Goat7 ago


Rickwd ago

Lol Risitas always gets me :D never gets old.

Landrictree ago

She could always try porn...

plugsocketpoker ago

Save the crocodile tears you slag. You threatened to kill people with the viewpoint that all lives matter. Fucking idiot, go ahead and pander to your drones though. I bet those simp cunts will wipe their wank rags to donate if you get your minge out.

tony2shirts ago

Get your female friend to take the interview for you... I've met asian and mexican chicks thought sound like white girls.

Goat7 ago

What else did she expect?!

Glipglup ago

What's this cunts name? I wanna go laugh at her some more.

Jonmatrix ago

Idk I mean yeah probably deserves it but does that make us any better then them when we stoop that low?

ARsandOutdoors ago

You can not take the moral high ground with these people any more. They have no morals for which to base their judgments on you other than what they have been told to believe. And what they’ve been told is that you are a piece of shit and need to die because of who your grandparents are

he_found_wepon ago

Taste of her own medicine.

tony2shirts ago

Even better they will never know you're a straight white male until they already hire you

BurqaFart ago

It'd be a shame if she was raped to death by a big nigger dik.

Finbar35 ago

Stupid bitch.

BernieT ago

It is not like conservatives are losing jobs because of their views... Never mind, fire her butt!

Maevtr ago

I don't like anyone losing their livelihood over their political beliefs. That said, the immense irony that liberals like her would applaud a conservative having his life ruined over even mildly conservative view points is overwhelming.

mudslime ago

Here is her twatter channel.


she is pro homo, pro negro, and anti-everything.

look her followers and retwatters. all degenerated pink haired chink faggots and various hainous libturds.

Glad for Deloitte they got rid off of this hybrid chink disgrace.

mudslime ago

Yeah, and evem more degenerate libturds raised a go fundme and a change.org

BordelonLoop ago

she's so damn fake. fake tears. fake outrage. fake life. fake degree from a fake institution. the good part is she is found out.

errgnomeous ago

Here's her gofundme. People need to report this shit and get it taken down.


metricisokay ago

The left invented cancel culture, and it's always over things much more trivial than revealing to the world that you're psychotic. These people think they're never wrong. These people are so used to winning they don't know what loss is.

Well get ready buttercup. The world is hard. Maybe with that knowledge you can move forward with your life with less effort dedicated to making it even harder for other people, you anti social cunt.

Klenov ago


Gorillion ago

B-But I'm a unique snowflake! That means I'm exempt from the repercussions of my words and actions!

TBF, that IS the implicit deal that liberals and the establishment have agreed upon. I'm just as shocked as she is.

ns300n ago

This person has a strange understanding of jokes, racism and hate speech.

Unfortunately there are others like her too.

boekanier ago

This person must be a libtard.

chemlord11 ago

Really, you don't say. It must really suck to have to lose your job because you expressed a political opinion online.

If only there was a group that understood that pain.


Reymrgapurple ago

yea having homicidal tendencies will get you fired.

Niggertown ago

Virtue signalling has consequences.

Reymrgapurple ago

shes unhirable

batterist ago

"Oh how the turntables... "

SouthernCracker ago

Maybe the dumb cunt shouldn't have been threatening to stab people then.

The dumb cunt's original video:

https:/ /mobile.twitter.com/antifa_public/status/1278283032395464705

CeasarSalud ago

Where did she work?

I want to reward wise business decisions.

Intrixina ago

It was Deloitte.

CeasarSalud ago

Ah fuck, you'll get the AIDs for even googling an organization that pozzed.

Curious they fired rather than promoting her, maybe I'm wrong.

masterone ago

howabout you dont put that stupid ass laughing gif in between jfc i cant watch this shit wtf

BatFairy ago

Excellent 👌😀

Helena73 ago

Here is the video in question. https://files.catbox.moe/j1nm9f.mp4

ScreaminMime ago

What was the job she had worked so hard for?

Helena73 ago

According to the police post:

Janover’s LinkedIn account lists her as an “incoming government and public business service analyst” at Deloitte, a UK-based accounting firm.

Ashra ago

HAHA I almost didn't watch this because I "had already seen it" but I am so glad I clicked, I doubled over laughing, hahaha.

SouthernWhiteBoy187 ago

PEOPLE...STOP...JUST FUCKING STOP posting your personal opinions..especially if your opinion videos are what you depend on your income for

If your opinion doesn't agree with the consensus...your gonna lose all that sweet no work income

Helena73 ago

Check your privilege bitch. You can’t go around threatening to stab people. I mean, does she think she’s black or something?

Granite_Pill ago

oh no, that sucks

DohBoy ago

I'd let her suck it, but I'd smoke in her living room and ash on her carpet.

CuntMustache ago

Her nostrils are so big you could probably fuck them too.

anticlutch ago

That cut-in laff track.


I don't need much more.

Ifckstacy ago

For anybody not familiar with this classic:


Splooge ago

I can’t watch this while I’m eating or drinking, the guy’s laugh is too fucking contagious. Ahhh good times.

mudslime ago

His official name is el risitas. He is a very famous spaniard comedian.

His laugh made his career.

There are hundred parodies based on that video.

AbalbalAndPhoenix ago

I laughed my balls off. That was awesome.

TeddyJackson ago

If this was a you laugh you video, i didnt make it 4 seconds.

DohBoy ago

Her acting stinks.

whambamthankyouham ago

I didn't quite see any tears. Am I missing something? Can someone help point out the tears to me?

tankingwrong ago

this is what Trump supporters wanted

I don't want anyone fired for any stupid shit. It should just be enough that I don't give your business any of mine. I'll maintain that BLM is a terrorist organization and someone saying they support it is the same to me as someone saying they support ISIS or Al Qaeda. But regardless of your proximity that doesn't immediately mean to me that you're an enemy combatant. It just means you're a retard. How much you contribute to them it can escalate from there, but if you're making tiktoks, well, then I nothing you.

idk ago

I don't want anyone fired for stupid shit either, but it tells me that she was expendable. If you're great at your job people don't give a fuck what you do on your time off.

SurfinMindWaves ago

Haha, what decade are you living in? I want to go there.

mudslime ago

I dont know about any decent place of work that would tolerate public death threats

Helena73 ago

I just saw it was Deloitte.

Helena73 ago

She threatened to stab people if they said all lives matter.

tankingwrong ago

Ah well. She made her bed.

Whats_my_password ago

I want a link to more vids from this hate-monger bitch.

Solstiare ago

Who is the hell is that, anyway?

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

We should put race mixers in assylums like we did in the old days. Establish the neo-KKK to keep our streets civilized, sane, calm, and white. For every uncivilized monkey out there on the loose in our society is a threat to our peaceful civilized soceity. We must round up all monkeys before they take over our cities and go on a planet of the apes type rampage.

voatdied ago

but...I thought conservatives had no power?

SaneandAware ago

I hope when they called to fire her, at the end of the call instead of saying goodbye they said "all lives matter".

ScreaminMime ago

"All jobs matter".

MindyBluestar17 ago

But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person.

Matthew 15:18 ESV

ScreaminMime ago

Specially when you're drunk!

Mime 8675:309

4f47c21a ago

We have a saying in Australia - Suck Shit!

HateCumbuckets ago

Yo Aussie, come visit v/soapdoxbanhammer sometime. Unless you're a crow eater.

Nosferatjew ago

I bet it's bullshit.

Whats_my_password ago

Oh, my goodness! That poor dear.

tanukihat ago

Suck when it happens to you huh?

How many brigades and cancelations do you think she participated in?

Tennis123 ago

Karma is a niggerfaggot

Samsquamch ago

If given the chance, she would have all of the evil "conservatives" at work fired without a second thought.

iamabrokenbanjo ago

More like killed.

bb22 ago

Threaten to kill more Whites and see how far it gets you in life you worthless fucking whore. Go to hell and fucking burn is what I say.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

All whores should be hung on a cross and burned like we did in the old days. KKK gang

DespiteBeing ago


holaymackal ago

She thinks she got fired for 'standing up for BLM". She ACTUALLY said she would stab anyone who said 'all lives matter'.

Still doesn't get it.

CritKhan ago

NPC brains are not very good at matters of reason and logic.

Smoulder ago

She knew, this is a typical woman strategy.

rustydog ago

She can't challenge her victim narrative.

bb22 ago

She fucking gets it. These people are narcissistic fucking psychopaths. They should have been disciplined as children but since they weren't they grow up into these manipulative, tantrum-throwing, entitled pieces of shit.

rebel_1812 ago

this. blm is about hatred and violence towards caucasians.

ravensedgesom ago

described this cunt perfectly well done.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Thanks feds now we cant beat the shit out of rebellious, disobidient little kids anymore.

CritKhan ago

I do not think you need to beat your children to raise them to not be braindead degenerates. Beating your children is one of the most vile things I can imagine, and it is merely a shortcut, for those too lazy or stupid to find a better way.

AR47 ago

Well to be fair you could before...it isn't illegal unless you get cought.

boogaloo_2020 ago

Well hopefully you aren’t a parent. Beating a child because your a terrible role model. Great work.

An0m4ly ago

Boogaloo glowshill didn't take long for the cuckery to manifest.

KingChem ago

Spare the rod spoil the child

RockmanRaiden ago

You are the problem. Hope you don't have a daughter.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

t.bleeding heart soycuck

Turn_Coat ago

Fuck her, liberals like her her use these weapons like an addicted uses a drug of choice. Wipe her out. Wipe them all out.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Your right we need to wipe out these monkeys from our civilized society before they start really destroying our once peaceful societies.

Can_of_something ago

HAHAHAHAHA! What even funnier is that I burst out laughing the same time the toothless Mexican dude chimed in, which made it funnier.

HateCumbuckets ago

Contagious laughter. Got me too.

SaneandAware ago

I could have done without that stupid shit, actually. To each his own I guess, but I found it delicious without the stupid memes spliced in.

Thought it was Robert Goulet for a second.

78616BC93459 ago

If we're going to say we have principles with a straight face we have to decide if we're for losing your job over political views or not.

smokratez ago

jews don't belong to we, you faggot

Helena73 ago

blighty ago

I agree 100 percent. I used to believe that anyone should say whatever the fuck they want without harrassment. The problem is that the Left has NEVER played by these rules. It is always one sided. These dipshits started this mess and now they can revel in it.

Biscuitbaiter ago

She probably didn't lose her job for her political views. She most likely lost it for saying shit online about wanting to stab people for saying all lives matter.

SaneandAware ago

She didn't just hold a different political view, she threatened grave bodily harm to people who might say something she doesn't agree with. That is unacceptable. (She said she would STAB any white person who said "All lives matter".)

78616BC93459 ago

WHERE? I don't know who this stupid bitch is. I don't follow antifa faggots all day.

SaneandAware ago

Yeah, not faulting you bro, this video is pretty flimsy with meme clips being more important than giving details etc.

I saw the full story somewhere else. What I told you checks out. She threatened to stab white people who told her "all lives matter" instead of submitting to the mandatory "BLM".

cokesmcgee192 ago

Are you always this retarded you weeb loving simp faggot? She wasn't fired for political views, she was fired for threatening to stab people.

78616BC93459 ago

The video doesn't have that information.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Of course the whore would never admit that

Turn_Coat ago

There's no advantage to holding the moral high ground any more. What has it gained us? Where has it gotten us? No, the totalitarian ideological extremism of the Left works. There is no reason we cannot use it.

78616BC93459 ago

If you win what have you achieved if you've destroyed society by using their tactics?

smokratez ago

we will have killed all you jew faggots, and get to live in paradise

Turn_Coat ago

Our goals are simple; a homeland for western civilization and western people. That's what we've achieved if we win.

78616BC93459 ago

If you want a homeland for white people with mob justice and being forced to pledge allegiance to your political views to keep your job I will gun you down in the street just like any common nigger, and feel better about it. You're capable of behaving differently.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

t.Crypto Jew filth

78616BC93459 ago

Well if jews want a white ethnostate where we execute tyrants, hand over the fuckin' bagel and menorah.

Helena73 ago

Jews have a white ethnostate, a jewish white ethnostate. You’re not invited.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Oh, nevermind I misread what you commented

Turn_Coat ago

Western civilization and Western people. Western civilization includes the open expression of ideas... that said, we cannot operate by seizing the moral high ground. Trying to hold the moral high ground gets you killed. Sure we'll have to purge a few groups for the first couple of years, but that's the mechanism, not the goal. Evil must be removed, and pretending that it doesn't need to happen is being willfully ignorant. These people are ideologically demoralized, they're contaminated, there's no fixing them, no convincing them. No matter how perfect your moral stance, you cannot win against them through any means besides the substantial application of violence. Try to seek some education on ideological demoralization and on Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn to understand what the end game is going to be.

If we lose, we'll be demonized as monsters no matter what we do, why take the moral high ground when your enemy will never respect it? If we win, we're the ones who write history, so what does it matter?

All that said a first and second amendment can be preserved... but democracy doesn't work. Let's say we're trying to do more of a 'nice guy national socialism' thing.

obvious-throwaway- ago

"She worked really hard for" = "Sucked a lot of kike cock'

Goat7 ago

Circumcised dry small sausage

Rizzo9000 ago

The whole thing feels staged

NiggadermCQ ago

Hopefully she regrets it, and decides the jew raped her.

tanukihat ago

"Marked 'non-white female' on the application"

Granite_Pill ago

"wore a lot of makeup to the interview" aka "hot asian chick"

As someone who used to date a hot asian chick, I know how these things work.

voatuser1128 ago

I read some other voat comment that she's part Jewish. Which may explain the liberal derangement.

Shotinthedark ago

Fuckable asian chick

lanre ago

That got fat.

malkoman ago

She wasn't hot.

tony2shirts ago

At this point every white male should mark that... then when the interview comes the person will freak out and not know how to respond. Then you can call them a transphobe and guarantee a new job for you. HAHAHA

Planetoftheclown ago

Seriously, I went on reddit and asked HR if I look white but my grandpa was black would I be questioned about it. The overall comments were that the interviewers will not know the race of the person coming to interview. The question of race on the application is only for submitting documentation for legal requirements.

I am not a lawyer so take what I say with a grain of salt and consult a lawyer.

What that implies is the application process is used for the company to file the appropriate documentation in order to receive their tax credits for hiring minorities. That also means it's gatekeeping for invites to the interview because if a white person is invited to the interview and gets the job then the company doesn't get a tax credit. So, if you're white, I suggest that you do not choose white or asian or mixed race since those will not provide the company with up to $15,000 a year in tax credits for your employment. Choose black or native american. Then go into the interview when they offer it to you. Supposedly the interviewers will not know your race, but if they ever question it and you don't get the job go get you a 23andme DNA test for your at least 1% African DNA result, then get a lawyer and sue the for discrimination based on your race. Or go ahead and get a DNA test now so that you're not perpetrating a fraud. You're going to get at least 1% African DNA in a 23andme test. If you don't want to provide your DNA, then ask your dog to provide a cheek swab or use a beef roast for the swab. The results you get are going to be bullshit anyway. But, being a lay person you can at least state your intent was not to commit fraud.

AFAIK there is no modern legal definition for race. You don't have to have X% African DNA. However, there is historical precedent for the definition of an African American. There was the one drop rule that meant if you have at least one drop of black blood in you then you're black. So, take that to the bank.

One question I have that I don't have an answer for is does race show up on background checks? I could not get an answer for that. It's possible that answers you have provided in previous employment applications and other documents where you've provided your race are aggregated by data brokers (Lexis Nexus for example). If that's the case then when the company offers you employment it will of course conduct a background check that may show conflicting results here which may make them decide to revoke the offer of employment. However, you'd still have an argument that the denial was based on race so long as there isn't something else in your background like a conviction you didn't tell them about. Even if you've indicated you're white for the past 30 years on every application you've filled out, but this time you chose black then with your 23andme bullshit results of the beef swab and your lawyer you'd likely have a case for race based discrimination if not because you're black, but definitely because they think you're white.

obvious-throwaway- ago

I'm a physically disabled black jewish transgender muslim, I win 3 out of 4 oppression contests.

LibertarianForChrist ago

You forgot lesbian

obvious-throwaway- ago


tony2shirts ago

You should just go with jew though... that is like the ultimate "racism" card to be able to use.

bb22 ago

Probably affirmative action judging by the mutt's face. God knows what race she claimed on her application.

puggy ago


bb22 ago

A mutt isn't just a dog. "Mutt" means of mixed background. It's applied to dogs when they aren't pure-bred, but some mix of strays or whatever the fuck.

puggy ago

"dog" is also used to describe an ugly woman (although it's unfair to canines)

bb22 ago

I called her a mutt though.