contributed here , onlookers will see this and use it against us possibly in the future ( especially with what we know about the elites and blood) I've asked him nicely to explain himself and he said he would at another time.. he never explained himself , instead he accuses me of running a smear campaign against him . You know I've been here just as long , if not longer then him and I'm not here to cause division . It's kinda freaky how he posts satanic videos all the time to individuals on here . I know this isn't the first time you've heard of this.. I will quit commenting about his satanic blood drinking rituals but am in utter shock that you are ok with it!

Vindicator ago

Where did I say I was okay with it? I questioned the relevancy of you bringing it up in this thread of his, which if implemented would benefit everyone in v/pizzagate. You are creating drama. I wondered why. I also asked you to give me an example of something argosciv had actually done to damage another user's thread or reputation, and you couldn't link me to that, either.

dragonkiller ago

had actually done to damage another user's thread or reputation,

Holding satanic music festivals on people's threads. They don't like it. He knows they don't like it. He basically tells them "tough shit, I do what I do." Fine, we will also do what we do in return. @cc1914 is not the only person fed up with his trolling. He gets what he deserves so mind your business vindicator.

dragonkiller ago

I questioned the relevancy of you bringing it up in this thread of his, which if implemented would benefit everyone in v/pizzagate. You are creating drama.

Wrong. @cc1914 did not bring up the blood drinking, I did. argosciv, instead of keeping his mouth shut and getting along with others had to open himself up to criticism just like he always does.

Do not ping ES to my threads/comments - their smear campaign against me has been going on for months and it grows incredibly tedious.

I got pinged so I gave the little shit starter what he wanted. He thrives on being divisive, concern trolling, and being a nuisance by pinging people to his satanic music concerts that do not appreciate it. So, I let him have what he craved. He also tries to start arguments between mods and posters by being a tattle tale. He deserves what he gets and he deserves what he asks for. So, he will continue to reap the rewards of his own behavior, because people do not appreciate his behavior.

Cc1914 ago

First off it's not that I couldn't prove it . There's over a years worth of comments I have to look through . Second , I didn't start this flippen drama ! It was brought to my attention !

srayzie ago

I’ve always wanted that

think- ago

Would you like to join the discussion?

@Carmencita @bopper @Vindicator @SoldierofLight @ESOTERICshade

SoldierofLight ago

Thank you. It seems like a good idea. As you pointed out, @argosciv, there are some who will try to take advantage but that's always going to be the case and you made a good suggestion on how to deal with that.

argosciv ago

Hell, I'll say it here in a comment:

Do not ping ES to my threads/comments - their smear campaign against me has been going on for months and it grows incredibly tedious. I don't want this thread to become anything more than it is; a suggestion related to voat features - hence why I didn't ping anybody from v/pizzagate.

Coinicdentally(?), this thread only had 1 downvoat until I noticed ES had been pinged to it, now there's 2...

think- ago

@argosciv, I know @ESOTERICshade is on your shill list, but he isn't a shill.

He's a buddy of mine, he's here every day, and I thought he might be interested in joining the discussion.

See his comment: He appreciates your suggestion.

argosciv ago

Shill isn't really the right word at this point, I appreciate you trying to mediate, though.

ESOTERICshade ago

Do not ping ES to my threads/comments - their smear campaign against me has been going on for months and it grows incredibly tedious.

"They?" I have not said a word to you, or you to me, in months. Not sure what your problem is.

argosciv ago

Alright, I'll bite. For the record, though, I only said "they" because I didn't want to assume your gender - delicate territory and whatnot. I think you know full well what my problem is, but, if we're both willing to put that aside for the sake of a feature suggestion, great.

I'll take your word that you didn't downvoat me and even apologize for making the assumption, even I know that isn't fair when I can't remotely prove it. I do appreicate you calling it a reasonable idea :)

ESOTERICshade ago

I think you know full well what my problem is

I saw that you were having problems with some other users in v/pizzagate but I haven't said anything to you so I would appreciate you leaving me out of your problems.

argosciv ago

We're not going to get into this here. I appreciate your kind words about the suggestion, let's leave it at that and pick up the rest another time.

ESOTERICshade ago

and pick up the rest another time.

Not with me you won't because I already told you that I don't want to be involved in your business. Your problem is with @dragonkiller and some other users. I told you to leave me out of your problems because I don't want to have anything to do with it.

dragonkiller ago

Well I see the self admitted blood drinking satanist @argosciv is still running around Voat causing division and stirring up trouble. Let me enlighten the Voaters.

Admits to being a blood drinking satanist: (even put "barf" in the url)

He claims to be into "sex magic" and blood. Probably one of these Comet Ping Pong freaks.

Lures teenage drug addicted girls to his house and tries have sex with them and talk them into letting him drink their blood. He tells them he is a "magic dragon." (seriously, read what he wrote) A couple of those little drug addicted tweakers broke into his house a few weeks ago.

He constantly posts satanic music in v/pizzagate and pings a lot of other users to his satanic music concerts even though he knows v/pizzagate people hate it. He constantly pings the mods and tattles on people, shows the mods things people say, in an effort to get fights started between the mods and the users.

Whines because people do not like his obnoxious behavior. Some people never learn to keep their mouth shut and stop being an asshole. So the dragonkiller has to show up and illuminate you. Learn not to be an asshole and we won't need a @dragonkiller.

Cc1914 ago

😂😂😂 keep on exposing him for what he is . I just hope he hasn't swayed too many others. He actually thinks it's ok to drink blood for a magical high! That goes along with everything we are trying to expose here . Is this like that adrenal drug stuff?! How can people not look at the proof and see what he's in to? If your not into blood drinking @argosciv then explain your comments about " consensual blood drinking " you can't , so you choose to tell people that you block me and that you don't see my comments because I have a smear campaign against you 🙄 It's called a " truth campaign "

think- ago

Great idea - sometimes posts get deleted on v/pizzagate because the title doesn't show a connection to pizzagate; this way it could easily be amended.

Sometimes there are already a lot of comments before mods will take a post down and request a re-post; allowing editing would be much better, since the comments will stay.

And some people are discouraged when their posts get deleted and won't re-post.

Vindicator ago

LOL...this whole comment is very diplomatically understated. Boy, would I love the option to ask people to edit their posts!

think- ago


cynicaloldfart ago

Well thought out. Put this one on the "to do" list.

fusir ago

I like it.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

is great idea and i often need that function