PhilaFerret ago

Between your expediency and redundancy, you have to be a government worker.

PhilaFerret ago

I want to see FERRETS

No way to search, unless I'm moronic

PuttItOut ago

Ok, this made me laugh.

Search is temporarily disabled while we test some stuff, should be back tomorrow.


TruthTrumps ago

2 days ago. When will he search function be back?

guinness2 ago

While you're thinking about search functionality, I'd like to suggest a feature to allow comment history searches.

I currently use for this, but it's a pain and I think users would like it... and it's something that "other site" doesn't have... like optional messages for link post.

whisky_cat ago

same. +1 on comment history searches.

Vindicator ago

This would be awesome. Also, I would love to be able to sort my comments by who I made them to.

PhilaFerret ago
