usedtobecrensch ago

I'm not 100% it's the right PW. I'm not logged in anywhere else. The cookie on my voat machine was lost.

Disappointed ago

Alright delete that comment. You need 10 or 20ccp to send PMs. If you can remmber some of he old PMs you sent to anyone and give permissions for @Puttitout to look at them maybe that can help establish your identity, because thats the main thing he'll be worried about. Do you think someone hijacked your account or it's not like that?

usedtobecrensch ago

Let me know if you think it's smart for me to start posting here and just let it ride 'till/if I can get my account back.

@puttitout - you have my permission to check my PMs - i can tell you some of what I've written

Disappointed ago

Yep just keep posting. It's also possible someone is trying to brute force your account which would leave it in a perpetual lockout state maybe. All things an admin will have to answer. I think the only way you can be restored is through admin if you dont have a login cokkie stored somewhere.

@Fuzzywords can you help with the login cookie question?

usedtobecrensch ago

Ahh, maybe so. I AM a rather volatile individual here.

Disappointed ago

Some people cant handle words.

usedtobecrensch ago

Probably out for the night here soon; thanks again for the help.

Disappointed ago

Alight I'll see what i can do to get the wheels rolling.

usedtobecrensch ago

i think it's more likely that i changed my PW when the PG stuff happened, and managed somehow to not remember it.

Mickgoestojail ago

Gave you some votes on here. Let us know whats happening from your end.

usedtobecrensch ago

Thanks bud. Apparently the IP address last logged in on Crensch is not the IP static external IP I had set up for my Voat box. I WAS having some fucked-up net issues so I'm more convinced it was something on my end than someone else logging in to my username.

It also stands to reason that it was an error on my end since my username hasn't been active since my net issues.

Putt is on the case, though, and will attempt to confirm some PM information I provided him with. He normally doesn't do this for users, so I'm SUPER thankful he's doing so for me.

@kevdude @disappointed

Disappointed ago

Alright, I sent a PM to the Crensch account so reply to that when you are sorted out. If he cant sort it out then you might have to use this one.

usedtobecrensch ago

Will do, and will do. Not wanting to have to change, but if that's what needs to happen, I'll start from scratch.

Dirby7 ago

Any thoughts to registering the domain and setting up a redirection to ?

Dirby7 ago

May I suggest that when there is a minimal viable beta, create an AWS account and deploy on minimal hardware - try to keep it on the free tier - for the first year.

ejd4500 ago

I work with PHP/MySQL/caching/templates all day, but am pretty familiar with other techs including server setup. If there's anything I can do, someone shoot me a message.

As far as saving $$ - getting of MS hosting is a start, and then I think we can also save on system resources with the right caching approaches in place.

To someone who knows - what currently takes the most resources in the app - which actions when taken on the site take up the most system cycles...I'd be interested to know, I'm pretty good at optimizing the shit out of stuff...

Glad to help.

ejd4500 ago

Best game. Ever. Period.

Disappointed ago

Right that's why I think a sub and a clear focus of:

1: This is what we are doing

2: These are the listed things we need done to achieve that

3: Assign people to those things as they put their hand up

At the moment reading this thread it seems like a lot of talk and even a few things happening but everyone needs to be pulling in the same direction. Voat needs to be specific in exactly what it needs, then we can point people to how they can help.

Donbuster ago

Slack is more useful for planning like this, as it is a different style of platform. Conversations, especially those involving more than 2 people, are far faster in a chat format than they are in the format of voat

IforgotMYpASS ago

Li li li li lick my baaallls

Disappointed ago

Fuzzy would a "semi-official" sub made just for this project be a good idea? It seems like there's a lot pulling in different directions and it would provide some clarity as to how its progressing and along what lines people should be focusing. If you're in the loop with @PuttItOut about this, maybe suggest that. I know little about coding but management of teams is an important aspect of any project, particularly where egos are involved.

It would also provide the transparency some are looking for and a place for those on slack to report back to.

IforgotMYpASS ago

plumbus you watch rick amd morty.

Cightline ago

Elaborate. SQLAlchemy generates native SQL.

sakuramboo ago

And more portable. Not being locked into one vendor means you can always move to the cheaper hosting company.

sakuramboo ago

Does the migration also mean migrating off Azure?

lord_nougat ago

That's about as much as I ever learned about how to play too, but I kept those servers alive for as long as I was able, until corporate made me shut them down.

VoatRedditPort ago

Given @PuttItOut basically adopted the solution I suggested to the Slack and I got frozen @vmlinuz is right about the problem with the slack group's behavior.

trentlapinski ago

As long as we can leverage Linux hosting for the DB to reduce costs it doesn't matter to me what DB we use.

heretolearn ago

I only know some of the words used in this thread. with that said, thank you to everyone helping to keep voat alive.

Cightline ago

get on slack

Jew_Hunter ago

Whatever you do, don't let kikes EVER take the reigns. They will kike your shit up fam.

IforgotMYpASS ago

You're my favorite reddifugee.

derram ago

Voat isn't good for instant communication like a chat.

lord_nougat ago

Not with that attitude it isn't!

derram ago

I was thinking of running a discord to irc relay and then try to get the old irc to voat chat relay going again.

But lazy and currently on mobile.

lord_nougat ago

Holy shit, that would be cool, though.

Sounds rather similar to how the chat function of Tribes and Tribes II worked, but I digress.

dontforgetaboutevil ago

Why did nobody ask for this help six months ago?

cthulian_axioms ago

Two reasons:

  1. One often does not know what one needs until one needs it.
  2. There is no greater motivator than last-minute panic.

VoatRedditPort ago

Because, tbh, as great as @PuttItOut is he is inexperienced. Much like the devs pushing a rewrite using a MySQL backend.

The net result is OHSHIT?! moments. Cest la vie.

WhiteRonin ago

Don't be asking obvious questions ;-)

lord_nougat ago

We all forgot about evil.

DammitMoonMoon ago

Do you have anything useful to add to help this community project?

Stinkieroldgoat ago

Good to see you still around and active Fuzzy

SexMachine ago

Don't be a tool. Slack allows for real-time discussions and sharing.

flope_de ago

I’d consider the first step literally just commenting out areas of code that have build issues ...

I would not mind losing some features for a while, if it would speed up the process of keeping voat alive.

trentlapinski ago

The slack mentioned in the other comments has already made some progress on this. Although I believe the community consensus was to switch to MySQL but supporting PostgreSQL is doable as well.

There's also been some serious efforts made to get Voat running in a Linux container so you can move Voat off Azure and take advantage of cheaper Linux based cloud hosting without having to necessarily rewrite any code. You could save 30-40% on hosting costs alone by getting off Azure.

A few members were also discussing caching options which could also bring down server load considerably.

We are here to help but need your insight and leadership to keep everyone focused on what needs to be done.

If we have a better idea of resource usage and your current scaling methods we can also assist with cost analysis which is my particular speciality.

You're not alone, and we are here to help.

captbrogers ago

I'm seriously not a fan of any ASP/Microsoft platform, but I have to hand it to you for the reasons behind not doing a platform rewrite. Can't say you are wrong on any of those points.

Cightline ago

Agreed. In Slack we are talking about having a short term solution (porting) and a long term solution (rewrite). The general consensus was rewritting it in something more popular (Python) using Flask and SQLAlchemy. SQLAlchemy has the ability to abstract database creation, which allows us to choose whatever database we want (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sqlite3, etc..)

A Python rewrite will bring in more maintainers.

I think having 2 teams (porting and rewriting) would be best. All under one Slack channel, that way we can still communicate and use each others expertise.

VoatRedditPort ago

Agreed. In Slack we are talking about having a short term solution (porting) and a long term solution (rewrite).

Honestly, the problem with Slack is I genuinely think you lot are inexperienced enough you'd fuck up a rewrite. The whole push for docker, a codebase rewrite, and MySQL shows you really don't understand what you are doing.

.NET Core is similar performance to Python. The core lock in problem was centered around needing to use SQL Server.

Porting it to .NET Core and Postgres is all that is needed to release Voat from being locked into MS.

Its genuinely stupid to do a full rewrite unless .NET Core was discontinued.

But me? I'll just go off and do my own thing. Idgaf beyond suggesting you unite behind @PuttItOut and do the sensible thing.

Cightline ago

We have around 5 people that know Python, and maybe 1 that knows .NET.

VoatRedditPort ago

And all the day-to-day ops is done by a guy who knows .NET. aka @PuttItOut

PuttItOut ago

The group that is trying for a full rewrite does not understand the scope of what they are attempting to do.

usedtobecrensch ago

Sorry to necrothread Putt, but unlike some here, I'm not used to working around new account limitations:

Lost login cookie and I can't tell if username is locked, or for how long, or what permutations of my normal PWs were wrong or not.

Don't really know where to go from here - I think we didn't use emails to register here when I started, and if we did, I'm certain I used a throwaway.

I'm @Crensch and I will probably continue to try different combinations of PWs, but if you can help in some way, that'd rock. Even if it's only to tell me what the lockout timer is and how many tries (is it a new one each time the extra window pops up before going back to the regular page to "try again"?

Thanks for whatever you can do - sorry to take your time with such a trivial and silly matter.

usedtobecrensch ago

@disappointed not getting any bites here - i don't even know what limitations new accounts have anymore besides voting and sending PMs apparently. Do you have any ideas bud? Hesitant to ping kevdude since i don't want this to become a big thing and his comment history is watched by his stalkers.

Disappointed ago

The lockout timer is 15 minutes and 5 tries I believe. Alright first things first I want to be sure its you and so would the admin. I don't think you can PM until you have 10-20ccp so do you think you can get that?

What was it that Techius posted pictures of that time?

usedtobecrensch ago

The lockout timer is 15 minutes and 5 tries I believe.

THANK YOU. I'll set a timer on it.

I can get some ccp if i need to. keep hoping that i'll finally get the right PW

Disappointed ago

Right I don't think 10 or 20 ccp will be an issue but how did you lose your password?

@Cuckbot @Mickgoesestojail @kevdude read the above.

Mickgoestojail ago

Lol you spelt my name wrong

usedtobecrensch ago

Not really sure but i think i changed it during the PG stuff and didn't do my due diligence in making sure I'd remember it. Haven't had to log in in so long...

I COULD be wrong, but that's the narrative my mind kinda came to.

Disappointed ago

Alright well hold tight and we'll see what can be done. The wheels turn slowly on Voat sometimes as you know.

usedtobecrensch ago

Oh, for sure. I appreciate the help though, bud.

PuttItOut ago

Email hello at voat and I'll try to verify that you are you.

usedtobecrensch ago

Done. Thanks bud!

usedtobecrensch ago


Hey bud, I don't know if you've ever had this issue come up or have any suggestions. I'm at a bit of a loss trying to figure out how to get my account back. Is there a way to contact putt and ask that's better than responding? Not sure he even looks at pings given their prevalence.

Thanks in advance!


Donbuster ago

I know hivemind already posted this, but we want to ensure visibility, so,

Since the day of the angel announcement a slack group as been working on doing the requisite work to port voat over to open platforms, with not insignificant progress.

(invite link)

Putt. If/when you join, I'll have the guy managing our trello add you as admin, and ill add you as team admin as slack, but I'll want a PM here on voat to ensure we aren't giving it to a troll.

doginventer ago

Sorry, I have no useful tech knowledge to share, but I would just like to thank you Putt for all your toil :)

thehivemind ago

Just a heads up, there is an active effort on slack to accomplish this. So far we have managed to migrate the DB schema to MySQL and deployed it to a container for dev purposes. We also have members working on getting the codebase to run on Mono/.NET Core with limited success.