Cunty84 ago

Funny how the chinks and japs won’t let kikes fuck their countries up, the Chinese have been invaded so many times they won’t allow them to do it all over again.

Maddmartigan ago

The Chinese will do the invading now

Cat-hax ago

Don't show me that ugly kike, I don't want to see her huge nose

greydragon ago

And it starts with Barbara Spectre. I had to turn if off immediately. I cannot stand her voice. I want to strangle myself when I hear her voice.

Maddmartigan ago

There are some others that are not common but I get your point.

greydragon ago

You might have heard of this song: Free Bird

Look at all the White people! Seriously, look at all the White people. And all the women are hot.

Yuke ago

Every time I hear that demon bitch speak it makes me want to put her head on a pike. "Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural". Fuck me, what an infuriating statement.

VarangianGary ago

I think you underestimate the Chinese influence. It's not just the Jews who hate white people. It's everyone. That's why racism doesn't work. We're outnumbered and probably outgunned by this point.

thebearfromstartrack ago

WHY do JEWS think they are IN CHARGE of the CULTURES of nations that are NOT their native lands? WHERE does this COME FROM???

Maddmartigan ago

They are taught that they are above all goyim.

Plant_Boy ago

Quality post!

registeretakes10s ago

god I hate that old lady lol

Splooge ago

I hate how delighted the kike is, the very giddiness of the delivery. Filthy yenta.

karznutz69 ago

I'm new but this info ain't (to me anyway)

generate ago

fake? or out of sync? voice mismatch

wokeasfook ago

Thread by @USRevolt1776: In America, the public is given zero information on the "Weimar Republic," the period in Germany post-WWI that led to the rise of the Nation…

Must read

PhilKDick ago

Thanks. 2nd video woman is like a little troll.

dudelol ago

MBB ago

Exactly why do they want to do this? I know a there are a lot of Jews that are not on board with this immigration bullshit. Why are they pushing it so hard? I mean, if they want to co-exist like they say, then why do they want to shoot themselves in the foot? The more they push immigration, the more people hate them. Blacks are beginning to resent the race baiting, Hispanics are starting to see they don't have their best interest in mind, people more and more are waking up to the fact, their only goal is to turn this country, they supposedly love, into a shithole.

Aries_Rising ago

The zionist agenda, in part, is to transform the white race as a whole into a mongrel race. This is effectively genocide on the white race. An indoctrinated race of mongrels would hypothetically be much easier to subdue and rule over, given the relatively higher IQ of their Jewish overlords.

MBB ago

Yeah, but then they would have no working class to commit jewry. Economies collapsing can't possibly be good for them. Thats why I wonder "why?". They have nothing to gain, and a lot to lose.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

given the relatively higher IQ of their Jewish overlords.

Which is low compared to whites. The "Jews have high IQ" myth is complete bullshit, I've seen it conclusively debunked here before. Plus, it's easy to tell they are low IQ just by talking to one.

kammmmak ago

But Not in Israel. OH Vey

Aries_Rising ago

New member here. My hope is that the CCP rebels against the zionist agenda and frees the West from its captors. Places like Russia and Poland should have plenty of good stock to use for genetic engineering either way. I hope that artificial wombs can help bypass modern wymen’s toxic effect on the civilized world, taking away ownership of children from women and suppressing the pussy cartel. There are future possibilities. Organized violence is not likely, and also probably not feasible during this age of existence.

greydragon ago

Was reddit/r/techonogy one of the banned subs?

Organized violence is not likely, and also probably not feasible during this age of existence.

Are you that fucking stupid? What the fuck do you see going on around you right now? Do you think it is disorganized?

Aries_Rising ago

Oh, yes indeed. Non-whites and indoctrinated whites are highly organized...against whites. I only meant that Western whites have been demonized to the point where another great uprising is unlikely to be organized. The demographic shift should see to that within the next however many decades. Modern white women are largely unfit for breeding and child rearing, imo. You can marry one and have a child, but that child will be traumatized when she yearns for Chad’s dick and the State will incentivize her behavior.

greydragon ago

... Chad's dick ...

You are supposed to be the Chad. You get that, right? Regardless of the mindless state.

Work out. Don't get tattoos. Ignore women with tattoos. Go to church. Find a girl in a pretty dress. She doesn't have to be gorgeous. Marry her. I wish my father taught me this.

Aries_Rising ago

Even if you did marry and have children, it’s only a matter of time before the mongrels are allowed to rape your daughter and burn down your estate. Meanwhile, any attempt fight back against the savage mob will be quelled by the military i.e. whites being suppressed by the State. You’d be better off relocating to Poland, for example, at this point. That is, if you want to things the old fashioned way.

mesada ago

I wouldn't count on China. Heck, they are usually behind every communist revolution.

rumorhazard ago

FUCK. We’re too late. They’ve been planning this shit for generations. They’ve been meeting in secret and letting this all go on. Can we respond in time?

RandomFurryDude ago

Hey look everyone, its demoralisation account!

IsaacJan ago

You have a very low ccp for such an old account. Interesting blackpill you have. Are you hopeless?

rumorhazard ago

I’m on the border of apathy. I didn’t mean to be alarmist, just that this shit has been planned for generations and I’m only waking up to it now.

IsaacJan ago

You are but a footnote in history. Raise children and be glad there are free places yet to raise them. War will come.

Khash36 ago

These evil hypocritical jew demons. Why is immigration & interracial breeding an imperative goal? Disgusting. They don’t allow this for their people. Fucking kikes can’t even give a good reason why. Oh but so many dumb ass brainwashed white people think it’s good we’re going extinct or are unaware. They want us extinct in the most underhanded evil way possible. It’s always the jews.

areyoumygaffer ago

they have a reason. homogenous nations are more difficult for the jew to undermine.

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lovehate123 ago

The Lefty Numbers are Much smaller.

Remember everything You see that Makes You think their Numbers are Large is Paid for by the One Who Prints the Money.

They Make themselves Look Much Bigger and stronger than they really are and Attack us with Interacial Porn (their weekness).

Shadowlight ago

Definitely even just the first video with Barbara is a redpill which can open the eyes of a lot of normies.

SearchVoatBot ago

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pimplepeter ago

i honestly don't think there are many new people here sadly.

greydragon ago

The new jew @Aries_Rising is literally right above you right now. And I don't want newfags coming in. As a fed, it just makes my job harder.

pimplepeter ago

clearly a jew yeah... this guy is scum

BoyBlue ago

Well, let's hope not. VOAT is like the neighborhood bar, wouldn't want to fuck that up.

Maddmartigan ago

There are lurkers, lurking. They need to see.