weezkitty ago

I don't watch TV. It doesn't take 6 hours to shit

DoomMantia ago

Voaters: "Hitler is my hero because he killed Jews"

Also voaters: "the holohoax never happened, the Jews just moved to Israel and changed their names"

Voat went from a haven for freedom of speech to a place where dictators and people who oppose freedom of speech are worshipped.

Voopin__Voopin ago

voat's not a monolithic block. There's a hivemind, but there's also lots of circlejerking for the lulz.

chance_pictures ago

Lots of things have changed since the 1940s. We have massive nuclear ordinance for one thing. I see what you mean with the "it's 2017" argument. I'm not trying to make an appeal to modernity. What I'm saying is we have the nuclear capability to destroy the world in minutes. We can't be giving ourselves to totalitarianism, either left or right. That's what the cold war was, trying to tow the line in such a way so we didn't lose everything. The world would be a different place if Stalin or Hitler had access to nuclear weapons. I think. I don't actually know if Stalin did or didn't.

MadWorld ago

:-) I am preserving this comment in case the moron deletes it.

I can't imagine how pathetic you have to be to waste your time worshipping a racist coward like Hitler.
The Nazis lost before, and you're destined to lose again. But keep on pretending that you're winning - reality will only hit you harder when Trump's impeached and the rest of the world is laughing at your sorry asses.
BTW, reported for racism.

HungryCrow ago

Holy shit dude he was reported...daaaaaammmmnnnnn.

chance_pictures ago

Propaganda isn't that different from what the left is calling "fake news." My question is who gets to decide what is and isn't propaganda? The people? Is that always the case when parties become dictatorships? For a time, it might be the ruling party following the lead of the mob behind them. It's not just Hitler that made decisions, but the people with him, all through dialogue. "This is propaganda, but this isn't." Seems arbitrary. Burning books seems like a lazy solution to addressing the ideas within them. I wonder how many people burned books just because everyone else was doing it. Maybe it was inevitable in the 20th century because Communism and Socialism were new creatures, difficult to digest. But they're pretty easy to overcome if you have your arguments sorted out. I don't know. I wouldn't wanna live in a world where Mien Kampf and the Communist Manifesto are being burned. It's a world that can't sort out ideas and engage in a dialectic.

If the West is as great as we proclaim ourselves to be, we should be able to overcome the lies present in the MSM through honest arguments. I don't think we can become tyrannical in the face of leftist ideology. I think that's the end of everything if we don't control ourselves. I mean, we're becoming malevolent because spaghetti-armed beta males can't get laid, and they don't have any arguments. I say let the narrative crumble as we go, but that's just me. I don't think we can lose ourselves to absolute madness. Some might be necessary though.

And I'm not saying Jews, and other groups, can't be subversive with the way they operate in the world. I'm saying total tyranny isn't the correct course of action in response to it. It might have been with Hitler, but that's not what we want or need today. But that's just like my opinion, man.

CryingWontUnrapeYou ago

卐 π•³π–Žπ–™π–‘π–Šπ–— π”‡π–Žπ”‘ π•Ήπ–”π–™π–π”¦π–“π–Œ π–‚π–—π”¬π–“π–Œ . π•³π–Žπ–™π–‘π–Šπ–— π”‡π–Žπ”‘ π•Ήπ–”π–™π–π”¦π–“π–Œ π–‚π–—π”¬π–“π–Œ . π•³π–Žπ–™π–‘π–Šπ–— π”‡π–Žπ”‘ π•Ήπ–”π–™π–π”¦π–“π–Œ π–‚π–—π”¬π–“π–Œ . π•³π–Žπ–™π–‘π–Šπ–— π”‡π–Žπ”‘ π•Ήπ–”π–™π–π”¦π–“π–Œ 卐

chirock ago

Really? 6.5 hours?

DickHertz ago

No being a faggot makes you a faggot.

Runaway-White-Slave ago

Can also add Java to Tor, add the right video ripping ad-on, and disable your noscript... {which you can reverse when you're done) If you're not already using a VPN.

DickHertz ago

I'm sure you're a faggot in real life too.

DickHertz ago

Nobody is scared of you little internet nazi.

DickHertz ago

Jesus you fuckers are lost as an Easter Egg.

You're piss in the gene pool. Kill your ignorant selves.

Super_Cooper ago

Adolf Hitler and Jesus Christ are the two people I admire most. Among others are Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington.

Cheesebooger ago

The jew is the most dangerous thing to all men

hafen ago

Go ahead and adopt an ideology you that you percive to be "hard", just to then disintigrate or to have the entire world team up against you. That's what this video is about. Your idea of a "strong man" has weaknesses, so protect against them. If you want to defeat the talmudic zionist rothschild type jews, you have to engage in a dialogue, speak the truth, and win in the war of ideas. Your idea of a "strong man" has weaknesses; Everything does.

Oppq ago

Don't act like your shit doesn't stink.

hafen ago

The proper response is to sort yourself out, engage in a dialogue with them, and win in the war of ideas. Book burning is a poor/partial solution. Then again, I don't know the specifics and desperate times may have called for desperate measures. Still, I just don't think that book burning is ever really a tenable solution. Censorship is like applying a dirty band-aid to a wound which'll 50/50 stop the bleeding, and has the potential to infect you (so your own demise is at risk).

Here's Jordan Peterson addressing addressing a couple different things. Mostly talks about the left, but also talks about the right (applicable to both):

"Here's a lesson from the military: If you make a weapon, your enemy has it in 15 years."

On censorship: https://youtu.be/Ne5VbOMsQJc?t=1h25m18s In this one he also talks about how the left/right need each other., how our political beliefs can be down to biology, and we all fill critical niches in society.

Here's a short snippet of Jordan Peterson talking about the devouring mother, tyrannical father, and the individual hero. Talks about how the devouring mother (today's SJW left) can warrant an opposite response from the tyrannical father. Neither are good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSQ_pZCP1w8&feature=youtu.be&t=55m4sYouTube

Also here's "A history lesson for political radicals" which talks about ideological possession, communism, and concentrations camps in the soviet union. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rys45B4OhV0

Ideology has to go, and in the nuclear age, we all need to get sorted out fast.

Oppq ago

There's a bit of Jew in all of us.

MuhammadWasAPedo ago

Yeah, when i eat out a jew pussy

Cheesebooger ago

Hell nope. That's disgusting

Whitemail ago

If you share it too much, JewTube will take it down.

Rb8623 ago

I personally have a copy, I'm sure many others do as well. They won't stop this from spreading.

RuckFeddit45 ago

Christianity was the jew's sword. Until Muhammad came along. Then the jews have 2 swords.

everef ago

In what sense was Christianity the Jew's sword? Christianity united Europeans against Jews. For hundreds of years after Christianity gained prominence, Europeans used Christianity to put the interests of Europeans over the interests of Jews and to prevent Jews from successfully competing as a group against Europeans.

RuckFeddit45 ago

Christianity was the jews sword in the sence that christians attacked anything that would signify multiple gods, because of the first commandment. The jews were also sad about Rome's capture of Jerusalem. I am talking about the time between 0-1500. Temples and statues in Rome and later all over Europe were destroyed by christian vandals, and people they didn't like were burnt at the stake. Christianity has killed millions of Europeans because they were europeans (pagans, multiple deities). Christianity is in the interest of jews. Because it makes people weak. When europeans got tired of christianity (renessaince) they made europe great again. And it's the europeans that made christianity great, in the last 500 years. Christianity absorbed a lot of traditions from the old pagans. Christmas(yule), easter, saints. If christianity is so great, why aren't christian african countries so great?

everef ago

I'm a bit confused by a few things here. Why would Jews want to get rid of polytheism? They used monotheism for hundreds of years as a way to segregate themselves from them surrounding peoples and to feel morally superior.

Europeans have killed each other relentlessly for tens of thousands of years, just like all other groups of people. I have a hard time believing Christianity caused more death and destruction than whatever other disagreements Europeans had before. I do think Christianity can make people weak in some senses, but I'm not sure which senses in particular were good for Jews in the period between the fall of the Roman empire and the emancipation of the Jews during the enlightenment.

I'm also not sure why you've brought up pagan traditions.

I'm certainly not arguing Christianity is "so great". I think it did a good job of uniting people against Jews for a few hundred years at least, preventing Jews from coming out of the fall of the Roman empire dominant over dozens of disorganized European peoples with no particular loyalty to each other. It's had some other important benefits too, like encouraging exogamy (among Europeans) and severely punishing polygamy which I think are important for building the sorts of societies we have today, though is by no means perfect.

As for why there's no great Christian African countries, that's because they're made up of niggers. What were you expecting, a miracle?

everysomething ago


8.9 GB

There is a 2.5 GB version but I wouldn't bother. This is about 6 hours long and 6 hours -> 2.5 GB = vomit.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Look at all the downvoats. Lots of kikes on cost early this morning. Fucking hilarious how far people go to hide the truth.

weezkitty ago

It didn't downvote. But submissions like this don't do me much good. 6.5 hours is more time than a lot of people have. Given the average attention span nowadays, people need smaller chunks of information

MadWorld ago

You can converted it into audio file and listen to it while working on something else.

HungryCrow ago

It's a 20 something part series.

StoneRights ago

There's nothing stopping you from watching it in chunks (as how it was intended).

o_V_o ago

114 upvotes, 12 downvotes

Yes... "lots". Aren't you late for drama class, or something?

pnwpatriot97 ago

The ratio was different earlier, you got here late.

ReginaldPluntfarb ago

Yeah, I know. "Holohoax" sounds cool, but it's misleading.

ReginaldPluntfarb ago

That's a hoax though? I'm getting confused.

Michael_Obama ago

nice try, rabbi

DickHertz ago

Why would anybody care about his story? He was a complete fuckhead who offed himself like pissy-pants faggot.

Whitemail ago

You completely believe the lies about him. You really need to watch this.

chance_pictures ago

Loses me at the book burning, limiting freedoms. And these actions seem to be a truth of history. No one denies it. If you wanna burn books and silence dissent, fuck off to the Middle East or North Korea where authoritarian rule is the law.

We need to stop censoring ourselves, and we need to stop censoring others. This is fascist shit. There's no denying it. And I'm not trying to say the communist parties were doing any better, but REAL fascism manifests itself in unreasonable ways. Antifa are being unreasonable? Well, can we be better than that and keep ourselves in check? As an atheist, it just might be the Christian thing to do. I don't know. There's no doubt his life is the definition of historical omission, but there's no denying his totalitarian actions as he gained power.

DoomMantia ago

Look at all those downvoats! I guess Voat isn't about freedom of speech anymore.

Whitemail ago

I know you're joking, but I no longer believe in freedom of speech. All kike propaganda that's called liberalism, Marxism, progressive, or anti-racist needs to be CRUSHED with the iron fist of fascism.

I say this based on where freedom of speech has gotten America. Full freedom of speech allows evil scum to hijack your culture.

chance_pictures ago

If you can't beat the dead horse that is Marxism, Communism, progressivism. etc. with arguments, you have no arguments.

We need to avoid the mainstream to remake it, and we're doing that by being here.

Whitemail ago

Social justice faggots don't listen to arguments.

The normies and moderates are mostly controlled by the mainstream news channels, websites, and universities. It's the control of such things that determines what gets done. Again, it's not about winning the arguments as much as it's about controlling the access to and exposure to information.

chance_pictures ago

I agree. It's an information war. But give it time, and I think it'll sort itself out through new forms of media, especially online, new websites. TV is dying a slow death, same with big websites. It just takes time.

What matters is when it falls apart, we need culture to sustain itself though dank memes and faith in kek.

But we shouldn't ever control access and exposure to information. We'd be no better than the kikes who wanna sell us Frozen 2 Elsa body pillows.

EDIT: Also, it seems Generation Z is woke af, at least half of em are, and that might increase as time goes on.

Whitemail ago

I think I would destroy corporate media and just let everyone go at it online, but I guess then maybe certain people would team up to dominate the online information war.


'Freedom of speech' needs to be used as weapon against them because it's what these hippy systems were supposed to stand for (but obviously don't). I want to crush these people too and similarly have no problem removing their freedoms when we wrest control. I only us freedom of speech arguments as a way to enlighten normies to the hypocrisy of the left. Then I point out that this is a zero sum game. One side is going to have to crush the other and anyone stuck in the middle singing 'lets just get along' refrains is going to lose everything when the ground in the middle shrinks as it continues to do.

Whitemail ago

Being a moderate or a real liberal or a basic bitch conservative will not work as a defense against the greatest evil in the world, Jewish communism. This evil has mutated into open borders and anti-racism instead of working class against the higher portions of society.

hafen ago

Here's a short snippet of Jordan Peterson on the devoring mother, tyrannical father, and individual hero: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSQ_pZCP1w8&feature=youtu.be&t=55m4s

chance_pictures ago

He puts all of this into perspective better than anyone I've ever seen.

Swibble ago

It's a symbolic thing. Not like it's even possible to suppress information in the 21st century. It's the age of gaslighting currently.

chance_pictures ago

I can see that. What does the burning of books and the suppression of dissent symbolize to you? What should it symbolize?

For me it symbolizes uncontrollable fear, mob mentality, and an inability or unwillingness to entertain the ideas inside the books, not to accept, but to entertain. Even if the books give immoral messages -- ignoring how we define what is and isn't moral -- a human wrote it. And I'm human. What does that say about me?

Or just Jews aren't human. We could always go there with our train of thought. "My life seems like a mess, it must be everyone else's fault," says the nigger who's never had a thought. Can't be a nigger if everyone's a nigger.

Swibble ago

Just like in Japan when they abandoned Confucian education for western education abruptly, giving up on Jewish "intellectualism" is at least as much of an upgrade.

chance_pictures ago

Can you give me an example of Jewish intellectualism outside their faith? That isn't just "Jewish intellectualism" because it's an idea associated to a person who's Jewish in practice or appearance?

Also, I'm not familiar enough with Japan's abandonment of Confucianism for western ideals. Also, have Confucian ideas been censored? Because that's what we're proposing we do, is to censor the ideas we don't like. There's a difference between adopting new education systems and the censorship of ideas. I think, unless I'm overlooking something. If those new systems censor Confucian ideas, yes, I'd be against that.

Buzzzard ago

Are you aware that jews prevailed upon Jeff Bezos to get Amazon to stop selling books that present the true picture of what happened to jews (and others) in Europe during WWII? Yep, sure did. Amazon pulped all the revisionist books it had in inventory. Ya know, destroyed them. We live in an authoritarian state ourselves, or a crony capitalist jew system if you will. The jews get to sit around and tell everybody else what to do and what to think.

chance_pictures ago

And I'm against that, and I'm against becoming that.

generate ago

also denying Holocaust is illegal. What books were censored btw?

Michael_Obama ago

burning kike propaganda is different than destroying valuable information

chance_pictures ago

how so?

Cock_Slap ago

kike propaganda seeks to destroy and control society whereas those against it seek changes to make everyone in their nation livelier, richer, able to raise a family, and able to spend time with your family.

chance_pictures ago

I think we give em too much credit for the decay of culture and civilization. I could see em wanting to control society, but wanting to destroy it needs to be unpacked. They'd be killing themselves in the process.

And I just don't see how killing all the Jews fixes the problems we face, how you could even kill all the Jews, how you know when you have, and how we begin to define what is and isn't "kike propaganda." It's a lot of questions for us goyim to think about.

Also, I'd say the only thing standing between me and having a livelier world -- though it's pretty fucking lively right now, pls elucidate -- having a family, spending time with them, etc. The only thing standing between having these things and not having them is me. It's not the fucking Jews. They just wanna sell you shit and keep you in a Reddit hugbox, so you keep buying more shit. The fact that we're here is just one step into the real world, at least more real. I'd say we already overcame a lot of the noise just being here.

ViceRoy ago

I agree. Im all for burning pro-diversity books. Whats wrong with these people? They'd rather be extinct than burn a few books.

pipispapas ago

read John Toland's "Adolf Hitler" by far the best book on Hitler's life

ReinhardsLegacy ago

Pulitzer Prize-winning historian John Toland’s classic, definitive biography of Adolf Hitler remains the most thorough, readable, accessible, and, as much as possible, objective account of the life of a man whose evil effect on the world in the twentieth century will always be felt.

Oh look we're already dealing in moral platitiudes with the synopsis, something tells me that this won't be an unbiased work on Hitler's life. I personally would recommend Hitler's War by David Irving if you truly want an excellent book on Hitler.

Whitemail ago

This book is objective but Hitler was evil. He was eeeeeeeeeeevil.

Let's not consider how bad and how Jewish the Soviet Union was. Let's not consider it was Jews pushing communism everywhere and that Marx himself was a Jew.

pipispapas ago

Irving is the top WW2 historian and "Hitler's War" is excellent but does not cover the entirety of Hitler's life. funny story it was Irving himself who recommended Toland's book to me.

ReinhardsLegacy ago

That's good to know. Maybe I'll give it a read then, thanks.

Michael_Obama ago

dont ever let kikes erase what the German people did for themselves.

dogfck ago

So what... 70 years on and you're still crying about it? Germany lost, get over it.

Cock_Slap ago

I know Germany lost because my country defeated them. It was a war fought upon mass deception and propaganda.

Gorillion ago

Hush, kike slave.