psioniq ago

No problem. Looks like it could use a few tweaks though, like the link colors for hover/active/visited. @PuttItOut changed it slightly after I posted the style, so I didn't include any link styles.

psioniq ago

Someone asked me to post some CSS for the preview I made, so here it is.

But you're absolutely right, that the style will be highly contested, and nothing wrong with your BS solution. Had a brief thought about a toggle, that would switch between a table layout, and something more like a "word cloud", since my biggest issue with the solutions so far, is the lack of quick overview, like when items shift around, from rescaling, your brain has to adapt to their new positions, if that makes sense :)


  #dashboard .section nav{
    max-height: 700px;
    overflow-y: auto;
    overflow-x:  0;

  #dashboard ul > li{  
    display: inline-block;
    position: relative;
    min-width: 19.7%;
    line-height: 16px;  
    margin-top: 1px;
    margin-bottom: 1px;  
    padding: 0;
    background: #393939; 
    border-radius: 2px;  

  #dashboard ul > li > a{
    display: inline-block;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    transition: none;
  #dashboard ul > li > a:hover{   
  @media screen and (max-width: 1600px){  
    #dashboard ul > li{    
      min-width: 24.7%;    

  @media screen and (max-width: 1024px){  
    #dashboard ul > li{    
      min-width: 33%;    

  @media screen and (max-width: 800px){  
    #dashboard ul > li{    
      min-width: 49.5%;    

  @media screen and (max-width: 500px){  
    #dashboard ul > li{    
      min-width: 100%;

Fred-Stiller-OnAWire ago

PuttItOut, when you're on a small display and make the sidebar visible the rest of the page is darkened using

I think this would be great to use also when the dashboard becomes visible so everything underneath it is darkened making the visibility of the dashboard more prominent. I'm not well versed enough with CSS to know if I could do this myself.

silversurfers ago

@NeedleStack, One more idea is, that I find it very difficult (and can imagine new users would as well) finding subverses, 'Discover/new' is in # of subscribers, and can take eons to find what you are looking for, an optional Alphabetic listing would be handy. Also, when doing a search for a sub, most often, even if you type just the sub name, it will not show up, and it should be the first thing one sees.

silversurfers ago

Like it very much, and had zero effect on the css, nice job!

Slayfire122 ago

A cool. I didn't see that. Thanks.

Slayfire122 ago

He PuttItOut. I just realized this prototype feature does not have the "more" button at the top right of the screen.

heygeorge ago

Putts! Sweet! I like it ON! Also the menu functionality works properly now. In OFF mode, I can't get out of the menu (once opened) other than by clicking a link somewhere on the page.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

Yes please! In the OFF style my subs list is about 3 times as tall as the rest of this webpage, whereas it takes up a little less than a fifth of my screen with the ON style. Please enable this ASAP.

fagnig ago

It looks nicer, while the "more >>" button is invisible or missing, which isnt a problem, because its already useless, as "more >>" isnt a way to access more on your subscriptions in a conveniently browseable way, its just a link to your subscriptions EDIT no, to discover, other subverses available, subscribed or not. It would be better to be able to order your subscriptions in the 'dashboard' (?) so that you can order them manually, instead of the automatic alphabetical order.

Broc_Lia ago

I like it

oddjob ago

I like ON better than OFF

1moar ago

I dig it a lot. Even when not on mobile, it was clunky trying to scroll all the way down.

sheepsexplode ago

Way better. Good idea would recommend this be the standard.

Just an idea perhaps make them buttons so that the click area is a little bit bigger and maybe some kind of divider between each item.

ibepokey ago

JUST found the drop-down. at first i only saw the title line change.

Excellent. thank you.

NeedleStack ago

I love it! Yes, please make this a feature. The subs in a table format would be too 'neat', I like it this way. Thank you!

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

As a mobile user (sometimes):

🐐 🐐 🐐 🐐 🐐/5

No longer will I have try to do some kind of double finger scroll to try and get the sub's at the bottom of the list.

Edit: And its easier to get to messages and stuff...

This should be default for mobile.

Failure ago

To me, at least, it would look better in a table-type column system, so it isn’t a giant blob of subs. It would make it easier to look for a specific sub alphabetically

VSXD ago - kinda table-ish, some subtle borders and spacing between links could help i think.

PuttItOut ago

Would it though? We can try it, but as weird as it sounds, I kind of think a big mess might be the best way...

We need some organization to the sets area though as was already mentioned to me earlier.

PuttItOut ago

I think this will be the big fight, inline (one big mess) or inline-block (table layout).

Which makes me kind of want to build in User CSS, then anyone can do it however they want....

This comment took me 45 minutes but I got it done in one.

Failure ago

user css putts pls, i have been of the ask for a long while

Slayfire122 ago

If they're both easily possible, I'd prefer the table layout myself. Of course it would be best though if users could choose between the two if it's not too hard to accomplish.

P.S. Thanks for all your hard work.

Cynabuns ago

Wow - niiiice!

PuttItOut ago

What the.... YOU!

Cynabuns ago

No... YOU!

This is a cool feature Putts, thanks! Maybe some day you can get to reviewing my ban sheets, LOL

xyzzy ago

Nice, it's really easy to browse my subs now. Thanks.