Black Woman Raging Mad Iraqis Won't Let Her Loot Their Store (
submitted 4.8 years ago by dayofthehope
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HeavyBrain 4.8 years ago
Ak's you say
Leroy_Antoine 4.8 years ago
He must have 3d printed that rare pump action AR.
Youd think he would have just copied a lever action for .223 at this point to make things easier.
Nonymous608 4.8 years ago
AR-15 LOL!!!! Fucking retards.
CalibanFresco 4.8 years ago
Das a Ar-47, nigga. You kin tell cuz it's an assalt rifle wiff forty seven bullets.
AR47 4.8 years ago
Best you step away from that classification seeing as you don't know shit about my specialty! /S
Look at the user name and history
Yes they may be retars or just your NPC MSM doing their thing, talking a lot of retarded bullshit for propaganda reasons.
But maybe they just confused the Ar-15 with the saiga 12.
They do look a lot alike... ;)
FridayJones 4.8 years ago
They're long and dark and have that round hole thingie at one end!
Shlomoe_McJerky 4.8 years ago
And go “Boom!”.
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HeavyBrain ago
Ak's you say
Leroy_Antoine ago
He must have 3d printed that rare pump action AR.
HeavyBrain ago
Youd think he would have just copied a lever action for .223 at this point to make things easier.
Nonymous608 ago
AR-15 LOL!!!! Fucking retards.
CalibanFresco ago
Das a Ar-47, nigga. You kin tell cuz it's an assalt rifle wiff forty seven bullets.
AR47 ago
Best you step away from that classification seeing as you don't know shit about my specialty! /S
Look at the user name and history
HeavyBrain ago
Yes they may be retars or just your NPC MSM doing their thing, talking a lot of retarded bullshit for propaganda reasons.
But maybe they just confused the Ar-15 with the saiga 12.
Nonymous608 ago
They do look a lot alike... ;)
FridayJones ago
They're long and dark and have that round hole thingie at one end!
Shlomoe_McJerky ago
And go “Boom!”.