Black Woman Raging Mad Iraqis Won't Let Her Loot Their Store (
submitted 4.8 years ago by dayofthehope
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FedExMeYourDrugs 4.7 years ago
Addicts= blacks
Enablers= leftist whites, mainstream media
Addicts (blacks)
feel internally powerless and attempt to compensate by manipulating others through measures of desperation which override any sense of morality Act out, sometimes violently, to get what they want Put their own needs first, selfish Lack empathy Reduced capacity for objective thought and reasoning Impulsive Prefer easy short-term fixes over long-term solutions
feel internally powerless and attempt to compensate by manipulating others through measures of desperation which override any sense of morality
Act out, sometimes violently, to get what they want
Put their own needs first, selfish
Lack empathy
Reduced capacity for objective thought and reasoning
Prefer easy short-term fixes over long-term solutions
Enablers (Leftists, Mainstream Media)
Exacerbate addict's problem by removing consequences for their behavior Cleans up the addict's messes Ignore the potentially dangerous, destructive behavior by overlooking or ignoring his behavior In denial, often refuses to admit there is a problem Often puts the addict's needs over his own needs. Pathologically altruistic Blames others and will often accuse people or situations other than the addict himself
Exacerbate addict's problem by removing consequences for their behavior
Cleans up the addict's messes
Ignore the potentially dangerous, destructive behavior by overlooking or ignoring his behavior
In denial, often refuses to admit there is a problem
Often puts the addict's needs over his own needs.
Pathologically altruistic
Blames others and will often accuse people or situations other than the addict himself
Are blacks and leftist whites the very embodiment of a toxic, codependent relationship?
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FedExMeYourDrugs ago
Addicts= blacks
Enablers= leftist whites, mainstream media
Addicts (blacks)
Enablers (Leftists, Mainstream Media)
Are blacks and leftist whites the very embodiment of a toxic, codependent relationship?