James123123 ago

Over represented Is an interesting way to say "smarter, better, more intelligent and more successful' . But ok cletus

eggsbenedict94 ago

Surprised rdj is a jew considering he's close friends with mel gibson and pleaded for hollywood to take him back.

Mosley ago

It's anomalous but he more than makes up for it white his Jewish wife whom married in a Jewish ceremony and spawned Jewish children with. He religiously identifies as Jewish.

BalfourYourFace ago

Not a very good video, needs stats on industry heads. They run the food, agro, pharma, tech, political, banking, telecom, entertainment, and more sectors. It is deeper than just like 20 jew faces.

Mosley ago

Agreed. It doesn't even begin to scratch the surface.

EnsignPossible ago

I just noticed that old movies depicting Asian (including Russian) and middle eastern and African. Showed Americans there as condescending creepy assholes ONLY they were NOT portrayed as assholes by as superior, and showed the cultural stereotypes most of us LEARNED via movies, that were ABSOLUTELY untrue (here is your honorable fish, in my miserable restaurant...)

oh and ROOTS is on now. Sims (jewish?) did the RESEARCH (not nigger alex haley). ALSO depicted white Christian US "accent" (NOT british) as the slavers AND white men as slave catchers. NONE of that is TRUTH. All liberal LIES blaming WHITE US CHRISTIANS for nigger slavery, when in fact it WAS European shipping companies (controlled by WHOM?) who TRADED trinkets to NIGGER slavers for nigger slaves. THINK about it, White people did not know how to HUNT niggers in the jungle, sure they could massacre them with firearms but that's not slavery. They were CONQUERED nigger villages (by nigger slaver tribes).

WHO is/was IN CHARGE of these narratives? Same as who is NOW I suspect (as far as groups go)... ALL elites, and ALL Kenites.

Truth = good, LIES = EVIL.

Are elites trying to lay the blame on COMMON white men (most of whom NEVER owned slaves or WANTED niggers around)??? Just like how they EXPECT us to FIGHT the wars THEY deserved (OPIUM trade in China for instance, Nigger slavery in Africa, India's domination, etc).

Time to ROOT OUT those responsible BY NAME and then follow the string, APPREHEND this filth and EXTERMINATE them. Even if they just joined in to go along (traitors) down the line.


Mosley ago

At the current rate that film and television are revising and black-washing history, within a couple of decades, whites will be regarded as evil nomads that never possessed soil, a history, a culture or a soul of their own; basically Jews.

EnsignPossible ago

Agreed, If WE don't DO something. I'm pathetic, but WILL die trying. I'm autistic, I'm like robot when I DECIDE things. A MONSTER robot.

whatisbestinlife ago

2$ is a lie like 6 gorillion try 10% AT LEAST

Mosley ago

I can't confirm but it makes sense that they'd downplay it.

whatisbestinlife ago

same way they tell americans that they are 51% majority. no you are the minority now of %40 percent. if they told you the truth you might get upset and do something

ardvarcus ago

Jews are running the Western world. They control American politics. The own the American news media. They have made themselves a sacred class of untouchables who can't be criticized.

Mosley ago

Yeah, most European nations are microcosms of America. Jews possess the same media and political clout. They're everywhere and their antics the same.

Fidge ago

Look folks, I’m totally not a kike advocate, but gotta give credit where credit is due. Kikes kill sand niggers so we need to limit their demise. Send them all back to kike land and let them take out the sand niggers. The fucken sand niggers are the threat what do you think those ass holes are gonna do when they run out of oil?

AlphaOmega ago

Sandniggers are proxy warriors for Jews in the same way regular, American niggers were in the mid 20th century when they were moved into Chicago, LA, Detroit, DC, etc.

noob_tube ago

The same way the modern US military is now.

Mosley ago

I’m totally not a kike advocate, but gotta give credit where credit is due.

It's the kikes who are flooding white nations with Muslims in the first place. They appoint gentiles to fight Israel's wars and expect us to intake the refugees they displace.

RandomFurryDude ago

Well no fucking shit.

Inaminit ago

kike privilege!!!

Mosley ago

Plain as day.

MarauderShields ago

Despite being 2% of the population, jews are responsible for 98% of modern degeneracy.

Mosley ago

Advanced gentile civilizations aren't kosher.

boekanier ago

Only 2%? This should be investigated.

Mosley ago

I doubt the ethnic demographic statistics of any white nation country is truthful.

DontBeRacist ago

White people: Let's be fair.

Jews: Let's tell white people to be fair while we lie, cheat, and steal.

Mosley ago

How future generations will explain the root cause of white extinction.

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popsikle ago

there certainly is not enough african americans in the upper management in the television industry

Mosley ago

From the same people that brought you Why Are You Gay?...

ant_earth ago

Inb4 some guy who lives in a city comes in and says “jews are more like 10% of the population at least”

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Ive been reading into jew population numbers and im almost positive theyre forged.

For one theyre at least 6 million off because the holocaust is a farce, and secondly jews claim from WWII to the 90's their population didnt increase at all. Thirdly jews are fucking liars and will do anything to appear as the victim/underdog

ant_earth ago

They’re not six million off because of ww2. No world almanacs from the time reflect anything close to the supposed holocaust numbers

VoatorPoal ago

DAE le Jews?!?!

So you blame your shitty life on the Jews, and demand high-ranked positions that Jews are more qualified for. It sounds like Voaters just want affirmative action for white people.

mudbear ago

jew lie, blackmail and steal to get into the positions they are in. They all act in their own tribal interests while pushing to outlaw whites to do the same. Their banking system is designed to rob non-jews while they have backdoor policies to avoid having to pay the same taxes (claiming their residential homes are places of worship)

They are parasites that have not earned nor do they deserve the positions they inhabit.

Id apologize for hurting your jew feelings but i know you filthy kikes feel nothing but spite.

Planetoftheclown ago

No, we just want to not have affirmative action for everyone else when the smaller the population the more "help" they get from the government.

AlphaOmega ago

I have a great life. You’re straight up spewing shitty straw men. Fuck off back to Reddit, faggot.

marianas ago

Nice strawman, you nigger.

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Mosley ago

Seemingly way higher in parts of New York.

uvulectomy ago

Brooklyn is basically Jewville.

Splooge ago

I'm sure sheer density of population (they tend to gather in hoardes) and the ridiculous presence/behavior causes this. Same thing with niggers.

DontBeRacist ago

There aren't that many Jews in my state. Probably less than 1%.

Mosley ago

The Jews of Europe lived in ghettos as do the Africans of America.

Mosley ago

Short random highlight of a few dozen Jewish actors (Stranger Things, Justice League, Avengers etc.), Jewish comedians, Jewish tech CEOs and other miscellaneous Jewish figures. The true extent of Jewish over-representation is staggering. E.g. Google "Jewish actors".

Sleuth222 ago

And a weird anime ending.

Sleuth222 ago

No man in his right mind would pose for a picture like that.