DeadFox ago

Stop trying to fix what is already dead, and focus on building something new

BillBarilko5 ago

Black people were beta test for ruining the family. What you see now is the result of that.

PsyOp ago

Yeah...this is what happens when you let spineless backstabbing christian cowards be in charge of things! They let the jews take over in Russia without lifting a finger to stop them. They let the jews take over in Germany...and when Hitler tried to stop the jews from ruining his country the christians in America and Europe swooped in to fight for the jews! 90% of jewish power comes directly from the christian church...destroy christanity and you will eliminate the jewish problem.

whambamthankyouham ago

That machine is cool. The armature moves so elegantly. Very well done.

Tallest_Skill ago

They really are everywhere, I mean everywhere. Go to the store for some nachos, moslems. Go to the bath house, jews. Is there anywhere I can go to avoid them? Mom is even bringing black guys home, she says money is money.

Anyway we will never fix society until we all Tale the @Tallest_Skil test that I developed. It involves looking at a picture of Trump and seeing if your pupils in your eyes dilate and you start to sweat. Bonus points if you start to scream at the sky like I do.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

Splooge is a paid shill.

Prove me wrong.

WhoFlungPoo1132 ago

Was expecting that video of the white puttinf the trash back in the bin that the blaque kweens were throwing on the ground

SaxonWolfcock ago

Probably the funniest fucking thread i've seen on here in a while.

AntiMason ago

Dont forget about the shabbos goy Freemasons.

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ObserverOfTruth ago

But but George Washington was a Mason!!!

AntiMason ago


ObserverOfTruth ago

I can never get through to people about Masonry. How do you explain that to them? That lots of founders/Patriots are gay Masons?

AntiMason ago

I grew up around a fuck ton of them. In my extended family there were several very successful Freemasons with very impressive resumes. Almost all of them were ex military, a couple were judges, and at least one was an intelligence officer in the DIA. Ive been to many gatherings at Shriner temples. Most people never even knowingly interact with Masons.

ObserverOfTruth ago

Very interesting. I knew a few Masons through friends who quit because they said they there was gay stuff now, unlike before.

I'm a gnostic too.

So the only way to break the illusions of Masons is to expose most of America's founding as a psyop?

I try to point out Thomas Paine as an example of a rational monotheist that preceded Washington.

Is there any way to expose Masonry without attacking core American founders?

ShakklezthaKlown ago

Masons were infiltrated by the Illuminati and reversed to fit the judaic agenda.

AntiMason ago

Yuck. You're a gnostic? And no. The Masons have already been exposed by men like Bill Cooper and nobody cares.

ObserverOfTruth ago

I thought gnosticism meant unity with God, all frills, details aside. I looked it up and I guess I'm not a gnostic.

I like the syncretic Monotheism stuff, that all religions share core values.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

Imagine calling yourself something before knowing what the word means.

Voat users

AntiMason ago

Gnostics probably think they have unity with some god or are gods themselves but it revolves around initiation into a secret society.

Shakenstein ago

Yes precisly. Without looking any definition I can trow in that gnostics are people seeking unity with god through knowledge. At the basis of the wording, sure it sounds very pure and honorable. But what becomes less clear is what god(s)/supreme power/ grand architect those people organizing in movements and secret societies through the mileniums is, are, has been or even will be. Thats why freemasonery always attracted people that seem legit ( I hate to say this) most of the time but we really have to be cautious and scrutanious on their social enginering role throughout history.

mylittlechinaboy ago

Is heaven a secret society? Not sure what Gnosticism means to you, but interested... I've identified as gnostic but in practice I just use meditation to strengthen my relationship with Christ.

AntiMason ago

Gnosticism is a religion that involves joining a group of initiates, becoming one, and having some secret knowledge about God imparted to you. Don't meditate, pray. They are opposites.

mylittlechinaboy ago

Prayer is my meditation. Lot of people just empty their mind but that's not focus its hypnosis.

Phantom42 ago

Imagine being such an NPC you're able to empty your mind.

I remember my friend's mom was a teacher in HS, and we had been like 2 weeks ahead of the other class so she said we can chill out. She turned on some meditation stuff and basically said WE ARE MEDITATING!

Well, we're going through this video and everyone around me is playing along and then there's me... Nah. Meditation is absolute bullshit and there is no physical way I can just switch off like that.

It's fookin stoopid m8.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

Does it feel good to be so addled with propaganda that every other phrase you say is a buzzword?

You should be depressed every day of your life for being such a retard.

Kill yourself.

Phantom42 ago

Motherfucker, if I ever get the chance I'll conveniently forget I'm a Christian, LARP as a pagan, and Blood Eagle your sorry ass for ever fucking daring to "speak" to me. You and the rest of your ilk are part of the problem and must die for your degeneracy.

The days of saying "Sieg Heil" are gone, now it's simply "See Hell".

AntiMason ago
