heygeorge ago

You have proof he's doing it? Interesting. It would explain why he attacked me for things I didn't say. I'll be looking for your post.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

do you have proof?

provides no proof

it's libel, george. he's been doing it for a while now.

note: this is how he feels about me

heygeorge ago

Holy shit, now Sane did his classic delete everything including a response I didn't even get to read. Incredible faggotry. So, anyway Mr. adhd, do you have messages which you cannot check? If so, what type are they?

heygeorge ago

I don't really blame Sane for doing this to me as I don't think he's savvy enough to figure out how to. The strikethrough bug was easy and it was basically common knowledge, i.e. low effort.

It's far easier to cry about things than to fix them. Ask anybaby!

heygeorge ago

So... You're not going to tell me if you also have submission mentions you can't access? Because that would really actually help fix this. What I do in my free time is really none of your concern, sweetheart.

heygeorge ago

I continue to be astonished by his unabashed whiny righteous faggotry.

heygeorge ago

It would be more accurately described as libel, dumbass.

Regardless, I think you are not sharp on your reading comprehension today.

I already send Putts a PM about it with as much detailed info as I could because some assholes love to spam him & @Atko with enough comment mentions to just seemingly ignore the lot of them.

Meanwhile, you've just bitched about it and cried to them while seemingly making no effort to get to the bottom of it. Happy New Year!

heygeorge ago

Ummmmm adhd suggested you did it, not me. Happy New Year! I see you have resolved to keep the best parts of your charming personality intact. :D

I'm going to do some tests myself to see if I can force it on a user and then will have to exercise great control not to do it to @PuttItOut (or maybe I'll just do it to him. This shit is ANNOYING!)

While you're here: Do you also have a submission mention (or more) that you can't get rid of?

heygeorge ago

You think he did it? It's possible he's exploiting it, like strikethrough, but isn't his style more guerilla than that? If he knew how to exploit it properly (and I am considering doing some testing myself) then were I him, I'd have hit Putts himself with the bug. I bet that would help it reach higher on the priority list!

heygeorge ago

I've just had the same issue hit today.

[Edited to remove potential method of infection]