While I've no doubt they'd be entitled to do such a thing. I have to point out that the video doesn't actually show them doing it. It shows them marching, then it shows them marching past a car with broken windows, then it shows more broken windows and angry locals.
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About a hundred Jewish settlers have marched through the West Bank city of Hebron Saturday, hurling abuse at Palestinians and shattering car windows with stones.
The settlers were parading between two Jewish compounds in the city.
Jewish settlers paraded through the streets of Hebron, shouting abuse at Palestinians who looked on bemusedly from their balconies.
"This is our land", they shouted and "Slaughter the Arabs."
Israeli security forces were on hand to see that things did not get out of control.
However some damage was done to cars, which provoked anger from their Arab owners.
Two settlers were detained for throwing stones at Arabs.
Hebron has witnessed daily provocations from its 450 settlers who vehemently oppose the Israel PLO peace accord on West Bank autonomy, and their 120 thousand Arab neighbours.
BitChuteArchive ago
Broc_Lia ago
While I've no doubt they'd be entitled to do such a thing. I have to point out that the video doesn't actually show them doing it. It shows them marching, then it shows them marching past a car with broken windows, then it shows more broken windows and angry locals.
Unless I missed it of course.
SearchVoatBot ago
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mememeyou ago
you're right. And AP's reporting on the story:
Broc_Lia ago
Much better. Thanks.
Tsilent_Tsunami ago
Whites will never defend themselves or their communities like this. :(
derram ago
https://invidio.us/watch?v=MTFSQjZEazM :
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