carlip ago

they are just going to push him into it

ardvarcus ago

Can't really blame this guy for getting pissed off. He bends over backwards to accomodate the social justice warriors, and they still try to destroy him. Why? I suppose because he's white, funny and successful. Also, he sometimes speaks the truth. That's probably enough to make the SJWs want his head on a platter.

theoldones ago

the whole video, half his reaction is totally denying white supremacy, but he looks pissed off at a few points in this video

pimplepeter ago


Durm ago

Too bad the down voats. Nice post.

Since Mueller this, and things like it, are becoming the new front for discontent from the nut balls.

theoldones ago

the downvotes come from the fact that pedo-trolls cant defame me anymore by omitting to mention a rebuttal i wrote to their accusations.

i write that rebuttal, i do the reasonable thing, and then some illegal-spic troll ignores it, pushes the original claim like i didn't respond to it at all, and i have to spend time getting my good name dragged through the mud despite being reasonable at first

so i made a post of links ending the situation. i cite my rebuttal, some relevant questioning, the spic troll being a shit, and it's over now because i just ended it.

ive just had my name dragged around like i'm a fucking CP peddler, i'm fucking pissed, and one little shit who tried re-igniting things in BoE has already gotten the hammer.

i'v stated my fucking case and my side of the issue and i'm calling it finished.

being reasonable the first time was clearly a mistake.

Durm ago
