PriMerovingian ago

That reporter has a great personality

rejectedfromreddit ago

Those are the largest breasts I've seen in an American "news reporter"

ToxicWhiteMale ago

The "suspects" are always worthless, violent niggers

krypt ago


Ira_O_Connor ago

If a group of armed people approaches you and demands your keys and you're not armed you give them your keys while you back away.

letsgoallthewhey ago


shitstartercarter ago

Niggers and kikes are plagues to formal society.

Derpfroot ago

That nigger eblem on the back of the truck.

voatergoateryoda ago

Stupid niggers.

CarltheCuck88 ago

I'm starting to think you live in Vegas and that's giving me hope for this shithole

rayfarmer ago

just give them the keys. he's lucky they didn't shoot him dead.

DerJudenfresser ago

He "refused"?

He stepped away with his hands up. Fuck the media.

Killnigs3 ago

Niggers are not human exterminate them all.

jewsbadnews ago


-t Trump

ThePoliceTookMyGuns ago

'you already have your gun out' as nigger bullets start hitting your torso

Amerikaner ago

Keep a pistol in a gym bag over your shoulder, be holding the pistol in the bag facing forward, if someone runs up to you shoot them through the bag. Once someone has you in their sites you won’t have time to pull a weapon.

ThePoliceTookMyGuns ago

lol yea but that's a ridiculous way to live your life, with your hand in a fuckin gym bag. It's a shame we even have to think about this shit.

mfquesodindunuffin ago

Okay so let niggers rob you in drive way always. Gotcha.

ThePoliceTookMyGuns ago

Better than leaking all your queso out over a truck.

My car got stolen a couple months back. The insurance faggots still have it. Personally, I want to hang those fucking goofs more than the faggots who stole my car. At least you could potentially defend yourself against criminals. These government criminals gotta go.

King_Freya ago

Why the fuck is this the logic you dumbasses use?

I guarantee you if it was you in that situation you would not have drawn. Likely you’d have your eye on them more than this guy did but in this scenario, unless he was already at the ready, all it would take is a single hit for him to be fucked and die.

You gauge the situation and act appropriately. You can’t live to fight another day if you make a boneheaded decision because you hate niggers so much. I’d rather see you robbed and humiliated than dead and humiliated.

The only people who would actually guilt you over this are armchair gun enthusiasts.

I’ve read enough and seen enough about firefights to know that no matter the training, if you get hit once, your efficiency goes down the drain quick.

You retards act like you’re John Fucking Wick because you LARP against stationary targets.

Literally nobody is saying lay down and take it besides you. If you know you’re going to get shot, by all means fight back.

If you’re argument revolves around a hypothetical situation you made up, you’re already in the wrong.

Shacky_Rustleford ago

Have you ever drawn a weapon on someone?

BentAxel ago

That brunette is easy to look at.

King_Freya ago

Could work on the arms but for sure.

ThePoliceTookMyGuns ago

Wait a second... are they not in America?

These niggers are so dumb they all go in every seat except the driver seat.

Talmuhdick ago

Pistol-whipping is negro speak and it's obvious they want to dismiss the violence by using a term thought of as a joke.

douk_nokum ago

All I see is reparations being paid.

Sticks_Necks_Nearly ago

Serious question from a Brit. Is that vehicle considered desirable? It's a Ford and in the UK you'd be disappointed if you won one in a competition, so not sure why anyone would go to the trouble of stealing one?

SporadicX2 ago

Groids have low impulse control. They most likely saw it and decided to have a 'gibs me dat' moment.

letsgoallthewhey ago

Dey was redistributing the wealf.

LibertarianForChrist ago

Its riggers now

HotFarts69 ago

Mostly peaceful.

123456788 ago

Just a non-consent donation, you racist bigot.

SoSickOfBlacks ago


This is in New Orleans East. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, New Orleans East was the spot for White Flight. It had everything and was very modern. My father had a nice house there surrounded by white people.

New Orleans shut down projects and gave vouchers to niggers. They started flooding the area. Even as a little kid, the change was noticeable. Theft. Violence. Everything niggers do.

Today, New Orleans East is a disaster area. Nothing but niggers. Nothing but crime. Everything dilapidated.

There are still subdivisions being built and occupied for wealthy folk. Lots of athletes and politicians. It doesn't matter. Niggers are EVERYWHERE.

letsgoallthewhey ago

A friend of mine used to live in New Orleans East, too. He said there was a really nice mall out there - for awhile. It even had an ice skating rink. Then they shut it down mostly due to "shrinkage" which is a nice way of saying that they lost control of all the shop lifting. He also said when you would drive through the mall parking lot there was trash littering the entire place.

SoSickOfBlacks ago

The Lake Forest Plaza. It was AWESOME......BEFORE NIGGERS

letsgoallthewhey ago

That's the one. BTW, I used the term shrinkage but I think it was actually called slipage. Not a retail guy so I'm not sure.

Alhambra ago

this is happening to almost every white city, not just america either. and it's entirely by (((design))).

Killnigs3 ago

Niggers are not humans they are human shaped de m.j on jew golema from hell sent her to make us siffer live and die in sin and test our will against the commandments of God they need to all be steralized or exterminated

RoBatten ago

Username checks out. And you would know...I have visited, or more accurately, was there for a week for business. I was walking home from a restaurant alone (still light out) and noticed a gang of three joggers began following me. I crossed the street, they crossed the street. I continued on like a dumb ass tourist until I turned a corner, THEN RAN. I went as far as I thought I could and ducked between houses. Sure enough, they came running around the corner and stopped when they couldn't find me. They went back to where they were going, and I went to my hotel.

Later, walking around with a couple of coworkers. I purposely did not have much money on me. Three joggers stopped us in front of them, and the leader said, "Give me $5." I was like, sure (I was unarmed). I pulled out my money ($8) and peeled off the $5, handed it to him, and walked off. He stood there...thinking...I kept walking. Not worth robbing a guy for $3 . . . The quick walk-off didn't give them enough time to make a decision.

iw1488 ago

Just don't go at all. There's nothing there but nigger history anyway.

Draco777 ago

We get taught in public indoctrination schools that Whites were evil racists for lynching poor innocent negroes in the past. Now they have no fear to walk in to your neighborhood and pistol whip you in broad daylight.

Clubbooradley ago

I wonder what would’ve happened if this (obviously racist white) man were to pull out a gun and turn these joggers into pencils?

SporadicX2 ago

I made a video to counter that narrative.

RoBatten ago

Intersperse that with clips of black on white violence . . .

GhostskinIsAfaggot ago

Stupid on his part to refuse

Splooge ago

Do we know that for sure though? Could’ve just been the (((news))) making excuses for their pets.

“Oy vey the only reason those hungry impoverished boys did what they did was because he refused to cooperate! It was his fault!”

GhostskinIsAfaggot ago

So are you saying that his actions were wise? Die for a truck? You wouldn't last one hour in real combat with that kind of decision making.

Splooge ago

That's not at all what I was saying.

GhostskinIsAfaggot ago

Can you elaborate then?

Splooge ago

My only contention was that the guy didn’t resist at all, but the niggers attacked him all the same, and that the (((report))) decided to claim he resisted anyway to make the brazen assault seem less severe.

GhostskinIsAfaggot ago

You obviously didn't listen to the video because they clearly say the man refused to give them his keys, then they attacked him off screen.

OldManCountry ago

I'm always armed.

Shacky_Rustleford ago

And that was super clear too, masks and hoodies coming get you aware of your hands proximity to your hip... then nothing ambiguous about holding guns up in broad daylight 25 feet away while the target has immediate cover of the truck. Would have been a blood bath, not sure you walk away from all three armed and firing, but likely one or more bail when they see the gun, and another the first shot you put into his gangmate. Potentially end it with one down.

rumorhazard ago

Even if you are armed that is a 3v1 gunfight and they have the jump on you. That looked like a lose lose situation

OldManCountry ago

They were in the open while he was behind the truck.

RoBatten ago

One trained with weapons vs three "teens" with ghetto aim, plus a pickup to take cover behind. Do you not think the survivors would run off when the first one got shot because "I was in fear for my life and shot to stop the threat?" They did not shoot when dude first got behind his truck. He could have drawn and, staying covered, "shot to stop the threat." Also, get self-defense insurance. Do it now.

iw1488 ago

The point is we shouldn't have to be armed in our own neighborhoods. We should live in a society where these three would have been shot on sight as soon as they came to a white neighborhood.

ThePoliceTookMyGuns ago

Yea but that nigger wasn't just brandishing he was looking down the sight. That's the first thing I noticed, like these guys are serious about this. The AK is mostly close to on target except when moving around the truck. Unless you were 100% sure they wouldn't identify you drawing and moving defensively, it might be a bad play. You'd probably need to start hip/blind shooting right as your gun clears the truck bed while keeping your head and body concealed behind the truck, hoping that the flinching fucks their aim up allowing you to take a half second to aim while their guns aren't pointed at your upper torso. That rifle round still fucks up your day if they shoot through the truck in panic. And they probably will try to have a shootout with you. They're subhuman nigger creatures.

BentAxel ago

Can confirm Ghetto aim. Check this shit out.


PriMerovingian ago

180 rounds, hit 14 people.... That is fuckin terrible.

King_Freya ago

For real. They’re playing too many video games thinking there’s massive bullet drop or some shit right out of the barrel.

rumorhazard ago

I wouldn't trust a pickup truck bed as cover. It's concealment first, MAYBE cover. An engine block is cover.

And yeah, that particular situation is dicey. It is a tough call to open fire on that. The Active Self Protection dude always talks about 'waiting your turn' to draw. There was no real 'turn' there. He had THREE guns on him at all time. I'm not just going to assume niggers can't shoot. It's not difficult to get shots on target at point blank.

I hear ya though. Glad you're aware of the insurance, too. Stay safe fren

con77 ago

As am I. filthy beasts. I'd draw against the drop on them.

GumbyTM ago

Wrong play against multiple armed assailants with a rifle at that close a range.

Give them the keys let them get in the kill box truck then engage from behind.

mfquesodindunuffin ago

Lol then get charged with 3 counts of murder because they were no longer a threat to your life as they're driving away.

Shacky_Rustleford ago

I disagree.
Give them the keys, then they make you get in the car with them.
Now what?
That did not happen, but how are you to know the intent in that situation?

con77 ago


Chingchongtingtong ago

Looks like those joggers need to store that truck somewhere. Would love to use my garage door opener on them.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Part and parcel

poopscooppp ago

Don’t be racist they needed to truck to get to medical school

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poopscooppp ago


AzazelForPresident ago

Noone fucking knows

Jiggggg ago

They needed the truck to feed their kids

favoritecoloriswhite ago

Lol joke's on you, you're the one feeding their kids via your taxes!

Call_Of_Goat ago

How much are niggers getting per kid?

PatrioticExpat1927 ago

Thanks Joggers, Thanks Jews

SporadicX2 ago

The fruits of diversity.

SporadicX2 ago

Three masked assailants held a New Orleans man at gunpoint, beat him with their firearms and stole his car in broad daylight, authorities said.

con77 ago

nawlens. what a shithole

RoBatten ago

Dude should have been more aware. That's common there . . .