GuesstheJaws ago

The only crime here is that she didn't kill him.

ToxicWhiteMale ago

One step at a time


That's what happens when a chimpanzee gets a hold of a loaded firearm. At first I didn't see any hint of an exit wound but then I noted what appears to be a hole in the fabric of the roof over the rear passenger window line...thinking that the round didn't exit led me to believe that it was a "hollow point" in which case the excessive cranial leakage obvious to the viewing audience, (excellent material for a laundry soap commercial), would have consisted of scrambled brain and blood...a fragmenting rnd causes extreme musculoskeletal trauma and shock to a wider body area as opposed to a smaller diameter entry wound with an isolated trajectory that could, and has, result in the bullet passing straight through without hitting a vital organ...fortunate for dindoos their brain has really no vital purpose other than to activate the mental motor function required to eat, shit, fuck and sleep, aside from that, just like "RED NIGGERS" the North American indian, they are worthless parasites. Maggots proud of being a waste of Tax Payer's resources with nothing to contribute to the betterment of society and who are the direct reason for the perversion and corruption in the Western 1st world educational system....without it these useless slugs would be irrelevant, they are a total burden to mankind but are USEFUL IDIOTS for a new world (((order))) in a complex genocidal plan to rid the world of the Culturally superior Caucasian race. I give this video 2 thumbs up...maybe even an index finger too, hell get me the KY and I'll go for an entire fist.

0011000100100111101 ago

the entire IQ of the vehicle went up 300% when the shot went off.

rustydog ago

That's it! Time to ban guns!

Goys-R-Us ago

Ho Lee Fook

BareBackOpSec ago

I had seen that before but I had no idea he survived that. Incredibly stupid, who points any gun at someone like that?!?!? I would have a very difficult time forgiving that woman.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

who points any gun at someone like that?!?!?

Any nigger.

modsrcuntz ago

Holy shit this dude actually survived

modsrcuntz ago

He should have followed his instinct and taking that gun away from her. You can see him put his hand on it when she touches it.

Spiteful_Mutant ago

Is this an instructional video for the coming culling?

Infearmal ago

Please put fucking NSFW tag on it.

I don't want to get shocked.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

title is pretty self explanatory

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

Don't browse voat at work, faggot.

Rottenmonkey ago

I dindo nuffin. I Waz at waffle huz.

Buff_Awesome ago

They're not toys you fucking niggers!

Mahkol ago

I wonder what the last thought through his head was?

SoOutraged ago

Jesus Christ man he saw that coming.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

What's a Niga? Is that related to a Nigger?

popsikle ago

i know it sounds counter intuitive, but can't we just give them all a gun and eliminate at least half of the welfare cases in less than a week? i mean they don't even need a full clip.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Sadly both of them are now sucking up even more welfare than they were previously, the ventilated nigger because he's a vegetable and the niggress because she's in prison.

areyoumygaffer ago

man I could watch this all day on repeat. too bad they didn't all die.

LunaNova ago

I'm genuinely curious is she sin prison or not. That's so fucked up.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

She got "aggravated assault" charge and 10 years. Pussy pass.

MrJohnBongo ago

This is a disgusting video and anyone who finds this video funny should genuinely evaluate what type of person they are.

Our politics aside, push everything away, how can you watch this video and not be horrified? This website has been infiltrated by esculating FBI agents and (((shills))), I can't genuinely believe that so many people find a video of a black man dying funny because one) he's black and two) he's stupid.


jewsbadnews ago

He was a nigger though, not a black guy.

wild_injun ago

the 4 rules of firearm safety! "go stupid places with stupid people and win stupid prizes" plus he was in the front seat with a stupid female ( who he was probably bang) who was doing dumb thing.

stupidity hurts!

SoOutraged ago

It's because most people on this forum are mentally demented and truly bad people.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

No we just don't care about violent leeching subhuman niggers, which is a rational reaction to how they act.

Goys-R-Us ago

Fuck off dickhead. Go back to your safe space at reddit.

zxcvzxcv ago

They laugh because otherwise they would cry at what we have lost.

Monstrum ago

Back to reddit glownigger

MrJohnBongo ago

Brother check my post history, you're a very active user for 1.6 years on Voat.....


It isn't really funny, especially if you imagine yourself sitting in a car with a retarded bitch who is pointing a loaded gun at people.

...but it sure is entertaining and thrilling

Goys-R-Us ago

See that's the thing, I could never imagine myself in a situation like this. It's called intelligence.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

if you're ever around anyone who doesn't treat a gun as if it's always loaded then call them out on it

Goys-R-Us ago

I definitely will. I'm paranoid about where I point my gun ergo I'm paranoid about where others point their guns.

NotAnOctopus ago

Well believe it or not he lived. It's not like in the movies where any headshot is an instant kill. He's pretty fucked up, but not dead.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

he only survived cause an emt was nearby.

any other case he would've died

LurkedForever ago

Yep. Blacks have the largest percentage of useless assholes out of any race, but no one without severe emotional problems is happy to see a (possibly?) innocent person get shot in the head because a nigress wanted to "front". That video was really fucking disturbing.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

He's black, he probably rapes kids.

LurkedForever ago

uhhh... ok bro. As much as I'm skeptical of the black generally, that's a bit far. Don't think there's any evidence to support that assertion.

MrJohnBongo ago

Exactly, and we can say these things but at the same time try to be good people. The users laughing at this post seem to think that being a white nationalist means wanting all "niggers" to die in some gruesome way.

Those users cannot claim that they are morally superior to blacks because from their response to this video they quite clearly aren't.

blit416 ago

  • Those users cannot claim that they are morally superior to blacks because from their response to this video they quite clearly aren't.


you ASS. "We draw down on them" The girl is saying that they kill people for no reason, Negrodamus (shot guy) makes a prediction "You making me nervous", and sees the future, as immediately after, while saying the above sentence, Negro Genious shoots him in the head. Note Negro Genious #2the back telling Negrodamus to chill cause the gun is unloaded.

Then they fucking RUN, like "Let's get outta here" Bart Simpson kids.

Goys-R-Us ago



Would read again.

LurkedForever ago

Those users cannot claim that they are morally superior to blacks because from their response to this video they quite clearly aren't.

Right!? If you're happy to see this video, you have little ground to stand on if you're upset when the black posts 30,000 different times how they want to kill and rape "Whitey".

Even if that sheboon had shot herself, it might have been Darwin's Justice, maybe a "good" thing (she might have eliminated or severely curtailed her ability to reproduce further nigglets or harm anyone else) but it still shouldn't bring any joy to watch.

MrJohnBongo ago

That's what I mean, the users who laugh at this video cannot preach how inferior black people are. Those users are acting like the very people they hate.

It very may well have been overall better for the world if that did happen you're right, but that doesn't make it funny. Look at us anyway we're both just agreeing with each other lol.

LurkedForever ago

Look at us anyway we're both just agreeing with each other lol.

Sorry, I forgot we were on voat, I'll conform to the appropriate decorum. Fuck you for having a different opinion you niggerfaggot!

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Wrong. Niggers commit 600,000 violent unprovoked attacks on whites per year, not including murders. They deserve whatever shit they get, including their stupid nigger companions shooting their stupid empty heads on livestreams.

Niggers are subhuman garbage.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Oh I'm definitely horrified

Horrified we haven't wiped niggers from existence yet

MrJohnBongo ago

I hope you see the error of your ways.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Niggers aren't even humans, so no.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Hope in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first

Compassion has no place on the battlefield


On what battlefield? Where do you see one?

foltaisaprovenshill ago

600,000 black on white attacks per year. Whether your acknowledge it or not they're at war. They just suck at making war compared to whites.

Rand01 ago

Go browse black twitter or worldstar - you may not want the race war but the race war wants you.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Planet Earth, from ca ~12,000 years ago to present

Carpools ago

Did this woman face any criminal charges? If you described this situation to anyone, saying someone picked up a gun, pointed at someone's head, dared them to "say something", and then shot them in the head, they'd say murder 1. This was an execution. However, this woman is clearly an idiot, and incredibly, I don't think she intended to shoot him. Of course that doesn't mean that nothing should be done, but I wonder what was decided to deal with her.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

10 years for aggravated assault and 5 for tampering evidence.

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

As is almost always the case with a woman, she was given lesser sentences for her crimes.

HiJoker ago

So what gun was that? I went back and looked and couldn't tell. Whatever it is, I sure as fuck don't want to ever buy one if can't blow nigger brains out properly at point blank range. That nigger survived. Worst pistol advertisement ever.

fuck_reddits_feefees ago

Likely a 15, too tall to be a 26 and too fat to be a 43. Likely 9mm because the nigger survived. Likely used fmj rounds lol.

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

What's a Glock 15? Some kind of future model? And what are you talking about calling the 45 fat, at 0.87" the Glock 43/43x single stack 9 is the thinnest in the lineup, even the .22LR Glock 44 is 1" wide.. @HiJoker wtf is this. Some next level make-believe LARP.

fuck_reddits_feefees ago

Sorry. Glock 19. I was tired when I wrote that.

HiJoker ago

If there was ever a case vs 9mm it would be this shooting. Shot point black blank in the head and survived. lol

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

he only survived cause an emt was already on scene

people commit suicide with 22s all the time

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

Glock. Probably a 43 (9mm) or similar size subcompact if my memory serves (I've watched enough, not interested in watching again to identify the weapon)

HiJoker ago

I knew it couldn't be a .45 acp.

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

There is a .45 ACP also, the two look too similar to tell. If I watched again I'd be able to immediately tell the difference between the 9mm and the big bore .45 when she picks it up and points it at the camera (.45 barrel takes most of the frame where the 9mm has the same side frame so more metal less barrel).. but.. I ain't willing to watch it again, too much nigger for one day for me.

HiJoker ago

By all means please don't saturate yourself with more nigger for that question.

Shadowlight ago

jesus, that is fucked up

ZardoZ2017 ago

Cassandra Damper was sentenced to serve 10 years for an aggravated assault count and five years for a tampering with evidence charge. She pleaded guilty in August to the counts after the April 2018 shooting of Devyn Holmes.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Meanwhile, if she'd headshot a white person she would have got a stern talking to and a celebration for heroism from the media.

ex-redd ago

probably my favorite--there have got to be tons of these where niggers accidentally goodify themselves and friends b/c they are niggers acting like niggers...we need a compilation set to blooper-reel music

petevoat ago

WTF .... something very wrong with American blacks!

foltaisaprovenshill ago

WTF .... something very wrong with ~~American~~ blacks!

FTFY, they act like this everywhere.

SparklingWiggle ago

Why was the gunshot so quiet? Did it overwhelm the phone?

Dead-Hand ago

If it weren't for that "white devil" neurosurgery he would be with Jesus!

Dead-Hand ago

Don't let 🙈 play with guns!

LurkedForever ago

This is a great gun safety video. Might be hard to watch, but this shows how quickly as forgetting the gun safety rules can get someone killed. (or vegged for life)

con77 ago

like kids

LurkedForever ago

Yep. Dangerous, aggressive, negligent kids.

steven_feelsperg ago

All you soyboys crying about this video need to lay off the estrogen and man the fuck up. This is nature. Death is a part of life. Niggerdevils have branded you the enemy and destroy their environment like locusts. This oldie-goodie video is one of many daily nigger-on-nigger violence. Self-inflicted goodification is #winning. Cheer them culling each other.

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

Voat is full of soy, bleeding heart christ-cucks, and of course the room-temperature IQ NPC qews.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

get lost kike

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

Found another one.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

lol 4 day old jew account coming in acting like he knows jack shit

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

That act only works on children.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

or maybe you're just a shitty bought

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

Clearly. Trust your plan, child.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

as in gassing you? ok

Caliope ago

Frontal lobe transverse bullet path.

The frontal lobe is the part of the brain that controls important cognitive skills in humans, such as emotional expression, problem solving, memory, language, judgment, and sexual behaviors. It is, in essence, the “control panel” of our personality and our ability to communicate.>

Yep that nigger is an eggplant now. Our tax dollars now paying for 24/7/365 care including piss, shit (sorry, sheeeeit) and drool clean up. He'll live another 40 years or so at a cost of about $6,000 per month or about $2,880,000.

rowdybme ago

I think he already was an eggplant

Caliope ago

Sorry! I mis-spoke, I should have typed "a vegetable".

Wonder if his baby-mommas will have his sperm preserved so they can make more little niglets to increase their EBT and Public Assistance money?

non_alcoholic_nignog ago

As if nog sperm is in short supply. Remember this is the culcha of muh dick

anzel2002 ago

thought it was fake

Nonymous608 ago

How unfuckingreal... How fucking stupid do you have to be???

con77 ago

nigger stupid

LurkedForever ago


Feldorai ago

I kinda want to donate to help this guy in his recovery just because I want to hope that it negatively affects the nigger bitch who shot him.

I've heard the arguments saying how this was "possibly" an accidental shooting, but the bitch loaded a bullet into the chamber and threatened the dude before she shot, that kinda contradicts any ideas suggesting the shooting was an accident.

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

Replace female shooter with male shooter and the legal system eviscerates your future. She got kid glove treatment for having a coconut oil smelly wig and a pussy STD filled vagina.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Odd and convenient video. Murder looking like a accident was botched.

prettymuchbullshit ago

It's funny - some fetid twat was talking about an all-black 'Friends'. I think I just watched the pilot.

con77 ago


Smust77 ago


Whoaforreal85 ago

Damned wypipo, why you did this?

SearchVoatBot ago

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u_r_wat_u_eat ago

if shaniquas great grandpa wasn't a whote mans slave she woulda never been born and noe of dis woulda happened, dawg

Spiteful_Mutant ago

Peps in da goddamn car dindu nuffin.

beece ago

Needs subtitles.

KDs_Other_Burner ago

Motherfucker plans to get a degree in psychology and write a book! Only a nigger could have half his brain blown out and wind up smarter.

Glipglup ago

Aggravated assault charges for the bitch who shot him. It should be attempted murder and also fleeing the scene of a crime.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

it obviously wasn't intentional, just a case of pure stupidity

Glipglup ago

She should still get murder charges. She's cocked the gun and said "this is what we do to bitches". I think she intended to kill him.

Why would commit a murder on camera and think she could get away with it? Well duh, because she's nigger!

Fuckyounigger ago

Can someone find any information about this such as an article or something

foltaisaprovenshill ago

There are some in the thread above now. Or just search Devyn Holmes.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Double Darwin award.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I hope he'll be OK.

Sasuke_Uchiha ago

he is alive and well, learning how to walk.

its pretty fucking insane

Glipglup ago

I don't want to live next to alligators, I wouldn't let them in my home, and I would stay away from them because they are dangerous. But I'm not going to take pleasure in watching one die in agony.

Yeah, these guys are retarded fucking niggers, but honestly anyone who gets pleasure from watching anyone die is pretty fucked in the head.

On the other hand the way they were playing with the gun tells me they were going to shoot someone eventually. Everything is terrible.

LurkedForever ago

Completely agree.

steven_feelsperg ago

I can smell the estrogen from your post. You don't get it. Niggers have branded you the enemy. Their entire purpose is to destroy your life. They are devils. Be joyful your enemy has been destroyed.

Glipglup ago

You act like I would hesitate or feel remorse for killing an alligator. All I said was I don't enjoy seeing others in pain, not even my enemies, and I will stand by that.

kammmmak ago

He was before so

Marku1 ago

"nothing happened, another nigger, dead" straight out of the zoo

fuck_reddits_feefees ago

But he didn't die

Death_in_June ago

i love how the two people he was with just jump out of the car. no 911, just "i didn't do nothing"

steel_sushi ago

After she called 911 (yes, she made the call), she told police the guy shot himself. Stupid cunt live streamed it & lied to the police.

eronburr ago

To be fair, she's a nigger that thought there were no bullets but still chambered it after dry firing at the camera. She probably thought livestream means not recording, and frankly after you execute someone in your own car what's the worst that'll happen for lying to a 911 operator/officer?

foltaisaprovenshill ago

frankly after you execute someone in your own car what's the worst that'll happen for lying to a 911 operator/officer?

It ruins your possible negligence defense, for one, and means an additional charge also.

That said I'm surprised the judge didn't rule "oh she's a female pavement ape, no harm no foul", like he would have if she'd shot a white person.

eronburr ago

Doctors don't track when cancer kills cancer, only when it's effecting healthy cells

SoOutraged ago

No she knew it's loaded but she knows nothing about guns or trigger sensitivity

eronburr ago

Guy in the back said "dere aint no clip". Right there the nigger in the front was programmed with "i'mm scare him more by pullin it".

c0ck ago


KDs_Other_Burner ago

she told police the guy shot himself. Stupid cunt live streamed it & lied to the police.

You just can't make this shit up! If you'd combined the three niggers IQs in that car you think they'd have got to triple digits?

non_alcoholic_nignog ago

Best I can do is 68 boss. Somalia calling in.

MessyEnema ago

just "i din du nufin"


TendiesHitTheFloor ago

Even better, look at this fta:

RELATED: Facebook Live captures moment Houston man accidentally shot in head outside gas station

Cassandra Damper is charged with aggravated assault causing serious bodily injury and tampering with evidence.

She said fuck this dead nigger and tried to cover that up somehow lol.

Gargilius ago


...the called The Wolf?

LurkedForever ago

Shiiiiitt negro, that's all you had to say!

CeasarSalud ago

Issue is they confused a friend's house with dead nigger storage, so they got caught.

LurkedForever ago

I don't know about you, but my wife buys shit coffee. I pay for the good stuff, because I like to taste it.

ExpertShitposter ago

He actually survived. Tho hes probably retarded now, in addition to being stupid.

SoOutraged ago

Can you point me towards a link? No way in hell he surviving that injury.

SoOutraged ago

I was definitely wrong. I have never seen anyone survive an injury like that and I have been around quite a few gunshot wounds.

ExpertShitposter ago

I actually know i guy who survived the same kind of head-shot in a similar situation. Instead of getting crippled and loosing an eye, hes got a lazy eye, speech impediment, and a bit of retardation.

metricisokay ago

Must not have hit any vital organ.

ExpertShitposter ago


Monstrum ago

Wouldnt mental retardation actually increase his IQ in this case?

Spiteful_Mutant ago

Tho hes probably retarded now ...

How would anybody be able to tell?

SparklingWiggle ago

He a gud boy. He doesdu nuthin.

Goys-R-Us ago

In this case, maybe he dint.

SparklingWiggle ago

I was referring to present and future actions.

Teutonic-Pride ago

Yep, he is completely handicapped now:

Infearmal ago

And another toll on state medcare.

tanukihat ago

Thank God this retarded nigger drag on society was saved. Now he and his nigger fam' can get mo' a dem programs.

fellowwhiteperson ago

Dafuk? That paramedic did the world a disservice by saving this leech.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

he too was a nog

Heartdisease ago

Really? He survived?

ExpertShitposter ago

Said so in a news report a week later.


You have the link for it?

ExpertShitposter ago

Check above, Teutonic Pride posted interview.

gramman74 ago

See his user name. That dude is graveyard dead.

randomfuckingidiot ago


Why are we wasting medical miracles

he_found_wepon ago

Apparently hes in critical condition at the hospital. Hes probably going to die, people rarely survive a head shot.

enormousatom ago

Bet the broke as boons only had a .22 piece of shit high point. The fact the fucker fires at all is somewhat suprising.

Buff_Awesome ago

If that guy doesn't believe in Jesus he'd better start, because that is a fucking miracle.

Goys-R-Us ago

A miracle of (white) western medicine.

Sasuke_Uchiha ago

Yeah he is doing surprisingly well, learning to walk and stuff.

I pray he learned his lesson about his coon people

Reapreap ago

he never will.

subscribetopewdiepie ago

You could see he knew there would be trouble the moment she touched the gun, he just didn't know enough to never have allowed it in the first place.

Reapreap ago

that girl definitely meant to shoot him.

ibepokey ago

hes probably MORE retarded now


TheSolutionist ago

Way to go.

GuyIDisagreeWith ago

Can we get a NSFW on this?

clymer ago

pro-tip: is NSFW

BushChuck ago

Top KEK.


My sides!

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

Lol pure comedy gold.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

Not necessarily funny, just reality

BoozeytheClown ago

Jesus fucking Christ Holy fuck what the hell.

Death_in_June ago

i think the word you are looking for is "niggers"

Fuckyounigger ago

No no this happens all the time there must be a ratio of 2 to one accidental shootings of whites you are wrong WROng RONG!

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

ooga booga

Fuckyounigger ago

You fucking people are so gay it’s not even funny I mean my name is FUCKYOUNIGGER who would think what I said was serious haha

runOJrun ago

What the fuck man.

Dozeneggs ago

Because remember always grab a gun by the trigger and point it at people.

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

She even loaded a round. What a dumb fuck lol. If this wouldnt have killed him it eould have been the other stupid thing.

fuck_reddits_feefees ago

But it didn't kill him

glennvtx ago


GhostCow ago

Can I get a link? How the fuck did he not die?

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Must've missed the brainy bits.

Niggers found the one advantage to lacking a brain.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Fuck what a shame.

Pointyball ago

Or there weren't any brainy bits to hit.

Theodoric ago

Hundreds of thousands of dollars in surgery, ICU hospital stay, and extensive rehab all paid for by you and I.

DoyouSEE ago

He didn’t die?

Nvm I see he didn’t die. Man that shit made me sick

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

I've seen a lot of nasty shit online but this was pretty raw and brutal, even if it was a nugget

Keahiehj ago

I'm pretty sure it did. Headshot.

foltaisaprovenshill ago

Unfortunately not. Now he's getting unlimited medical care paid for by whites. Fucking god niggers are such garbage.

midnightblue1335 ago

How do you see that? What the fuck makes you think he's alive?

Is it the sound he's making? That's called a "death rattle", as the air in your lungs is pushed out reflexively. "Uhhhhhh....", and then total stillness, ocular fixation- nigger is fucking dead or in a coma.

AntiMason ago

It may have been on purpose.

SoOutraged ago

That was most definitely an accident

Oh_Well_ian_ ago

You're my new favorite troll account.

ThePatriot ago

Holy shit

LemonLord9-11 ago

Only thing dumber than a nigger. A woman nigger.

LemonLord9-11 ago

Evidently she got 15 years in prison. 10 years for the assault with deadly weapon causing serious bodily injury, 5 years for tampering with evidence. Should have been the electric chair.

areyoumygaffer ago

yeah, but time served concurrently. good behavior she'll be out in 5.

DanijelStark ago

I hope the gun was okay and it will get a psychological treatment for spending so much time in the zoo surrounded by oogaboogas .

LoveRight ago


LurkedForever ago


jewsbadnews ago

Niggress is reserved for the respectable black women.

LurkedForever ago

Ahahaha! Love it.

non_alcoholic_nignog ago

Never met one

jewsbadnews ago

Oh, it's also for sexy black women.

LurkedForever ago

Those are called quadroon, or better yet octoroon.

non_alcoholic_nignog ago

The larger the number prefix, the better.

LurkedForever ago

Ahahaha, yeah, it's true.

Trumpfuckskidsalot ago

I see somebody's wife got banged by a brother, lol.

blit416 ago

you: muh dick.

even in a video where the sheer stupidity of the negro is shown, you still see fit to "MUH DICK".


alakai ago

It's nice watching Bots argue with each other

HiJoker ago

Oh look, another sock puppet account that's 2.5 year old. What kind of a nigger kike makes accounts like that for later to troll?

gramman74 ago

Fuck off Back to reddit

Aryanawakening ago


Trump fucks kids

bet your wife fucks niggers


EarlPoncho ago

even your insults you admit that it's bad. fuck you jews are dumb as shit

Marku1 ago

look, a nigger who can type, go monkey go, you almost got it.

melissastricklin ago


fuck_reddits_feefees ago

Happened in 2018, in Houston Texas. She got caught, the dude is devyn holmes and the shooter Cassandra Damper.

generate ago

not fake I guess?

Pubiclouse ago

No, it's real the groid that was shot even survived.

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

What ? He did ? Oh god. Who knew that having no brain to injure actually had a positive side to itm Haha.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

can't blow my brains out if I have no brain

taps bullet wound

generate ago


antiliberalsociety ago

that moment when OP demands the source to his own post

Brawndosaurus ago

Plot twist. OP is that nog

ChiCom ago

The word source means bare false witness in Hebrew so to demand source is anti-Semitic.

ruck_feddit ago

Clown world?

Call_Of_Goat ago

Do you have a source for that?

Pubiclouse ago

The congoid who was shot is devyn holmes and it was on fb live. Google devyn holmes recovery

goatsandbros ago

Looked it up, he still looked pretty fucked up. What a mess.

antiliberalsociety ago


Yeah, but that color doesn't wash off it's permanent.

Stahlgewitter88 ago

I guess it's easier for niggers to survive a headshot - since they don't use most of their brain anyway.

LemonLord9-11 ago

Glad he is doing better. Hopefully found a new crowd to hang out with.

beece ago

He did, they're called "Caregivers". They'll wipe yer ass and the drool of your chin.

KDs_Other_Burner ago

He did, they're called "Caregivers". They'll wipe yer ass and the drool of your chin.

And they very rarely pick up loaded guns and shoot you in the head on a livestream.