Cuckbot ago

Modding is not fun. It just became less rewarding, to me. I am being selfish for once.

Cant complain about that, thanks for helping shape PV and v/videos

protectdeeznuts ago

Sorry to DV you mate really your post doesnt deserve it but this was one of the links I was told to downvote in the IRC

Cuckbot ago

Do you do everything you're told? Think for yourself if you're not just trolling.

protectdeeznuts ago

Well ssoorrry mister cuckbot sir

protectdeeznuts ago

SDBH sent me here to say that PV are ninny heads and a cabal trying to take over.

InnocentBystander ago

Don't stomp off like this.

I'm not going anywhere.

InnocentBystander ago

Drop it.
It's over. No more drama.

Smile, and go post cat pics.

toats ago

Your definition of spam is very narrow, conveniently so, in fact, since you have previously called the HomerSimpson mass ping "ping spam". Mass messaging, or flooding, has been called spam for more than 30 years.

I feel justified in my stance. It's interesting that you feel the need to characterize the disagreement in terms of right and wrong, and that you do so to me as you did to PM_ME_YOUR_ARCHES in this comment:

Aren't you tired of losing this argument?

For your reference, the Internet community's definition of spamming:

Wikipedia - Spamming

Electronic spamming is the use of electronic messaging systems to send an unsolicited message (spam), especially advertising, as well as sending messages repeatedly on the same site.

In the 1980s the term was adopted to describe certain abusive users who frequented BBSs and MUDs, who would repeat "Spam" a huge number of times to scroll other users' text off the screen. [...] This act, previously called flooding or trashing, later became known as spamming.

It later came to be used on Usenet to mean excessive multiple posting —the repeated posting of the same message. The unwanted message would appear in many, if not all newsgroups, just as Spam appeared in nearly all the menu items in the Monty Python sketch.

protectdeeznuts ago

Lol youre a fellow SDBH user. Are we trolling this thread or are you serious? Let me know if you need help with the trolling and who we are against.

toats ago

Shhhh! The Cabal is supposed to be secret. You're giving away the targets and the methods of subversion! There can be no evidence of the SDBH influence over Voat!

protectdeeznuts ago

Oops I'll delete this sorry. I dont agree with spamming the subs though like they are saying.

Cynabuns ago

I wasn't aware of anything happening in v/videos until AOU made a post at PV. The videos mods got pinged, and days of posts in several different places were made by various people.

Up thread here, IB has said that his decision to leave wasn't based on any of the posts but rather some differences he had with voat rules or admins aligning with community wants.

InnocentBystander ago

Most of the OC guys do not earn any significant money.
They are amateurs, sharing their creations, and talking with us about them.

InnocentBystander ago

That had nothing to do with you.

toats ago

Most of the community or most of PV? In my opinion, he deserved the temp ban.

Disappointed ago

Ok thanks for doing all you have. I'll have to read why later just followoing pings at the moment.

toats ago

It saddens me to see an abusive agent provocateur backed by the PV mafia succeed in bullying a transparent and community oriented mod team into retirement.

It's not surprising or totally unexpected; Voat has been drama free for a significant time, and it is PV we're talking about, but it is still saddening. I hope you guys aren't totally soured on Voat's "community" and continue to contribute here.

Faustian ago

Most of the mods here actively advocated rule changes for system sub mods with PV when they were regular users, eventually leading to system sub moderators stepping down or being forced out in the past. This was done on principle, because the rules in question could be abused due to their vagueness; so, those same principles should apply now. Otherwise they mean nothing. For you

Cynabuns ago

I respect that, d0c5, and you're right... I sincerely was typing that out with some hurt in me, and not as a mod or anything other than as a plain old user. Love right back at you, my baggy chilling friend

Cynabuns ago

Thanks for the advice.

Cynabuns ago

I think you all have done a very good job with the sub and the users have appreciated your efforts. I am disappointed at the decision you have made to leave and sorry to see you go. That you would leave over one issue on which there is some major disagreement, and conflict even... I don't even know what to say here. But, I will say again what I said before to you, IB - you are one of my favorite Voaters and you've helped to make this place a treasure; I'm sorry that you felt leaving v/videos was more important than opening your mind to what many have agreed was small bad decision on the part of your team. I wish you well.

Edited to add the strikethrough because that did not come out the way that I wanted it to and I agree it looks shitty. I'm genuinely sorry to see the mods leave.

InnocentBystander ago

We did not leave over the disagreement.
We would have been fine with that regardless of the outcome.

We are stepping down over Putts notification that site rules trump community rules.
Your pillar is free speech. I respect that.
Mine is free speech and community rule.

I do see, and respect Putts call, I just don't agree.

I always said I would only enforce community approved rules.
I wasn't kidding.

I appreciate the reconciliatory tone of your comment, and the feeling is mutual.
We can put this behind us now. It's been more than 30 seconds :)

AOU ago

You could have avoided all of this by simply following voat rules regarding spam instead of making up your own that superseded.

That's all I asked for, and you (mods) decided to ban me over something even admins agreed was not right.

Cynabuns ago

I respect your decision, but dammit I don't like it IB, and I mean that in a nice way. Is there no way that you can see successfully blending both to stay on?

InnocentBystander ago

I have doubts.

I am very flexible in most ways.
But I am stubborn to an extreme extent on my core values.

I am not interested in contributing that much effort into something that is not entirely community controlled.
I am an idealist, and I don't do half-measures. I think you can understand that.

I will find another way to contribute.

Cynabuns ago

I can understand, completely; without trying to sound like I'm blowing smoke up your skirt, that's one of the things I've always respected about you and rather consider myself very similar in that regard.

NSFL ago

based off of all I've read and seen going on, I'd rate the last part of this comment a perfect 10 on the passive aggressive cunt scale. bravo bravo, please take a bow for us all.

Cynabuns ago

You're right... I could have worded that better, was having trouble finding the right way to say things. I really am heartbroken at how this has all come out.

MinorLeakage ago

I still see /u/THC listed as a mod.

Does this mean /u/AOU's ban has been lifted as well? I saw /u/Puttitout's comment about there being limits in place for the "report spam" function already, which seemed to imply this outcome.

Overall I'm sad about this outcome. Seems there could have been an easier solution on some middle ground somewhere. Does anyone have any links for someone trying to piece this whole drama together?

AOU ago

They did have to lift the ban after @puttitout stepped in and told them this:

Banning a user on a system sub for spam reports, as defined by Voat, should not be done.

My comment was entirely directed at the fact that a user was banned for reporting spam that is (apparently) inline with what Voat considers spam.

MinorLeakage ago

Thanks for the links. Good to have you back.

InnocentBystander ago

Sorting by 'new' will make it less confusing. Everything can be found either there, or linked there somewhere.

MinorLeakage ago


smokratez ago

But why? You are a nice guy. Too nice, but that's a different conversation.

silversurfers ago


smokratez ago

Bro. The people of voat love you.

InnocentBystander ago

I know I've got friends here. I'm not going anywhere.
I have other subs. As long as I can get away with community rules there, I will be around.

Faustian ago

This is tragic, and was not my intention when I commented. Given all the love you guys received in all the comments even the ones critical of the ban, it's apparent no one wants you *to step down.


InnocentBystander ago

It has nothing to do with the users, or disagreement.
It has to do with admin decisions.

You share none of the responsibility, nor do any of the others.

Faustian ago

You know, you could all just reconsider.... For you

smokratez ago

I have no idea what is going on.

InnocentBystander ago

Me too.

smokratez ago

I was having a good time. You are going to make me sad. Is there no way that you can stay on?