glennvtx ago

The protocols is an obvious polemic and this can be easily confirmed by anyone doing a cursory search of the issue, and is pretty obvious to anyone who has spent time studying jewish texts without even knowing about the sources of it.

ice007 ago

This guy seems to have good intentions to expose the agenda of the Jewish supremacists.

But unfortunately he is buying into the language that the Jewish supremacists want to smear us with.

If you want to get normies to listen to you:

A. Don't talk about "the Jews". Instead talk about Jewish Privilege or Jewish Supremacists.

Normies may not understand or agree (at first) that we are ruled by Jewish supremacists. But every normie is against supremacist of any kind. So they will at least listen to you and perhaps start noticing the Jewish supremacist after hearing about it.

If you talk about "Jews" or "the Jews", 99% of normies are programed to have a severe emotional reaction which makes them hate you and shuts down the thinking part of their brain.

B. Don't call yourself an "anti-semite" or talk about rising "anti-semitism" like its a good thing.

Instead talk about a rising awareness of Jewish supremacy. Call yourself a civil rights advocate who spread awareness of Jewish supremacy.

Again, if you use the right language, normies will at least listen to you instead of having an emotional reaction which shuts off the thinking part of their brain.

They might not agree with you at first. But they will listen and over time, they will start to notice thing they never noticed before.

Moon_Central ago

His website is for committed anti-semites wanting to know how deep goes the rabbit hole. Normies should go to David Duke website.

ice007 ago

David Duke is also for people committed to learning about and exposing the system of Jewish supremacy.

And Duke does a much better job than this guy. There's a reason why the Jewish supremacist controlled system has totally demonized Dr. David Duke. They even made a big budget Hollywood movie in order to demonize him. They demonize him because he is very effective.

On the other hand, this guy is simply ignored by the Jewish supremacist controlled media because he is not making any significant influence on society.