greentoof ago

I'm 21 years old, a large part of my generation does not understand what a smartphone is. Infact calling it a phone is ridiculous, you can get a phone without a provider and still make texts and calls; the phone part is a small feature. It is because we were born around this advanced technology and we are accustomed to using it in the way we found ourselves.


A smartphone is really a very good portable computer first, not a phone. It has access to the internet and the millions of possibilities I would like to list some that might of gotten out of sight with people who just carry their "phone" around day to day.


A smartphone knows more languages than any person in the world. It can translate for you (even in real time ) not only that it teach you over months with thousands of learning tools. I bet Translater use to be a much more lucrative job.


A smartphone can play any song, any instrument. Those tiny speakers might not be the best quality, but when you want to hear say Yes-Roundabout. You can Speak the name of the song to your phone and it will find it. There are apps that will find you your song just by listening to a bit of it, some people can even just sing what they remember. Jeeze, it will teach you the tabs, tune your guitar or order one to your house. Remember Record players?


When you want to go somewhere a smartphone will send a signal to space to find your location. Give you multiple routes on how to get where you're going including traffic density and construction. Shit it will get a Yellow car to appear and take you there, nowhere days random people connected through social groups will show up and take you where you need to go.


You don't even have to go to the location with smart phones, googles already driven a car there with a big camera. Just for some reference, Say its 100 years ago and by some random fact I heard of the Taj Mahal. If I wanted to learn any more about the Taj Mahal I'd have to go to the closest library to me (without an automatic route planed out, I only know where it is because of interaction with other humans) and hope that there is a decent amount of information in my location. Today you can google it on your phone and this is one of the first things to pop up. Where is the imagination when you can virtually be there?


A smartphone also has a grasp on your social life. Almost everybody in the developed world has some sort of account online. You can talk with video to your friends around the world, even at the same time. Our species started with cutting down a tree, refining a material to be light, packaging it and using a collective service of vehicles, boats and manpowers to physically bring that piece of information. Could be weeks, could be months, could not even make it there you won't know. Now we have physical Robot eyes in both locations and we get to see what's literally on the other side of the world from us. Speaking of which your phone can find that exact spot on the other side of the earth. Internet is a powerful thing.


Every one of those girls was glued to their phone because it is a large portion of their lives, all their friends can be contacted. A huge database of information the common man could never comprehend is in their hands. Tools from calculators or a level to a audio and face scanner. Of course they're on it all the time, what in the world could compare, The idea of the smartphone is the same as syphy stuff with the "gagdet guy" Cliche where they have a magical do all.


I Onced asked my phone how to cook chicken and it told me the temperature to heat my oven at for if I wanted it dry or juicy. It gave me links to hundreds and thousands of recipes, many with a video of someone cooking it step by step. I have access to a collection of movies that i would die before I could get even close to finishing, shit youtube gets that much in like a day.


Honestly if you put the whole time of the world in perspective its a miracle that someone can get into an emergency and they can use a tiny box that they have on them, and a fully trained team of people will show up to, Fight fighers, help medically, or straight up bring guns and a vehicle with a place to put captured people. 3 numbers for that, we teach it to kids.


We are literally living in a syfy future right now, you can charge you phone battery with a plant, over the last few years they have started to be able to see what a brain is seeing through scanning it. Cars drive themselves(which is required to happen first before flying cars) surgeon can practice operations virtually or do them hundreds of miles away. We can attach circuit boards to other living things like cockroaches and control them. We have printers that can make any shape any form, you can have a gun printed to your location with nothing more than some material powder and a couple megabytes of files.


Honestly I barely even scratched what a smarthpone can do, and the thing is we are still deep in the start. 4 billion people still don't have internet, so many still lack food and water it's an abomination. The middle class gets these computers and they literally make us super powered compared to a human without one. All a time traveler would need to become incredibly huge super power is a smart phone that works. I haven't even really touched what a smart phone can let you do with other technology.


TL DR: The whole cliches with kids and being deep in there phones, Smartphones are computers and computers are said to surpass man. But no one's looking that far ahead. The whole only living about 100 years max thing.


PapaZiti ago

If "selfi-shaming" wasn't a thing before, it will be now. Right along side "sweat-shaming".

IdSay ago

das racist

CipherEnigma ago

You should probably get help.

ScreaminMime ago

Nah, he can handle them all himself.

theoldguy ago

But do they even?

theoldguy ago

If he'd said "They're all just completely transfixed with the technology", that would be true. Consider the phrase "They were all completely transfixed by the hypnogoat".

SolarBaby ago

Malignant narcissism has become the norm.

DickHertz ago

Why the complexity of a virtual machine and not just a machine? What is the hypervisor in this analogy?

Damndirtyape ago

I'm usually on my phone at a baseball game. It's because I don't give a shit about baseball.

Youdonotnome ago

that is obviously fake...

no one sat in the two rows behind the girls? occasional awkward quick cut to baseball game, then back to the exact same batch of women. all conveniently making duck face... one gobbling ice cream like in every rom com ever... not to mention how pretty they all are. there would never be a conveniently placed group like this in any game.

you'd be an idiot to think this is legit.

i only hope it is a clip from a tv show or something to have this many upvotes.

ThatFrancopoli ago

I'm so glad that my daughter was raised before smart phones. And that I have nothing but grandsons. The kids got me texting now, but that was only by threats and mocking "the old guy" for being 'old fashioned.'

Klaxon ago

Bonus points if you watched this video at a baseball game!

BlueGold ago


Echo_of_Savages ago

There are zero men around them though.

Somali ago

Fine by me I'd be a dirty mudshark anyway

o_V_o ago

Having a dick is irrelevant. I have a dick and I want them and anyone willing to copulate with them euthanized.


I like the video title..."destroyed". Fuck off. Who gives a shit if these girls act silly for a few minutes. The stadium still got their money, right?

Aaaron ago

Ask them to name 5 players in said game and most can't do it.

I probably couldn't either. I pay attention to all the plays when I watch a game but I don't pay attention to the players names.

01011011101101 ago

The real question is will they be 30 somethings still doing this base and anti-social behavior?

01011011101101 ago

Oh Lawd!!!

01011011101101 ago

Ooooo....... I've met some sex and slutty Jessica's in my time.

Anther ago

Might as well go all the way and call em Special Snowflake.

cynoclast ago

That's all fine and good, (great assessment, really), but why are they doing this at a baseball game that (they|someone) paid for them to attend? Fans at baseball games ostensibly attend to watch the game. They didn't notice that something significant happened in the game. At all. So it raises the question, what are they doing there?

g-j-a ago

Classic. Poor Peralta.

Talexis ago

it's sickening how vapid and narcissistic people can be

cynoclast ago

In my other hand, I have a dick.*

01011011101101 ago

but who's?

ginganinja ago

If they got dragged to the event, the least they can do is sit by them. I think it was a sorority event and they just see it as a social thing.

MarkTheFather ago

I remember seeing my friend post this. I just cringed and thought to myself...I hope my son doesn't do this. I mean come on! Why take a selfie I'd your friend is right there!?

RedditDead2005-2015 ago

It drives me crazy because I have paid good money for good seats at ballgames only to have the bitches spend most of the time at the concession stands. I mean, if you didn't want to go, I wouldn't have wasted my money for a ticket on you or at least I would use it with a guy friend.

mcseanerson ago

baseball ticket, guy friend, sure.

dso_asx ago

"White girls" said as if only white girls are narcissistic.

holaymackal ago

They couldn't give a fuck about the technological aspect

You are partially correct. As long as the tech is the right kind of tech, then it's ok. I'm talking specifically about Apple vs. Android. According to my niece, who is about the age of these girls, either you have an iPhone or you are desperately wanting an iPhone. Only losers & poor people have Android.

Somali ago

I wish I was a white girl. I'd have so many dudes pounding my vajayjay. So many fucking dudes your head would spin

squiremarcus ago

No you wouldnt, if you were a girl you would lose your ability to think logically, and you would only go after the single most hottest guy you know, and he would completely blow you off because he is drowning in pussy, then you would dildo yourself and wonder why you are so alone.

Somali ago

My dirty dirty whore instincts would overpower my alpha widow instincts. I would fuck asians that's how horny I'd be

xebes ago

but u'd have no testosterone anymore, aka the drug that makes us think sex is important

massiveprivilege ago

To be fair that is one extremely boring "game".

pizza_mine ago

It can be slow to watch, but you're missing so much that is going on here. I enjoy baseball.

kyprioth ago

I find it's seriously the most boring game to watch.

Damndirtyape ago

If I'm at a baseball game, I'm on my phone. I don't give a shit about baseball. I wait till people cheer, and I'll cheer so I fit in.

kyprioth ago

Like the girls!

drexhex ago


kyprioth ago

Close call. Maybe? Haven't watched much golf.

whisky_cat ago

As a guy who thinks baseball is boring, when I've hung out with friends who play the golf tournaments on TV I'd much rather watch baseball instead.

kyprioth ago

Yeah, I can see it a little. At least there's a bit of excitement going on.

dallasmuseum ago

My main question is why are they there? I know baseball is slow, but when I here the bat hit a ball or hear the crowd, I at least look to see what happened.

Talexis ago

they are there to be seen and nothing more.

Astromachine ago

This is like fucking Jane Goodall but for college chicks.

weezkitty ago

They are being "silly" but it really isn't the commentators place to make comments about it

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Holy shit, the commentators are commenting. What is the world coming to?

weezkitty ago

They are supposed to be commenting on the game

cynoclast ago

This is way more entertaining than baseball. And they totally cover every play just fine. Which should tell you how boring baseball is.

Nationalist ago

Meh, I guess we as a society tend to condemn narcissism.

Even if it's not hurting anyone it's still not an amazing character trait.

weezkitty ago

I agree it isn't a good character trait. I still say let them be

cynoclast ago

"He hit a single...and nobody noticed."


They're all so pretty.

Melbourne43 ago

Dark hair, on our right in the bottom row is easily the pick of the buncht, the others are basic.

Loumedia ago

Honestly, I saw a lot of FAL flags.

Warden ago

Meh, only bottom right looks pretty to me.

Nationalist ago

I honestly think they look really generic. It's hard to put a finger on exactly why but it's a real turnoff.

That and duckfaces make any girl <5 in my book.

squiremarcus ago

the brunette is pretty but in a generic sort of way, the rest of them actually have certain things that i can point out as unpretty

cynoclast ago

I don't care if it's generic. My loins want me to impregnate the gaggle of them.

weezkitty ago

I don't see what is wrong with generic, personally. But yeah duck faces are an instant "nope"

01011011101101 ago

Eh.. I kinda fantasize about my penis inserting in those plump lips tbh.

ShampocalypseWOW ago

No, two of them are pretty, the rest are hovering for scraps.

Damndirtyape ago

Shoving corndogs into your mouth doesn't help with the attractiveness.

ShampocalypseWOW ago

I beg to differ.