Chimaira92 ago

KeepAmericaAmerica one of the most Jewish honeypots i've ever seen.

chirock ago

As long as there's pedo netflix and McDonald's Americans won't do shit. They already proved we're fine with shutting down the economy. They already proved cops will execute unconstitutional orders. So, go out and vote for millionaire candidate A or millionaire candidate B. It's like saying Code is better than Pepsi; They both give you diabetes.

MoteMoteKek11 ago

No, because people out here will make quick anonymous sport of them. If you don’t live rural you’re hardly white.

MarauderShields ago

Not a fan of fast cut stuff, personally. This may turn a few heads though.

RM-Goetbbels ago

Ha no.

No niggers and if I beat the neighbor wigger kids ass his parents would thank me.

badbot ago

do they think we're stupid?

if the (surprisingly large) amount of biden signs I see ,even in the country, are any indication they might have reason to

hitlerist ago

"Pledge to vote" as a response to it means whoever made the vid is stupid as well.

hang_em_high ago

Decent video but the looting scene is several white people. How many clips of all niggers looting did they have to go through to find that one.

user9713 ago

We had complete control of the federal government and all this shit went on during that time.

We voted to put an end to that shit and nothing was done about it.

Maybe Republicans could do their fucking jobs instead of using it as an opportunity to get us to vote.

kafkaq ago

My city or to give it's correct term a fuckin shithole the sea gulls fly upside down over, they did try the BLM cock suckers and had a few failed very low attendance demonstrations whilst observing the social distancing rule of 6 feet or more. Anybody walking past must have shrugged and tutted.

Hah weirdos, thats where it ends but if they gets a bit uppity thats whole different ball game. Nobody is any mood for games ATM

kevf4 ago

You better make sure this isn't a Jew trying to extract shekels from the goyim.

TheGook ago

They don't fuck with my rice and noodle.

SouthernCracker ago

Nah. They tried to 'protest' here, didn't last an hour. They try to riot, it'll be nigger season with no bag limit.

CinderBiter ago

For $5 a day, you can give to BLM, and bring these people to a city near you!

Plant_Boy ago

The only think this film is missing is this

SporadicX2 ago

Vote for Trump and trust the plan goyim.

illuminalto2 ago

Of all the footage they had and they had to show the WHITE GUY running out of the store looting.

Come the fuck on.

puggy ago

I think it's good. The normies need to realize that this is not just a typical ghetto chimp-out, this is planned and organized by white marxists.

illuminalto2 ago

I can see your point.

sbt2160p ago


edwardbernays ago

white marxists

you misspelled jews

Deplorablepoetry ago


Not all niggers are black!

Look at Obama.., filthiest fucking nigger of all time and only half of him is black.

Drkadrka ago

Niggers exist in every race. Decent people exist in every race. The problem is they always regress to a mean, so you can't even just simply breed out the Thomas Sowells and Ben Carsons of society, because most of the offspring revert back to the mean IQ and evolutionary characteristics.

jackofdiamonds ago

Wish this were an actual Trump ad airing all across the country during NFL games.

Killnigs3 ago

just shut off the cities for 3 weeks watch escape from new your play out and then send in the industrial shredd justice and a line of dump trucks like when they cleaned up 9/11

Scyber ago

Can someone tweet this to Trump or Don Jr?

Twatter suspended my account again. 4th account this year.

Derpfroot ago

Not happening in my town. They broke a few windows the first night. The second night there were hella guys down there making sure that shit didn't happen again. Fully strapped and ready to go; even some blacks who were sick of the nigging.

OandAPartyRock ago

A friend of mine in Philadelphia was getting stomped by some of these communists and was rescued by three black guys. Two of them got stabbed. But they hung in there and saved my friend. They were are so sick and goddamn tired of other black people at this point.

Derpfroot ago

The older one's are fed up with the nigger shit. Hence, ChickenWaffen

fightknightHERO ago

Looks like communist uprising

if the people don't fight back (against the antifags AND the Communist Cops) we're gonna see Holodomor/Kulaks 2.0 all over again

Deplorablepoetry ago

They are fighting each other, dude. It’s commie queer antifa vs commie queer pigs...., sit back, open a beer, enjoy the show!


goatboy ago

Fuck around. Find out.

Drkadrka ago

Here's hoping. Everything is freshly cleaned and lubed, mags loaded, and armor at the ready.

The only way this ends is when a riot is put down with a generous display of lethal force. When 30 or 40 rioters lie dead in the streets, they may get the hint that they are not welcomed, and the rest of the country will feel free to respond similarly.

Deplorablepoetry ago

1000 dead pigs and everyone is happy

Zero collateral loss

The only good pig is a dead pig, officer dead.

Killnigs3 ago


goatboy ago

Don't play by the enemy's strategy. Attack the enemy's strategy. The enemy's strategy is subversive terrorism. Terrorism is the use of violence, fear, and extortion to achieve political goals. The enemy wants you to commit violence and create fear, so the enemy can extort political goals out of useful idiots.

Instead of giving the enemy what he wants, instead target the enemy himself, snipe the enemy's leadership and organizers, burn take the enemy's funding and logistics infrastructure.

Never respond to terrorists with terror of your own people. Instead, respond with targetting of their provocatuers. If that fails, respond with regional annihilation. If that fails, respond with global annihilation. Let the enemy decide the level of his own extermination he is willing to accept before leaving you alone.

Zen117 ago

Can see the merits of those tactics goatboy

goatboy ago

I'm glad you think so, because the US Marshals have already started adopting these tactics.

whatisbestinlife ago

some good points. as for targeting their leadership that is out of our hands. unless you mean the media talkingheads.

you can physically destroy things that they say dont exist. like antifa encampments.

you can respond with terror but make it true terror. not worry. or concern. lay them out with no hope of retaliation.

ketoll ago

I've been thinking, it wouldn't be hard for patriots to stake out these people and take pics using a zoom lense. Then follow them home to see where they live. Then turn all the evidence over to Federal agents. If all of us did this, we would be able to document each terrorist individually so they can't hide behind groups and masks.

whatisbestinlife ago

you can give away antifa merch with gps trackers inside. imagine a flashlight keychain that will give a location for 48 hours

Drkadrka ago

Rioters are committing a felony by being a part of a mob that attacks me. Woe be the man who makes such a mistake. Those of us with nothing to lose and no family to live for will be the dogs of war they wish they had not unleashed.

If they come to my neighborhood, bringing violence upon me and my neighbors, then I will no longer be drkadrka, but I will be DEATH, and I will dispense it liberally to all who deserve it.

OandAPartyRock ago

I am prepared to defend myself and my family. I’m also not going to recklessly throw myself into a war when I’ve got kids waiting for me at home. Unfortunately, my friend, you might need to carry some of my work for me. I just don’t have it in me to leave my children without a father. I’m not brave enough. Thank God for people like you. Braver than I am.

Killnigs3 ago


goatboy ago

If you're going to throw your life away in the pursuit of chaos and destruction, at least be smart enough to direct the choas and destruction towards the one fomenting the war.

Drkadrka ago

I am not going to premeditate anything. I don't need to hunt down SOROS or SARSOUR or the MSM. I am only interested in defending my property and life, and we have seen what happens when you bend the knee, so the only reason I will take a knee is for a more stable shooting platform.

goatboy ago

You're still acting like this is a civilian law and order thing, when we're actually at war.

Drkadrka ago

So what is your plan? Hunt down your enemies, evade their security details, and plunge your kris through their hearts, then escaping under the cover of darkness to move onto your next target? Hope you have your Lvl100 Sneak.

goatboy ago

That's not how I would do it, but to each his own I guess.

GuesstheJaws ago

Not a chance. They tried some rioting in Raleigh and got their shit pushed in because we actually use our national guard unlike those democratic shitholes.

AntiMason ago

Hell no. Rednecks will come out of the surrounding areas and massacre rioters.

Plant_Boy ago

I think we need to Peacefully Protest the news corporations reporting this as Peaceful Protests!

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tankingwrong ago

We need to deal with the cop, judge, DA problem first.

I'm ready to fight off hordes in a war, but not if my payment for it is life in prison.

BlowjaySimpson ago

We need to deal with the cop, judge, DA problem first.

You need to deal with the media first before any of this.

At the very least, sweep once.

They need to fear you.

Even the state cowtows to the 4th estate.

fusir ago

So them attacking police and calling for defunding is a good thing. The problem is 3rd parties getting caught into the cross hairs like small businesses. We need a way of incentivizing them to not consider those targets.

Going out there and shooting them may not be the answer. It needs discussion at least if that is strategically useful or stupid. One consideration is that they may be targeting these third parties in order to get us out and retaliating, because they need a bad guy.. On the other hand we can't just let them do that.

But we really need to enforce that we are expecting a fight between the left and the police, and we really shouldn't be involved in this at all. Any time they try to pull us into the fray, remind them that their problem is with the opposite group. We can let them in-fight and weaken each other while we arm up. Ideally we get reduced police budgets and absolute political suicide of the left at the same time, all while not having to do anything.

user9713 ago

I'm ready to fight off hordes in a war, but not if my payment for it is life in prison.

Radicals are what create revolutions.

This is why I don't have faith in ever organizing. We're way too rational and think about the consequences.

ForgottenMemes ago

Kenosha and Santa Monica are part of large cities. When Antifa went to Ft Collins they got beat to a pulp and arrested. It's not as bad as you're making it out to be. Outside of a handful of cities where no decent people live there is little problem with local authorities.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

That's like saying you need to wipe before you take a shit.

tankingwrong ago

I need to shave my asshairs optimally before I take a shit.