kammmmak ago

Reddit.."the front page of the internet" censored. Ahhahahaha...fucn joke

BentAxel ago

If you listen carefully "Who's gonna pay fo ma shit?"

Fucking niggers never disappoint.

CrashCurtis ago

Carry guns! It's more important now than ever

wellendowedduckling ago

this is so sad

SolarBaby ago

Group of black men solve racism in America by brutally assaulting and carjacking a man for being born white.

bikergang_accountant ago

If you don't own a gun you are a moron. How can you walk into a world with no ability to defend yourself. That's like going to work without a lunch or driving a car without insurance. An adult carries the things he needs, both the certain and uncertain.

To be unprepared is irresponsible.

Violentlight ago

I don't see this video in the Removed Submissions. Am I just not seeing it?

EDIT: I think I know what happened. @THC caught a bunch of spam account. The post might have been posted by one of the spam accounts. So when the account got banned, it took the submission off v/videos.

EDIT2: Your talking about reddit. And I'm stupid.

Zathras ago

It was deleted from /r/videos not /v/videos.

dittohead ago

Title says /r/ videos That is why it was deleted

Violentlight ago

Ya, thank you. I had missed that. lol. I see "Deleted from top of videos" and I start wondering wtf is going on as well. Totally missed the /r/. :D

InnocentBystander ago

You got confused bud.
They're talking about /R/videos. Not us.

Violentlight ago

Oh thank god.

Anti-Stupid ago

violence over politics is terrorism

gramman74 ago

I wish he would have been armed. A couple of well placed shots would have evened the odds

Never_Over ago


dittohead ago

I bet he does too