Nosferatjew ago

I posted a version of this video from liveleak earlier today, asking if anyone could determined if it was a hoax of some kind. It took a little while, but one goat was able to find the source for the video, a fire fighter's post on instagram from mid August:

lazyhammer ago

This is a fire break drone, I'm certan Antifa didn't get their hands on a $5k plus piece of firefighting equipment:

Also this video was posted earlier in the week with context to what it was doing, which is exactly that... making fire breaks.

In short OP is a faggot.

Twister412 ago

And you're a fat fuck talking out of his fat ass

dayofthehope ago

Antifa didn't get their hands on a $5k

They have hundreads of millions from people like Bezos and Soros

lazyhammer ago

Hundreds of millions, but don't bother to equip their foot solders with anything better then home made plywood shields and fake armour off of ebay.

That still doesn't change the fact you posted a debunked video with that title in bad faith, hence OP is a Faggot.

dayofthehope ago

You are antifa doing damage control

lazyhammer ago

shareblue tatics

Okay Niggerfaggot, since you decided to double down on your shilling.

KikesOnTrikes ago

Fake news

dayofthehope ago
