Disappointed ago

There doesn't seem to be a link to this sub from v/videos. I have CSS off so maybe you have one there.

I can't really see the point of asking for feedback if no one can see you asking for feedback.

@THC @Violentlight

InnocentBystander ago

This is an old post that was linked in /v/videos for a while, then taken down.
It was put here so that any meta conversations from past can be easily found.

I thought there was a link to this sub in the sidebar. But I just checked, and there isn't. I'll add one.

Disappointed ago

I only got to this sub here by following your profile from Atko's old thread asking for people to mod v/videos where you and THC first started modding. I got to that thread from an old GOT thread asking for you guys to step down, lol. So I've been down a rabbit hole

Also you guys seem to be doing a decent job, I watch videos from here v/videos a fair bit. Saves me going to youtube.

InnocentBystander ago

The word concern often (but not always) implies something bad or negative. I thought maybe there was something you didn't like about the site.
I'm glad I was wrong.

InnocentBystander ago

Go1dfish made the site.
Why are you 'concerned'?

InnocentBystander ago

Original content is content that was created by the user that submitted it.

vault_boy ago

Every day after work I come home and the first thing I do is go on /v/videos and 90% of the time I see some quality content. You guys are doing great. Thank you

InnocentBystander ago

Copyright violations can be reported on the host sites. We can't do anything about that.
"Stolen" is an unclear term. Few videos here violate any active copyrites. So we tend to leave that to the voats to decide.

Whether a user participates in comments or not is irrelevant. That does not mean they are a bot. Of the established accounts that post here, all are human. The bot spam gets removed as soon as we see it.

Violentlight ago


Thats a pretty good sign.


v/videos is an awesome subverse and you mods are doing an excellent job.


InnocentBystander ago

Thanks. It's always nice to hear things like that.
