bigcum500 ago

Brainwashed faggots.

chirock ago

They relaxed. I blame the parents.

see_low ago

That's what you get for worshipping Niggers and listening to faggot music.

CallSignAlpha ago

A jew took that video. They are cheering the destruction of white society. He and his ilk will get more once the veil is lifted.

version7 ago

That's what treating them like people gets you.

v99gv ago

Confucious ideology.

HeehawNPepe ago

You want to be Mr. Super Spade or something? They don't want to be your bro and I don't blame them. Now get your ofay paddy ass down the road.

ginx2666 ago

USrael is pathetic. Not only are your children race traitors, you can't even deal with one nigger uprising, and don't say "oh those nogs won't stand a chance once they come to White Middle Class Neighborhoods!" - your solidarity is also pathetic. Sit on your ass, watch cities burn, and when nog horde arrives to your doorstep, blame everyone else for your own lazyness, as Jamal rapes your daughter, Shaniqua sets fire to your dog, and Leroy steals your laptop.

I'm so glad that we don't have niggers or sandniggers here. At worst we have gypsies, but they lack cognitive capability to form a mob, each gypsy being a separate parasite subsisting on a diet of stolen rubble and dog shit picked from parks. Surround their hovels with bars of soap and they'll be paralyzed in fear and unable to go steal shit.

FakeNewzIsFake ago

The thing white people don't understand and I didn't recognize it either is. Black people know you can say anything, so it just does not count. Glenn Loury said this and it made 100% perfect sense to me after why making these excuses or ANY excuse at all just won't work.

"I have black friends", anybody can make black friends up on the spot.

"We're on you're side",playing beer pong while they are out rioting.

mralexson ago

This is how I was redpilled. I tried to sympathize with them but they lack any common courtesy and just spit in your face

hogan_knows_best ago

That fucking no talent bantu music these white ppl listen to makes me shudder. U get what u fucking deserve.

2357899103 ago

Retarded little turds. Surprised they didn't run outside and offer their anuses to receive nigger cock.

Keahiehj ago

Birth of two Trump voters.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

Fucking stupid, naive morons

bbqchipz ago

I only see niggers in this video.

HatefulTwerp ago

White people like this are in for a rude awakening but I cannot wait for them to catch up to the rest of us.

DontBeRacist ago

What is wrong with these faggot cucks? Who would want to be on the same side as niggers?

boekanier ago

They are not aware of their own identity or race. The indoctrination of mass media and school did a 'good' job...

Whiteflourguy ago

why do people call them protesters? They are Niggers period. And they are proud of burning down cities.

NPCGator ago

And then reality came crashing through the window but they still refuse to see it.

Dalai_Llama ago

Just reflecting on this scenario depresses me. We have a sparsely furnished appartment with a central party table littered with beer pong dixie cups. Niggerish music in the background, womanish male-in-name-only degenerates in the foreground.

Modern living has ruined us. We have succumbed to the lavish comfort of decadence and we no longer find pride in challenging our ability to withstand the harsh conditioning with which the struggle for prosperity confronts us.

veteran88 ago

Because of Jews

BentAxel ago

They weren't specific who to fuck up when they were paid. The handlers just said fuck shit up.

Dr3dpierat ago


shillyourself ago

Rude awakening coming for these champagne socialists.

They’ll be the first ones to start wanton violence in retaliation for their feelings of betrayal. Just you watch.

4f47c21a ago

No you are not on their side and you will NEVER be on their side.

When they run out of things to break they will break you.

anzel2002 ago

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

I didn't know the KGB hired tards... Oh wait they do, they hire chinks, and gooks for agents.

Zestyclose_Marketing ago

Those are kids they have full grown mustasches tbh. And i wonder how all of you alt right faggots keep finding these videos on the web regardless of how irrelevant or unpopular they are. Are you russian and chinese dataminers?

Landrictree ago

So many whites gone due to the jewish programming...

God damn it.

KYKE ago

be white

ancestors cause lots of issues

blames on jews

feels better

Master_Foo ago

Darwin is going to hand out a lot of prizes this year.

Zooope ago

When have these kids ever seen a black person come up to them with any support or genuine positivity? All you see is white people pandering and AT BEST a black guy half ass being cool because a camera is on him forcing him to be or blacks ignoring them and being dismissive. But again, it's not their fault they're not polite, it's my fault for being white I deserve it, maybe if I keep pandering for the next 10 years a black guy will be nice to me for 5 milliseconds by accident

BobSmooth ago

At least they will learn one useful lesson in university.

Killinitnow ago

Yea, on their side just like me. You r sitting around playing beer pong screaming white fraternity boy while a full blown chimp out is rageing outside.

Ag47 ago

(((Ami Horowitz)))

Not exactly white.

tony2shirts ago

I'm not sure where you pulled Ami Horowitz from all of this but here is a great video:

tony2shirts ago

Oh I see, well he might be a jew but he makes great content for Fox

wonderfuldonut ago

IQ's lower than a snakes belly, their parents must be such proud liberals.

DanielR ago

These retarded white need to die out

If not they pollute our gene pool

CanadianNatSoc ago

Upper middle class whitey

Casually drinking white claws

Misplaced sense of invincibilty due to sheltered upbringing as riot moves through neighborhood

Posting virtue signaling videos on kikebook

Irony of the Matrix playing in background

Windows smashed out in rowhouse payed for by parent's trust fund

Utter confusion.jpg

Merlynn ago

It's the genuine hurt and shock that makes it so damn funny.

CheeBooga ago

It gets me every time haha

Ol_Hickery ago

The faggot even throws up a fist for half a second. You should have heil'd instead of trying to be a nigger. He is probably (hopefully) reassessing his entire worldview right now

Merlynn ago

I dunno,they seem pretty dumb.

Ol_Hickery ago

Werent we all at some point? Things like this are the biggest red pill

Merlynn ago

Not that dumb. I was all for blacks getting a fair shake. But only so far as a fair shake. If they're being assholes,they should be treated like assholes because that's what they've earned.

prairie ago

"We're on your side!"

"We're on your side!"

Reality is trying to teach you a lesson, but you keep resisting it.

DanijelStark ago

And that was the moment when Little Schlomo and his friend Cuckbergstein suddenly lost the control of feral horde.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

They arent trying to impress the niggers, but their jewish masters.

tony2shirts ago

That was a damn good throw imo... that nigger should be picked up for MLB.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

Is that a reference to some form of niggerball?

antiracistMetal ago

Major League Bix

AmericanJew2 ago

Does he play for the Minneapolis Nood?

LemonLord9-11 ago


prairie ago

Alternatively... "Why that whitey giving us the finger over and over? We show him!"

BigTrucker ago

They learned the only way them folks can learn, the hard way

prairie ago

Nahh, they'll just attribute it to a bad few individuals, not niggerdom.

yt4cz9 ago

When kikes train you to love your enemy.

2357899103 ago

Churchianity does that too

yt4cz9 ago

Half the churches are zog controlled--no longer true Christians. True Christians recognized that anyone call themselves a jew is not a jew. Also they will bring Hell down upon you if you deserve it.

KYKE ago

keep telling yourself that, faggot

yt4cz9 ago

Kikes not even hiding any more.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

It's beautiful isn't it? They're so fucking stressed that they're letting their guard down. Fucking kikes all over this site.

Void0101010101 ago



clubberlang ago

Your the wrong color to be on their side

believeme ago

Red pill delivery! Right through the windows.

IceMansLadder ago

Life comes at you fast.

DohBoy ago

Go be on their side, then, and I hope you all die.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Clubbooradley ago

The wiggers mistakenly think that talking like them, dressing like them, blasting rap music and knowing all the words, and any other way they can swoon and humiliate themselves in the general direction of these criminals, means they’re “cool” with them.

L M A O.