Smokybubbles ago

Troubled urban youths obviously need more taxpayer funded inner city programs and affirmative action policies, you bigoted white nationalists.

ashleykoree ago

Good article for chicago people. Chicago students can go on

ashleykoree ago

This article is good for chicago peoples. Chicago students can go on for receive research paper help online.

bourbonexpert ago

And no work boots, Father’s Day cards were stolen

P80 ago

It's not summer and you've seen nothing yet. Oy Vey! All (((those))) wonderful Magnificent Mile storefronts vandalized by the wildinglings. Will become 6 o'clock news when wilders start attacking illegals.

EddieB50 ago

I work nights a block away from where this happened. I got to work at 8:30 pm and it was squad cars, bike cops, and horse back cops everywhere. I'm not sure what time all the crap started, but the last cop I saw left the area just before midnight. I talked to a couple of different cops in passing and they said it was bad. They told me that these fuckers went after the cops too!

BeingReplaced ago

Why would the news report.on something that is daily life for a black person?

Next you will want news reports on the murders they commited! The fucking balls ypou havve


boekanier ago

No, because that would be 'racist', the worst possible crime.

Dajoos ago

What are they upset about now? Delayed welfare checks?

boekanier ago

No, they just wanted to have some 'fun'.

Zoldam ago

Not exactly anything out of the ordinary when blacks riot, so it's not news worthy.

yiddlerontheroof ago

Then why is it so difficult for news reporters to call it like it is?

madinsomniac ago

Do you want to know another secret? Last weekend in Cincinnati the same exact thing happened at the Hilltop plaza. Shocked? Me either. Described as a mob like fight or a strip mall brawl. Fake assed News. Yeah, it's mob like, that's why they were arresting for agg riot. Lame stream media, as usual you are directly complicit with your deflections and deliberate treachery at every turn. Karma. One link.

Sw0rdofDamocles ago

And the summer fun has YET to begin.

majb ago

Not my kind of town.

washingtonpanther ago

cement simians strike again.

AesopsFaggot ago

I think I've seen that scene play out on Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom.

Lavender7 ago

This will be the summer )))they((( go full retard.

sore_ass_losers ago

It was just teenniggers.

spacesult ago

They were “teens” according to the media.

Civil_Warrior ago


*Kill each other quietly you filthy fucking good ddamn nigger apes, I'm trying to sleep.

ReadPastHeadlines ago

Brown man bad

MrShekelstein ago

They're gonna be rioting even more once king nigger gets thrown in prison.

theHubrisOfMan ago

I hope the black, gay, female mayor isn’t complicit in this....

chemlord11 ago

I keep seeing this report but it never mentions what they where chimping out for this time. All I know is only 26 where arrested of the 500 that probably should have.

Wiglaf ago

What if they sexually identified as White people or attack helicopters? Checkmate.

SonofSuebi ago

in a better time this would be dealt with well.

Nonymous608 ago

"Teens"...those crazy kids...

RustyEquipment ago

black. People.

Pick one

con77 ago

its only gonna get worse. Chicongo is run by the animals.

Houndo ago


Bigdickedelf ago


hillbilly_guy ago

They don't tell you because they shouldn't have to by now. I don't know anyone who when they hear the term "teen" or "youth" doesn't know that it's niggers.

You tell me that a bunch of people are rioting, protesting, or otherwise fucking things up in a city and I am just going to assume it's niggers. Except maybe (slight maybe) in the American south west it might be taco niggers.

If it's in Europe, or the suspects are called "Asian" then it's obviously dune coons. We all know these things by now, anyone who claims that they don't is lying or in obvious denial.

bourbonexpert ago

Maybe no one could see them.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

21 guys in 7 pickup trucks with AR15s could solve this problem.

Anon1492 ago

Until the pavement ape feels fear for acting in its natural destructive way, things are only going to escalate.

PeacefulAssassin ago

not news when feral animals run wild, you don't hear news stories about feral cats or stray dogs.

Yuke ago

Sooo....who is behind this? The line about having nothing to do is bullshit. Someone somewhere said something to get 500 black kids to all hit the town at the same time for no other reason that to cause chaos. I'm sure a dig would reveal something interesting.

TheLoveMaster ago

This isnt jews this is just niggers. This is why were so racist out here and down south compared to you faggots in new england or the west coast who live more around chinks and spics than blacks lmfao

Heres some more chicago nigger fun from the past 6 years that few people have noticed;

meglomaniac ago

I agree with the point of the title regarding media blackout regarding race.

However, I don't think thats much of a "riot". Just nigs being nigs.

I say this as a Canadian. We've legitimately rioted over HOCKEY... Multiple times.

SkrutinizeYou ago

500 kids passing out free red pills. God bless em

v8ford ago

The teenage dindu is the most arrogant and all around stupid as shit infliction upon the country. And thanks to the (((media))) they actually think their shit doesn't stink and it's legal to rampage around. They're so stupid they don't even realize their entire dindu culture was invented like a script for them to follow courtesy of (((media))) and (((entertainment)))

Tablemonster ago

Funny story- yesterday I was telling my Sri Lankan friend about the "youth" rioting in chicongo. He didnt believe me that it was 100% coon. I sent him some links, the train platform stuff, the downtown stuff...later on o see that article and I send it to him with the caption "let's play, find the white kids" dude was teetering on the red pill fence and I think this finally pushed him over. He said to me why doesn't the news report that it's a ton of moon crickets only doing this? Idk man, idk.

hans_wormhat ago

Sparkling teenagers.

con77 ago

or that they were beating whites

OhRutherfordBehave ago


WD_Pelley ago

Planet of the Apes is going to become a reality if this shit coontinues.

Gothamgirl ago

Poison is the answer.

zyklon_b ago

gas em

Jimmycog ago

Time to breakup the 6

AlarmClockandRadio ago

Remember when a group of white teens got together and acted like this? Also, I wonder how many people complained that night because the police didn't make it to a separate scene fast enough. They complain about the police, and then waste police resources.

Einsatzgruppen1939 ago


I haven't seen one news story.

DontBeRacist ago

I'm offended that you called it a riot. It was a chimp out. Get it right. Chimp out.

Niggers have no legitimate reasons to riot. They are the ones who make their own coonmunities into shitty hellholes while white people are generous and tolerant enough to give them all kinds of free shit and let them live.

Civil_Warrior ago

Cat 5 🤜🦍🤜🦍🤜🦍💥🌚🤜🦍💥💥🙈🙉🙊🙈🙉🙊🙈🙉🙊💥💥💥👹👹🙊🙊💥💥👀👀🤷🤷🗣️🗣️⚡⚡🐵🙈🙉🙊🦍🦍🦍🦍🍉🍉🍉🍗🍗🍗🍗

Truthsayer9000 ago

This, real rioters have a system and rules like Yellow Vest even have uniforms and it follows some kind of political motive. Nigger IQ is too low for such process, chimp out is very appropriate term, they want something they cant afford and start to smash everything or mass steal it in crowds.

DontBeRacist ago

I can't get into the nigger mentality. It is too far from my own.

I'm pretty sure they mostly just see it as an opportunity to be lawless, good-for-nothing niggers even if the "we angry" excuse is what gets it started.

SonofSuebi ago

they dont usually have a cause, most feral niggers will just seize supposed riots as an oppurtunit to loot. these particular niggers probably figured out that in this political climate they can just start looting if they have the numbers.

Hand_of_Node ago

If one were a bit 'racist', they might argue that simply being a nigger living in a civilization is justification enough. It's legitimately 'unfair' to expect them to maintain their "I'm human" act 24/7.

DontBeRacist ago

Honestly, sometimes I feel bad for niggers being taken out of the jungle. Those niggers are on Sentinel Island are quite fortunate to be left alone to live according to their nig nog ways with a high infant morality rate and all. The alternative is what you see in Africa or America. They're much happier as jungle niggers with nothing to steal from each other and the only rival gangs are foreign tribes.

shagamuffin ago

Never should have given em guns.

Kalergi ago

Wilding. That is what riots are called now. The call goes out on Social Media, spooks get in the el train at 95 th st and ride to Millenium Park or Magnificant Mile.

Cops are helpless until they fight or they just get jammed-up. Cops have orders to leave them be, they used to put them on buses, but is racist now.

City will lose paying visitors and tourists will avoid, downward spiral ensues. Kim Foxx will not prosecute.

curiouserdude ago

This is why people are against public transit coming to their neighborhoods.

DontBeRacist ago

I sometimes see public transportation in China or Japan and think about how miserably shitty it is in America because of diversity. Outside of inner cities, people with money get cars and that just makes public transportation even worse.

RockmanRaiden ago

Hold up. Is Tim Pool finally based now?

Hand_of_Node ago

That faggot never will be. He'd grow hair on his head first.

SpreeFeech ago

Maroonsaint ago

I read that now send me your nudes

blackguard19 ago

Has anyone spotted that it's 100 years since the Chicago Race Riot of 1919?

Almost all the news we are shown from major outlets is scripted and staged.

SonofSuebi ago

frankly they probably timed it to fuck with people like us that would notice. normies dont pay attention to this shit

blackguard19 ago

Yeah, most don’t realize how possible and even easy it is to stage just about anything to be presented on the news.

SonofSuebi ago

eh. dont need a website like that with niggers, just have to make them realize their city is just ripe for their nigger bullshiy. but i got your point.

Pablolove ago

Same in Derry last night. They were all white. What's ur point?

trevmon ago

was it pennywise

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago


watchers ago

even if you were white and wanted to riot too, i'm not sure you'd be smart to insert yourself as the only peckerwood in a mob of 500.

newmenewmeyea ago

From top to bottom fuck the corporate media

American-Patriot ago

this is exactly why I don't pay for tv anymore. I refuse to pay for fake news. Leaving a big story out of the news is just as good as lying. The MSN is your Enemy, don't support them in any fashion.

Butelczynski ago

If I want to pay for someone lying to me I'll get a hooker.I'm not paying for fake or manufactured "news".

American-Patriot ago

jew news

stric9 ago

The news lie by omission every fucking day! It drives me nuts. I always have to explain the whole story to my family. I hate MSM. The worst part is that they have no shame about it. They tell one side of the story and that's that now on to the weather.. Losers.

4841400209 ago

Even the weathermen have started to lie - so many weather incidents are due to "climate change".

DesertFox33 ago

Time to read

4841400209 ago

Actually, I just listen to my knees. If they're stiff, it's gonna rain. That all I want to know.

American-Patriot ago

The news I watched told the story but never said a thing about all black. When they described looting and attacking everyone and the cops I new it was Niggers.

Civil_Warrior ago

The longer we go without being told the race of the shooters, the less likely it is to be white men. #sorryNYT


fellowwhiteperson ago

Can we get some kind of source on this? The link isn't working and minds is shit anyway.

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

Search Chicago news you lazy boomer

fellowwhiteperson ago

Second result is Northern Ireland. Third result is American Thinker, citing this link.

Phuc_Dat_Bich ago

Chicago news , not chicago riot you moron

fellowwhiteperson ago

That search specifically is for news sites with a strong bias towards recent publications.

Whiteflourguy ago

I like minds for some stories. Although it does seem off at times but as a whole I enjoy it but voat is by far the best news and makes me lol more times than I can count daily.

whiteboyday ago

if only they'd do it more. then everyone could have target practice.

hang_em_high ago

I’m pretty sure you could do that anyways and no one would give a fuck. Cops don’t even go to some of those areas.

OrdinaryFaggot ago

People would start caring if the guns were held by white people or cops. Only ghetto thugs are allowed to shoot people.

shagamuffin ago

Yeah but how would they know? It's not like blacks getting shot is at all unusual there.

FullSemiAutomatic ago

Where are the roof Koreans when you need them?

they_call_me_mouse ago

They are enjoying retirement while their children out earn and out compete everyone.

KosherHiveKicker ago


mattandmelleat ago

It does not surprise me. They want people to focus their attention elsewhere.

ZKX ago

Come on, guys. It's just............... "teens."


Teens = They're so troubled and its our fault they are rioting. Whites to blame yet again.

hans_wormhat ago

Sparkling teenagers.

bambou1991 ago


shagamuffin ago

Urban youths, you say?

Shotinthedark ago


Turkeypotato ago

Ufs and dey dindu nuffin.

Shekelstein6M ago



Does not compute

fuckingpasswordsman ago

Jew voice: And what's up with black people? They're not black, and they're not people!

OrdinaryFaggot ago

This is my new favorite Seinfeld joke.

I didn't have one before, but I have one now.

Truthsayer9000 ago

This is the only seinfeld joke you need to now

nobslob ago

We're all just people stuck on the same planet for now. The democrat approach of feed and release isn't working. We need to come up with a way to fix this broken part of our culture. Mockery is fine, this kind of behavior deserves worse, but going full racist isn't going to fix anything. We've all met black people that were perfectly normal, we've all met white trash and niggers that make you question if humanity is going to survive, who cares about skin color unless you're a democrat trying to consolidate a base to vote for you forever.

Let Chicango rot, for now it serves as an example to the rest of country what democrat politics bring about. Why aren't these kinds of cities being talked about at the national level more, especially during elections? We need to build an opposition party that isn't afraid to point out all of this craziness, either taking over the republicucks or starting something new. /rant

blackguard19 ago

Top-tier boomer posting.

nobslob ago

What's DR cubed?

I'm on the cusp of genY genZ, an 80's kid basically.

blackguard19 ago

Democrats R the Real Racists

SpreeFeech ago

You have been on Voat for almost 4 years and you still haven't figured out that ALL races prefer to be around people of the same race and culture? The fact that there is a "black Twitter" should make my point obvious.

nobslob ago

I never said everyone should be forced to live together, just sick of the only allowed responses here on voat being "racewar NOW".

We find ourselves here and now, in a place where many areas have a plurality of races. As a cryptoanarchist I think decentralization of governments is an unstoppable reality, especially considering how unsustainably all 1st world governments are being run. What kind of society will we have when everyone has freedom of movement after the collapses? Calling for "separate spaces for all races NOW" doesn't fix anything, and is blind to the future.

Downvoting differing opinions just leads to group think. Sorry for thinking people wanted to have a real conversation. This place is just like reddit, but with an even narrower group think. I don't care for either.

blackguard19 ago

Hey buddy, I didn't downvote you but I did give you some crap. It's because of your insouciance about the topic of race and referring to it as just "skin color." Having said that don't get too discouraged; there's a very good chance that a lot of people spreading the "race war" rhetoric are ops/shills.

nobslob ago

yep, I think you might be right.

SpreeFeech ago

So you are just going to focus on destroying the government in order to get everyone to realize they want to be around the same race? The American constitution works. It has been subverted and interpreted just as bad as any major religion. An all white country would still have it's degenerates to deal with, but I don't think you would ever see this kind of behavior because "they had nothing better to do".

nobslob ago

There is no need to destroy the government, they are unsustainable. Time is the enemy of that nonsense.

What does 20 trillion mean to you? It's just fantasy at this point, strung together with hopes and prayers.

fuckingmockies ago

>Not all niggers are bad!

>Some white people are bad!

I remember when it used to be, "One bad apple spoiled the bunch." Somehow that has turned into, "One good apple redeems the bunch.".

Remove all non-whites from white lands. That's the only solution that's fair to everyone.

slwsnowman40 ago

I remember when it used to be, "One bad apple spoiled the bunch." Somehow that has turned into, "One good apple redeems the bunch.".

2005ish is when I noticed that changed.

nobslob ago

You've never been to a meth town if you think there aren't huge problems even in white areas. We have a lot of problems to fix, and focusing solely on race isn't going to fix anything. Nothing wrong with being a race realist, but what likelihood of success do you think "remove all-nonwhites from white lands" is going to have? Have you tried clicking your ruby slippers together yet to make it happen?

hels ago

Found the jew.

fuckingmockies ago

We either remove them or we go extinct. Your solution delays the inevitable by a few generations. I'll never meet my great great grandchildren, but I love and care about them and don't want them to be a persecuted minority in a land my forefathers built.

Your solution is to lay down and quietly die.

nobslob ago

I never offered a solution, just pointed out the ridiculousness of doubling down on racism.

Disenfranchised people sick of the bullshit coming together with an awareness of the real causes of our problems (race realism included) is just the start of what might actually help. I have no idea how to fix the problem we find ourselves in. And I'm suspicious of anyone claiming to have all the answers.

fuckingmockies ago

Doubling down on racism is foolish. We need to go all in. Either way, you sound like a Boomer.

nobslob ago

I've never met a boomer that was a voluntaryist/cryptoanarchist before. I suppose there might be one or two of them out there /shrugs

Harry_Areola ago

Awwww. He calls himself a “cryptoanarchist.” Isnt that cute? Im sure when he grows up he’ll look back at this time in his life and laugh at his childish foolishness.

nobslob ago

laugh all you want, I'm close to retiring very early.

King_Trump ago

A news BLACKout? haha niggers are a protected animal.

HappyMealBullshit ago

Hi trump faggot. Enjoy getting fucked in the ass for another half decade.

King_Trump ago

Not into that, but I hear that @Tallest_Skil would be happy to help you out with homo stuff.

Tallest_Skil ago

Cry harder about your sodomy, you jewish piece of shit. No one here supports the ZOG emperor. Go back to reddit where your autofellation of proven lies is praised.

King_Trump ago

@Tallest_Skil .... You say this here but you will not stop PM me with pictures of your dick in various costumes. Please stop sending them. I told you I do not like males, I am not gay and you will never 'convert' me as you keep saying. Do you get paid to post anti Trump messages or is it a hobby, your people are like that.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for libel. No one here supports the ZOG emperor. Go back to reddit where your autofellation of proven lies is praised.

King_Trump ago

What did mommy say when she read your report in crayon?

Tallest_Skil ago

She said Trump's a zionist traitor and you're a paid shill.

King_Trump ago

and you send out photos of a straw in your dick........stop it.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for libel.

King_Trump ago

reported for sending me a pic of your dick in a doughnut.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for libel.

HappyMealBullshit ago

You belong on reddit with the other politician worshiping faggots.

King_Trump ago

I have been here since the ghost town beginnings of voat. Go fuck yourself.

Pooh_on_a_Jew ago

Oh cool autistic children having a micro-dick measuring contest

DesertFox33 ago

Trump is a faggot and by extension you are also

Heil Zog Captain

King_Trump ago

Ahhh a chosen people are you. You wouldnt be for open borders would you there Schlomo?

DesertFox33 ago

Sorry there get Netanyahu reelected I couldn't hear you over you legitimizing the annexation of the golan heights

King_Trump ago

yea that is bullshit right there. The jews are a sadistic bunch of perverts and should be nuked.

DesertFox33 ago

You're a fucking retard. But I guess you belong with your fellows in the United States of faggot lost dreams

King_Trump ago

So do you have a nose or just one of the idiots who like jews and believe in the holowhoax?

DesertFox33 ago

Neither. But you're the Zog ally so...

King_Trump ago

You and @Tallest_Skill would make a great homo couple.

DesertFox33 ago

You're worshipping a fat elderly Zog Captain, and you're calling me a homosexual.


King_Trump ago

serious question ..... Are you a democrat?

DesertFox33 ago

I hate democrats

Civil_Warrior ago

totes_magotes ago

A crowd of people who aren't just one race is a statistic. A crowd of the same race is a serious problem and needs to be addressed. But non-whites get a pass soo....

PatrickTomlinson ago

Addressing problems is racist!

Civil_Warrior ago

And by "addressing" "problems" we mean KILLING ALL THE NIGGERS AND JEWS!!! 🇮🇱🌚💥💥💥💥🤡🤣

HorseIsDead ago

OK and? Thousands of fat, white, middle-aged, faggot dump voters who declare themselves patriots despite being all for a totalitarian dictatorship because "lol fuk da libz" riot every time their football team loses and towns have to install anti vandalism measures because of it.

Bigdickedelf ago

Shut up fag

iLuvJews ago

What's a "faggot dump voter" ?

hang_em_high ago

No they don’t kike.

Shortest_Skill ago

Nice strawman faggot.

Shortest_Skill ago

City people are dumb niggers, I love you faggots that pick something that niggers love to do daily everywhere and say see whites riot all da time oy vey.

SpreeFeech ago

If white people were rioting because of a sports game (also white people are the only ones who like sports), why did the Chicago riot happen?

HorseIsDead ago

Probably iPhones and rims

undertheshills ago

Maybe that happens once every few years. This was just Thursday in nog town.

beesmeesmonies ago

"blacks" ?... is everyone colorblind subsaharan-african-cannibals are grey.... the headline should read, "500 subsaharan-african-cannibals rioted in chicago last night and shitsrael approves"!!!

yiddlerontheroof ago

you're literally the only person on earth who would understand what group of people we're referring to by calling them grey

dirt_reynolds ago

That dude has went from 0 to fucking annoying in no time flat. I wonder how much he gets every time he cuts & pastes that shit?

yiddlerontheroof ago

well I think he deserves our support for telling the truth when every other journalist is fucking lying about it

fuckingmockies ago

Nah, I picked up on it too.