CrackerSlant ago

You can't say anything bad about Jews because muh Nazis

PornMonkey5 ago

Even the niggers know.

suckcoke ago

Would the black-white relation in the US be better if there were less jew interference? Would race relations as a whole be better if we moved out the jews?

israelmossadjewgold ago

damn cia niggers killed an enlightened nigger lol

the only god of the jew is the god of profit. they will go to church...pretend to praise god...but deep down they worship profit.

yt4cz9 ago

Found the kike. Hitler called blacks negroes in the stalag edition of Mein Kampf but kikes switched it to niggers in the "official" version so as to pit blacks against whites.


shitface9000 ago

I read this guy's so-called autobiography in high school and it doesn't use the word "jew" one time afaik.

shitface9000 ago

Oh that's why he was assassinated by the muslim brotherhood

gugt567hfdt ago

Poor dude. It must be frustrating being one of the 5% of blacks that are intelligent.

1anddone ago

I read his auto biography. His “white devil” Tourette’s is tedious as hell but he really did have a plan for niggers to make them more than slaves and burdens. Part of that plan was to get them all back to Africa. No white racist would touch him. He was a gift to whites everywhere and destroyed by the Jew

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

I'd defend anyone that let Lincoln Rockwell speak and wanted segregation.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

He still belongs in Apefrica, because he was a nigger.

BurnedBeTheCoal ago

Sometimes I wonder what could've been if GLR and MX weren't assassinated way before their time.

suterusu ago

Interesting, who is GLR? I'm pretty bad with abbreviated names.

Also what's the context of your clip?

BurnedBeTheCoal ago

George Lincoln Rockwell, the leader and founder of American Nazi Party. As he described it, he used the word Nazi mainly to agitate the jews and get under their skin, which worked flawlessly. They had a little bit of story with MX, apparently MX used to host Rockwell and give him the platform when he needed it the most.

There's no mention of Malcolm X in his books, surprisingly, however he absolutely hated MLK, whom he used to call Martin Luther K(C)oon:

AR47 ago

This is why Brother Malcom isn't really taught about in American schools....MLK sure is....we all despise niggers, but this one was different.....I know I wouldn't have taken arms against him.

AnotherGrayman ago

Niggers exposing kikes is the best redpill for whites.

Whites have been trained to disregard all criticism of niggers and kikes under the pretense that it's just white supremacist rhetoric, but when the criticism of one protected class is coming from another protected class, the auto-defend programming is disrupted, and the message is heard.

Say it again:

Niggers exposing kikes is the best redpill for whites.

ploymroph ago

atleast one guy who gets it. feed information to the Negers.

AnotherGrayman ago

Who is the man speaking?

ploymroph ago

Malcolm X

Atkho ago

It's like watching a pitbull maul it's abusive owner.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

And you've done less than that nigger. How does that make you feel?

NovakMilojevic ago

As has already been pointed out, there isn't anything glamorous or useful about accumulating a significant quantity of based niggers or celebrating their legacy. However, inciting a pack of feral city-gorillas to wage war against the jews golem-style in their usual destructive manner couldn't hurt. The kike media would be unable to figure out what to do because portraying niggers in any negative light goes against their current agenda.

usernameisnotthis ago

they will never change.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Clearly this is a rare case of a black man not a nigger.

Otherwise you admit you've done less for your country than Malcolm X, which you call a nigger.

Have you been shot for talking about the JQ? FAGGOT

JewsControlYou ago

Clearly this is a rare case of a black man not a nigger

Nigger does not mean a certain type of black person. It literally means black person. Any black person. All black people. Every black is a nigger, even if he's aware of the JQ.

noob_tube ago

All blacks are niggers.

yt4cz9 ago

Found the kike. Hitler called blacks negroes in the stalag edition of Mein Kampf but kikes switched it to niggers in the "official" version so as to pit blacks against whites.


noob_tube ago

What a brainlet. Negro = Nigger. There is no difference.

yt4cz9 ago

Found another kike!

noob_tube ago

Nigger is a slur because niggers are stupid violent animals. It doesn't matter what you call them or how many times you change their title, they are 60 IQ savages that never evolved past the stone age.

yt4cz9 ago

I say we focus on that and don't even think about the kike enablers.

Those that go around riling up the negroes just want whites to lose. That's the bottom line.

noob_tube ago

No amount of "kikes are bad" means "niggers are good".

Niggers are violent, low-IQ, savage animals.

yt4cz9 ago

I don't give a shit about niggers. I don't blame the guns. I blame those trying to shoot me.

noob_tube ago

Niggers are violent, low-IQ, savage animals.

yt4cz9 ago

...and you're a kike. What of it?

noob_tube ago

Niggers are violent, low-IQ, savage animals

yt4cz9 ago


Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Niggers and Shoes.. ok I get it now.. niggers are exspessing thier hate for jews by wearing wierd overpriced shoes.

shitface9000 ago

and going apeshit trying to steal them at every opportunity

negrojohnny ago

Deep shit from the X files. And now BLM is controlled by the shoe.

RebornChrist ago

The Juice are the real problem

shitface9000 ago

Well, fresh squeezed juice is pretty tasty, ngl.

Apathy ago

Everyone seems to have the same problems no matter where you go.

BulletStopper ago

He's not wrong, but he still has to go back because nigger.

goatboy ago

JFK November 22, 1963

MX February 21, 1965

USSL June 8, 1967

MLK April 4, 1968

RFK June 6, 1968

What a shitty decade...

BlackGrapeDrank ago

a pivotal decade. and what followed starting in 1970:

-debt usage


-black crime


-school integration

-slut revolution

-drug revolution

-cable TV (anti white programing)


shitface9000 ago

that fucking gas lighting bullshit narrative around watergate.

shitface9000 ago

"gas crisis"



ploymroph ago

TWENTY YEARS of vietnam

shitface9000 ago

that's stretching it afaik. we were there in the early 60s tacitly, but by '75 we were "defeated". whole thing was a scam.

I watched this documentary where they had a CIA guy bragging about dropping cards on dead guys with the "one eye" symbol showing who's boss or something. it was so blatant, but only makes sense looking back on the symbolism.

ploymroph ago

at the same time the hippie movement of got started. while all your men were being sacrificed in vietnam, your degenerates got "ENLIGHTENED("luzifer, bearer of light") by LSD and other psychoactive substances. shortly after that, the war on drugs started, enabling those who police you, to arrest and lock you away for half a gram of whatever plant they planted onto you.

JewsControlYou ago

MLK but no GLR. What a fucking joke.

CrudOMatic ago

You forgot:

GLR August 25th, 1967

JewsControlYou ago

Seriously. WTF? Even mentions MLKJr.

Ol_Hickery ago

This needs to replace the nigger commie rapist

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

MLK was a faggot communist.

BulletStopper ago

"MLK was a faggot degenerate rapist and a communist."


KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Source on that rapist claim, wouldn't surprise me he is a nigger.

BulletStopper ago

Don't have the source handy, but it was from one of his victims giving a statement that she was rape by MLK and some of his friends in a hotel room.

Babadookk ago

Mlk was a communist

Skeeterdo ago

and a massive orgy having sex addict with both men and women.

PizzaphilePodesta ago

mlk was a golem

M16AndACanOfBeans ago

Weird how they always leave that part out in schools.

PornMonkey5 ago

nigger worship is common in the schools.

They was kangs.

RebornChrist ago

The birth of our Christ happened that decade as well.

captainstrange ago

He's saying the zodiac killer is jesus lol.

holaymackal ago


RebornChrist ago


whiteboyday ago

not me, born in 1970. missed by that much =

Niggersayer ago

At the rate this thread is going he is talking about Eddie murphy

PhilKDick ago

"Jews believe in censorship more than anyone else."

PornMonkey5 ago

yeah especially when that math on 6 million doesn't add up. Boy, they want worldwide censorship on that.

they also don't want you to think about all the other non jews that were locked up. The fags, the gypsies, the commies and all teh other undesirables. But fuck them, according to jews, they were the reason for ww2 just like how all the niggers say that slavery was why the civil war happened.

Stupid cunts want to change the narrative in their favour.

PhilKDick ago

They've been used to monopolizing the narrative, is the problem.

PornMonkey5 ago

well, fuck em. They can fuck off and shut up now because we are always one generation closer to completely not giving a fuck about it.

Nobody cares about genocide in Africa, nobody cares about genocide in china, why the fuck should we care about some nearly 100 year old war story.

Fucking jews.

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Shotinthedark ago

Still a nigger

shitface9000 ago

don't kill the messenger

SurfingNinja ago

Based is based

Mmmmkaybitch ago

One hundred percent. I don’t care if he was a nigger—dude was based as fuck.